PS 2008 Board
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Posted on Tuesday, April 28 2009 at 1:45 a.m. EST |
BEST OF AUG 2007-JULy 2008 MULTIMEDIA: Video: "CASAs Celebration Captivates Assembled Audience’s Anticipation" (Feb 20, 08, 12:35 p.m.) Video: MORE APRIL-MAY MULTIMEDIA FOOTAGE... (May 08, 9:37 a.m.) Video: "Wayman Wins Rapping Rendition Celebrating Chi O's Consecutive Fourth First" (March 07, 08, 11:54 a.m.) Video: "Redeemer Rescues Radically Curing Cocainism!" (March 11, 08, 10:52 p.m.) Video: ‘Fashion Show’ Sends Models Message Mesmerizing Many! (Feb 20, 08, 11:56 a.m.) EXPRESSIONS: "What have you done for your F.A.T.H.E.R in life?" (June 15, 08, 5:40 p.m.) "What D.I.S.T.A.N.C.E will you go to meet Jesus?" (July 03, 08, 10:06 a.m.) "What does G.O.S.S.I.P do to you?" (April 17, 08, 6:52 p.m.) “Forever, Redeemer Everyday Excitingly Delivers Omnipotent Message! (F.R.E.E.D.O.M)” (July 05, 08, 9:48 a.m.) "Who do you let M.O.L.D your life?" (July 16, 08, 11:19 a.m.)
NEWS: Video: "Joyfully Jerome Bettis Briefly Delivers Duquesne Graduates Galvanizing 7-minute Speech! (May 03, 08, 8:44 p.m.) Photos: Thirty-Fifth Time, Thousands Towards Truth Memorialized ‘March for Life 2008' (Jan 23, 08, 1:09 p.m.)
HOTPRESSIONS: GREEK LIFE: Video: "Rags Reveal Riches, Reminding Kappa's Kingdom Connection!" (March 30, 08, 1:34 p.m.) Video: "Alpha Delta Pi's Analyze Lambda Chi Alpha's Love Story!" (March 31, 08, 1:21 p.m.) Video: "TriSigma's Travel Through Time Paging PiKA's" (April 01, 08, 2:27 p.m.) Video: "TriDelta's Triumphantly Tackle Twisted Villians Vindicating City's Citizens, Seeking SAE's Support!" (April 02, 08, 2:30 p.m.) Video: "DeltaPhiEpsilon Dominates Wonderland With DeltaChi's Daily!" (April 05, 08, 7:36 p.m.) ENTERTAINMENT: Video: "Dark Knight' Kindles Joker's Judgment, Justifying Satan's Sinister Soul Search" (July 23, 08, 8:34 p.m.) "'Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian' caringly Christocentric" (May 14, 08, 2:29 p.m.) "Totally Baked' Brings Beelzebub's Badness!" (April 28, 08, 4:43 p.m.) "National Treasure 2 Tests Truth Through Time!" (May 21, 08, 10:37