Text Box: We Write For You! You Decide For Us!
Pittsburgh Standard

Text Box: I'm putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between Me and the Earth. (Gen. 9:13, The Message)



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Posted on Wed, April 09, 2008 at 11:46 a.m. EST



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“Today Our Redeemer Mightily Eradicates Now Torment! (T.O.R.M.E.N.T)”

By Ramesh C.Reddy
Pittsburgh Standard

April 09, 2008

Editors Note: The devotional has a background song  called 'Never Out of His Love' by Al Denson which can be heard if you use Internet Explorer.

"They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. (Mark 5:1-6, NIV)

I asked myself what happened right after Jesus calmed the storm and talked to His disciples?

“They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him.” (Mark 5:1-2, NIV)

 I asked myself what we can learn about the ‘man with an evil spirit’?

  1. This man lived in the tombs.

  2. No one could bind him any more, not even with a chain.

  3. He had been chained hand and foot.

  4. He tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet.

  5. No one was strong enough to subdue him.

  6. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out.

  7. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cut himself with stones.

  8. He saw Jesus from a distance.

  9. He ran to Jesus.

  10. He fell on his knees in front of him.

I asked myself why the man lived in the tombs?
This man was possessed that the people of the region of Gerasenes did not want to have anything to do with him because of his condition. In the region, he must have been creating chaos because of his evil possession. Of all the places, they took the man to the tombs and left him there. Tombs are where the dead are laid to rest. To the people of the region, he was dead to them and they did not know him as he was. Instead, they saw someone they could not control anymore because he was possessed and no one was strong enough to subdue him. This will become significant later.

I asked myself why would he cry out and cut himself with stones?
Because of what happened in his life, he became an outcast, ashamed and isolated from society. The evil spirit had control of him and no one was strong enough to rescue him. He wanted to be rescued and the cries were cries of helplessness and anguish. He was in such a bad shape that he started mutilating himself with the stones that were at the tomb maybe hoping to die. This too was not working.

I asked myself what he does next?
He saw Jesus!
He ran to Jesus!
He fell on his knees in front of Jesus!

I asked myself why it is significant?
In his condition being overpowered by the evil spirit did not completely take over his humanity 100%. There was still a part of him that knew good from evil. No matter how tormented he was, he still had a part of his humanity that was working. It is what he had left of his humanity that saw Jesus from a distance. He does not stop there but ran to Jesus. After running to Jesus with his mutilated cuts and deteriorating condition, he does not stop there. He takes the final 3rd step and fell on his knees in front of Jesus. What happens next is evidenced by the following verses.

"He shouted at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me!" For Jesus had said to him, "Come out of this man, you evil spirit!" Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many." And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus, "Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them." He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned." (Mark 5:7-13, NIV)

The man saw Jesus from a distance and ran to Him. We do not know how far he ran. With the cuts and everything that was happening in the man’s life, he must have become exhausted in his condition.

I asked myself what happens next?
When the man fell on his knees in front of Jesus, Jesus took immediate action. This is evidenced by v.8

For Jesus had said to him, "Come out of this man, you evil spirit!" (Mark 5:8, NIV)

I asked myself why this is significant?
This caused a chain reaction between the forces of good and evil. After the man fell on his knees in front of Jesus and Jesus had ordered the evil spirit out of this man, the battle began in the heavenly realm. The battle was happening outside the man’s control and the people of the region's control. That is why no human being was able to subdue him.

I asked myself what we learn about the evil spirit in the man?

  1. The evil spirit is in control of the man.

  2. The evil spirit shouted at the top of the man’s voice taking over the man’s speech.

  3. The evil spirit asked Jesus what Jesus wants with it.

  4. The evil spirit acknowledged Jesus to be the Son of the Most High God.

  5. The evil spirit told Jesus that his name was Legion.

  6. The evil spirit told Jesus that they were many.

  7. The evil spirit begged Jesus AGAIN and AGAIN not to be sent out of the area.

  8. The demons begged Jesus to send them among the pigs.

  9. The demons begged Jesus to allow them to go into the pigs.

  10. The demons went into the pigs and about two thousand of the pigs drowned.

 I asked myself what is significant about the evil spirit asking Jesus what Jesus wants with it?
In other words, the evil spirit was asking Jesus why Jesus was interfering in the man’s life and that it had nothing to do with Him. The evil spirit wanted the man to be left alone for them. They wanted to continue to torment the man and take over him. Jesus would not have none of that and intervenes.

This is so significant because I believe when Jesus came to the region of Gerasenes, he came with the purpose of coming to the aid of the man who was possessed. Jesus knew no one in the region could subdue the man so He made himself available to the man to heal him if asked. Jesus cared for the man in his worst condition and torment. That is so awesome and cool to know!

I asked myself what is significant about the evil spirit acknowledging Jesus to be the Son of the Most High God?
This is very significant because the evil spirit knew its place and purpose. It also knew who Jesus was even when the Pharisees and teachers of the law would not acknowledge who Jesus was. This is also very important because just because someone acknowledges Jesus to be the Son of the Most High God does not mean they are saved. We know the demons were not saved. Acknowledging Jesus is not the same as following Jesus! This becomes important when we are born into a Christian family.  There can be an acknowledgment of Jesus without having the saving power of Jesus in their lives because they are not born again. The evil spirit knew that Jesus alone could stop them and spoil their purpose even though they were many. This is evident by them begging Jesus.

I asked myself why is it significant that the evil spirit begged Jesus AGAIN and AGAIN not to be sent out of the area?
Tombs are a place of death and destruction usually but not always! It was different for Lazarus. We also see what happened to Jesus after He died! In general, tombs still stand for death, destruction, and decay without the intervention of our Deliverer Jesus Christ on that day when He will come back to take His own!

The demons wanted to stay in a place that promotes death and destruction. The man possessed was just a pawn to create havoc and they wanted to continue to do that. No one could subdue the man because evil cannot be subdued by evil. Those demons made their home in that area for a specific reason. They were not threatened and enjoyed their stay. It is to this region that Jesus came to bring change and healing. It started with healing one man who was possessed and tormented. The demons realized they were in a no win situation with Jesus and He was going to send them out of the area so they now begged Jesus to send them among the pigs.

I asked myself why it is significant that the demons begged to go into the pigs?
They knew Jesus came to the region of Gerasenes to get rid of them and bring healing to the region through the healing of one man. Those demons had a backup plan and utilized it. If they could not stay in the area at least they wanted to go into something that was considered unholy. Pigs were considered unholy by the Jews. Jesus gave them permission to go into the pigs and we see what the result was.

“The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.” (Mark 5:13, NIV)
The demons had come out of the man from tormenting him and went into the pigs. The man was now free from torment when evil left him. I decided to look at what happens to the man after this experience some other day.

I saw important implications for my own life from going over Mark 5:1-13. I need to understand torment and what can cause it. I have been tormented in the past to the point that it took over me. The torment was too great to handle but Jesus intervened to help me.

Now I want to put myself in a position where I can help those who are tormented. This can only happen when evil does not pervade in my own life for evil cannot fight evil. Our flesh cannot fight evil but the Spirit of the Living God living in us can help fight it. We need to see Jesus for who He is, run to Jesus, and fall on our knees in front of Jesus and be delivered. Even through the torment, I saw deliverance and so can you.

My mission later became ‘Counseling Broken Hearts with the Love of Christ’. Jesus helped me address issues in people’s lives that I have never faced and also some issues that I have faced. Through the issues came an online book that has affected people’s lives in miraculous ways to the point of saving them too. I thank the Lord for that. I intend to introduce it in the Pittsburgh Standard section called ‘Virtual Book Library’ one day.

I ask you now dear friend, where is your torment coming from?
Dear friend, I do not know if you have ever been tormented but torment comes from the enemy because it also involves condemnation. Torment can be a result of our own sin, things we have done, and things we have not done. Torment can take over us and even isolate ourselves from others. Evil can pervade hearts that make them susceptible to it.

We do not know what the man did to cause this. We also do not know what was happening in the region of the Gerasenes except that no one there could subdue him and the demons wanted to remain in that area. As long as the demons wanted to remain there, it was because it was their comfort zone. Things were happening there to their liking.

When Jesus came to change that, they had issue with it. This shows us just as Jesus healed the demon-possessed man when he saw Jesus, ran to Jesus, and fell on his knees in front of Jesus for help from this torment, Jesus can do the same for us no matter what we have been tormented by or are being tormented by. Yes, He can friend! He loves you so much. Come to Jesus as you are!

There are things that may have happened that you cannot change at all but Jesus wants to bring healing into your life from this torment. Name the torment and allow Jesus to heal you there! He wants to deliver you from this torment. Jesus sent the demons away from the man, from the area and the man was freed. After the man was freed he left the tombs without staying there.

Friend, evil will reside where there is a comfort zone for it. To fight against evil, we need to take certain steps too. I want to address three issues that are mostly faced by college students and non -students that make them susceptible to Satan which can cause torment later. No, I am not saying it will be easy to overcome, for Satan will put obstacles in your way that could even be in the form of withdrawal but know this that Satan knows he has no control once Jesus intervenes! So, seek Jesus in every area of torment without giving up. Deliverance is at hand.

If you have a problem with getting drunk, do not keep any drinks in the house or go to a place that will have drinks. Addiction can be tormenting too and as you give in, you give a mighty foothold to evil spirits to take charge of the situation. The Bible speaks against getting drunk so when we do it, we put ourselves in a place of torment because evil loves disobedience and has found it. To escape it, seek the Lord Jesus in prayer and for His deliverance. Wait upon Him my friend for He loves you.

”Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has strife? Who has complaints?   Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes? Those who linger over wine, who go to sample bowls of mixed wine. Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly! In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper. Your eyes will see strange sights and your mind imagine confusing things. You will be like one sleeping on the high seas, lying on top of the rigging. "They hit me," you will say, "but I'm not hurt! They beat me, but I don't feel it! When will I wake up so I can find another drink?" (Proverbs 23:29-35, NIV)

There are so many passages in the Bible that talk about nakedness in different contexts. See what happened to one of Noah's sons when he placed himself in a position to see another person's nakedness.

If you are into pornography, you need to take an active stand and remove anything from your place  that will give you access to pornography. This means if you have pornographic tapes, magazines, etc it is not enough to say that you will not go to them or touch them. You have made a place for evil to reside at. There should be no reason to keep them. Throw them away and burn them. Let evil experience Hell. Hiding things will not take the torment away. Put filters on your own computer and locks on shows that you know have nudity, etc. You have to block them. It is not enough to pray to Jesus and still allow that material to reside or go to places where you know you will be susceptible to it if you know you can do something about it. As you do that, seek the Lord Jesus in prayer and for His deliverance. Wait upon Him my friend for He loves you and cares for you.

"Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed." (Revelation 16:15, NIV)

If you are having sex outside of marriage or  tempted to have sex outside of marriage, you need to make an active effort not to be alone in the bedroom with another person or any place the enemy finds for you to have sex. When you do, you have already given the enemy an opportunity to tempt you and entice you into doing wrong. Most people give in including Christians after they rationalize such as “it’s ok, we are engaged to get married anyway”, “it’s ok we love each other and are planning to be in an monogamous relationship, it’s as if we are married”, “it’s ok, need to know how sex life is like if I want to be with that person rest of the life”, etc. Believe me I have heard all these rationalizations that people shared with me. One of my friends gave into it and regretted later. She asked me to pray for her regarding the situation asking God for mercy. I was happy to learn God's grace working in her life after the torment.

“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:18-20, NIV)

These are only three issues that I mention but there are so many other issues that can cause torment in a person’s life. Only Jesus Christ can take away that torment. All the counseling and extraneous activities will not take away the torment without the Lord’s intervention. This however does not mean that Jesus does not help those that do not know Him. I believe through intercessory prayer Jesus can intervene in the lives of our loved ones who do not yet know Jesus. With the Lord's intervention, there is a place for counseling and other ways to help the tormented.

We need to do our part and leave the results in the Lord’s Helping Hands removing stuff and keeping away from stuff that we know will lead to torment. The enemy is deceptive and crafty and will not lay out the consequences for you. Even when we have allowed torment to take over us, evil does not have complete control when we turn our lives over to Jesus in repentance. Jesus is there for us and He is the Answer. Friend, He is the Answer to your torment and He answers, for you are never out of His love and never out of His reach!

I want to share with you a poem called “Altering Addiction through Another Alternative”, the Lord helped me to write. 

Addiction to _______ you cannot quit

You are going down the pit

Addiction eating you bit by bit

You are suffering a fit

Making addiction no myth!

Addiction to ________ hits your brain.

Your immunity to stress it did drain.

Cannot yourself train

Cause addiction is in reign.

Addiction to ________ did your life bake.

Making addiction into a poisonous cake

Cause your life's control it did take.

Everyday giving you problems when you awake.

Addiction to ________ gave your brain a burn.

Making you mourn.

Cannot rehab able to learn

Everything will be ok, when to Jesus you turn. (Jn 14:1)

Addicted to JESUS is the right Way (John 14:6)

Without any withdrawals each day (Col 1:27)

This is what I say (Isaiah 43:1-4)

Whether addiction is in any month such as May (Heb 4:13)

Your addiction to _________, Jesus will cast. (Heb 2:18)

And in time, you will feel better at last (Phil 4:13)

Cause Jesus will give you therapy that's the best

That can pass any test (Rom 8:28)

And give you a healthy rest (Matt 11:28-30)

Covering you with a healing vest. (James 5:15)

All you gotta do is turn to Him (Psalm 34:4)

Even when your chances are slim (Mark 9:23)

He will make you win (James 4:7)

And save you from all your sin. (Matthew 20:28)

Jesus love for you is so deep. (Eph 5:2)

That even addiction to _______ cannot you keep.

Instead from addiction trouble, you can leap.

Giving addiction to _______ a tearful weep. (Rev 7:17)

“Today Our Redeemer Mightily Eradicates Now Torment!” (T.O.R.M.E.N.T)”/"Where is your torment coming from?"

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much that we are never out of your love. No matter what is tormenting us, you are there for us. When there are days we cannot get through and loneliness has gotten the best of us because we are isolated in our torment and sin, you are still there. Just as the demon-possessed man saw you, ran to you, and fell before you for healing, we can come to you too. Thank you Jesus! You made yourself available to the man with the evil spirit. Thank you Jesus for making yourself available to us now when we call your Name for we are never out of your love and never out of your reach. You Oh Lord know what we have done; you know what we will do. You know what Satan will do to entice us and torment us. We come to you Lord and ask you for your healing presence in our lives. Take any addiction and torment that people face and fill them with your power to live for you. We know you can do it Jesus. Only you have the power to deliver us from any torment and find peace in you. Thank you so much Jesus. We come to you now Jesus and ask you to forgive us of all our sin. Deliver us Oh Lord and cleanse us with your cleansing blood. We believe in you Jesus; we believe you are the Son of God, we believe that you died and rose again; we believe you are here right now standing in our presence with the power to heal now and the grace to forgive. Help us Oh Lord as we turn this song “I Believe” into a prayer to you Oh Lord. Thank you so much for coming into our heart and making our heart your home as we ask you in. Take us in Oh Lord and be our Lord and Personal Savior as you lead us and guide us. Help us to help others as you help us! Thank you so much Jesus you are in our heart making our heart your home. Thank you for living in us. Thank you for being our Lord and Personal Savior! Thank you Jesus you have heard our prayers and answered us! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

Now won’t you accept what He did for you and come into His presence and give your life to Him so He can cover the virus of sin with His blood cleansing us and making us clean?

He will give us a transfusion of change! Yes, He will my friend!

Dear Jesus, I love you. Thank you for loving me so much and thank you for choosing the cross to die for me. You became the Son of Man and lived here on earth. Then you humbled yourself and became obedient to death-even death on the cross. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. You died on the cross so that I can be covered in your blood and cleansed by your blood as I acknowledge that I need you and cannot enter Heaven without you being my pathway. So, Jesus I confess all my sins to you and all the ways I have tried to get into Heaven when you already provided the means and the Way. Thank you for all that you have done for me. The cross is the place, a wonderful place where accused and condemned find mercy and grace. Thank you Jesus, it is at the cross where the wrongs we have done and the wrongs done to us were nailed at the cross. Thank you Jesus, at the cross you died for our sins and at the cross you gave your life for us. I thank you for that and thank you for coming back to life to save us. Thank you Jesus for being there for me! Thank you for loving me. I love you Jesus! Please take me as I am and make my life into something that you will be proud of. I surrender my life to you and need your help to live for you. I am forever grateful for what you have done for me and I can never repay you. I want to live for you and need your help. Help me Jesus please. I thank you Jesus for saving me! Thank you for hearing my prayer and answering me. Whatever your will give me the willingness and strength to bear it. Thank you Jesus! I acknowledge you as my Lord and Personal Savior! In Your Name I Pray precious Jesus! Amen!

Friend, if you have prayed this prayer and meant it in your heart, you are a new creation in Christ and all old things are passed away and everything has become new! You may feel something or may not but don’t base it on feelings but base your new life in Christ on the promises of our Savior who will never leave you nor forsake you! Amen!

Spend time in His word and let the Lord speak to you! Start out in the Gospel of John! You can also check out the Gospel of Mark which are the devotionals I have been going through.  Learn from Jesus through study and prayer. Also find yourself a church fellowship and a college fellowship you can be part of where you can be part of a community of believers to supplement your own walk with the Lord. Let it be a Bible-believing and Bible-breathing church! Believe in Bible Live Eternally!

Feel free to email me at reddy4hisglory2004@yahoo.com if you want to meet to study the Bible, pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My number is 412-720-4579

"This is my work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)

Love in Christ,

Express Your View


.Click picture to read my dad's memoriam:

' I AM ' Series Archives:

What kind of L.I.G.H.T do you follow? (Dec 13, 07, 10:09 a.m.)

"What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat?" (Dec 08, 07, 10:10 a.m.)

"Who is your S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D?" (June 30, 06)

Gospel of Mark Archives:

Mark 1:1: "What does the G.O.S.P.E.L mean to you?" (Jan 15, 08, 1:15 p.m.)

Mark 1:1-4: "How seriously do you T.E.S.T.I.F.Y about prophesy?" (Jan 12, 08, 11:18 p.m.)

Mark 1:5-8: "Who do you P.O.I.N.T to?" (Jan 16, 08, 8:48 a.m.)

Mark 1:9: How will you take a S.T.A.N.D? (Jan 17, 08, 11:21 a.m.)

Mark 1:9-11: "How is your loving P.R.A.I.S.E?" (Jan 18, 08, 8:53 a.m.)

Mark 1:12-13: "How do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N?" (Jan 19, 08, 12:27 p.m.)

Mark 1:14-15: How do you handle T.I.M.E given to you? (Jan 21, 08, 1:31 p.m.)

Mark 1:16-18: "What kind of P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N are you in?" (Jan 26, 08, 10:22 a.m.)

Mark 1:19-20: "Without having to  P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.E, what should you do?"  (Jan 29, 08, 10:44 a.m.)

Mark 1:20-22: "How do you rate in the B.U.S.I.N.E.S.S of Jesus?" (Jan 30, 08, 11:29 a.m.)

Mark 1:20-22: "Whose T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S do you follow?" (Jan 31, 08, 11:52 a.m.)

Mark 1:23-28: "What C.A.P.T.I.V.I.T.Y are you facing today?" (Feb 01, 08, 10:35 a.m.)

Mark 4:3-20: "What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L?" (Feb 02, 08, 10:35 a.m.)

Mark 1:29-31: "Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (Feb 05, 08, 11:44 a.m.)

Mark 1:32-34: "Where do you need an A.N.S.W.E.R?" (Feb 06, 08, 11:16 a.m.)

Mark 1:35-39: "Where do you give your S.O.L.I.T.A.R.Y time to the Lord?" (Feb 07, 08, 11:41 a.m.)

Mark 1:40-42: "Where do you need to be C.L.E.A.N?" (Feb 09, 08, 11:00 a.m.)

Mark 1:43-45: "What do your actions C.A.U.S.E?" (Feb 11, 08, 9:23 a.m.)


Mark 2:1-2: "What do you do with your P.O.P.U.L.A.R.I.T.Y?" (Feb 12, 08, 9:52 a.m.)

Mark 2:2-5: "What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D are you?" (Feb 13, 08, 11:49 a.m.)

Mark 2:5-12: "Where does P.A.R.A.L.Y.S.I.S take hold of you?" (Feb 15, 08, 7:42 a.m.)

Mark 2:5-12: "What are you thinking in your M.I.N.D?" (Feb 16, 08, 11:08 a.m.)

Mark 2:5-12: "What do you represent by your A.C.T.I.O.N.S?" (Feb 18, 08, 8:23 a.m.)

Mark 2:13-15: "Where are you looking for A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E?" (Feb 19, 08, 11:22 a.m.)

Mark 2:15-17: "Who do you I.N.V.I.T.E to Jesus?" (Feb 20, 08, 9:57 a.m.)

Mark 2:18-20: "When do you F.A.S.T?" (Feb 21, 08, 9:32 a.m.)

Mark 2:21-22: "How do you see your L.I.F.E?" (Feb 22, 08, 9:56 a.m.)

Mark 2:23-28: "What kind of L.E.A.D.E.R will you be? (Feb 23, 08, 10:46 a.m.)

Mark 2:23-28: "What does the S.A.B.B.A.T.H mean to you?" (Feb 25, 08, 10:46 a.m.)


Mark 3:1-6:"Whose N.E.E.D.S do you meet?" (Feb 26, 08, 9:54 a.m.)

Mark 3:7-8: "What is your I.M.P.A.C.T?" (Feb 27, 08, 8:17 a.m.)

Mark 3:9-11: "What S.P.A.C.E do you give yourself?" (Feb 28, 08, 9:38 a.m.)

Mark 3:11-12: "How do you fight E.V.I.L?" (Feb 29, 08, 9:11 a.m.)

Mark 3:13-16: "What emphasis do you put on your R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P with Jesus?" (March 01, 08, 9:29 a.m.)

Mark 3:17-19: "Where do you have your A.P.P.O.I.N.T.M.E.N.T in?" (March 03, 08, 9:49 a.m.)

Mark 3:20: "Where do you G.A.T.H.E.R?" (March 04, 08, 12:07 p.m.)

Mark 3:21: "How are your actions seen by your F.A.M.I.L.Y?" (March 05, 08, 10:24 a.m.)

Mark 3:22-27: "How do you handle S.L.A.N.D.E.R?" (March 06, 08, 7:57 a.m.)

Mark 3:28-30: "What is your V.I.E.W of Jesus?" (March 07, 08, 8:18 a.m.)

Mark 3:31-34: "What do you do with God's Will?" (March 08, 08, 8:45 a.m.)

Mark 4:1-20:
"What do P.A.R.A.B.L.E.S mean to you?" (March 10, 08, 7:15 a.m.)

Mark 4:1-20: "What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L?" (Feb 02, 08, 10:35 a.m.)

Mark 4:1-20: "Where are you in your W.A.L.K with the Lord?" (March 11, 08, 9:32 a.m.)

Audio: "Where are you in your W.A.L.K with the Lord?" (March 11, 08,  11:05 a.m.)

Mark 4:21-23: "What kind of L.A.M.P will you be?" (March 12, 08, 9:40 a.m.)

Audio: "What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08, 10:11 a.m.)

"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08, 8:52 a.m.)

John 12:12-15: "How can you B.L.E.S.S the Lord?" (March 17, 08, 1:25 a.m.)

Philippians 2:8: "What does the C.R.O.S.S mean to you?" (March 20, 08, 1:16 p.m.)

"How do you handle D.O.U.B.T.S?" (March 25, 08, 12:36 p.m.)

Mark 4:24-25: "What do you do with what you H.E.A.R?" (March 31, 08, 8:39 a.m.)

Mark 4:26-29: "What do you do with the W.O.R.D of God?" (April 05, 08, 10:18 a.m.)

Mark 4:30-34: "What do you do with the S.E.E.D?" (April 07, 08, 11:48 a.m.)

Mark 4:35-41: "What are the S.T.O.R.M.S in your life?" (April 08, 08, 11:52 a.m.)






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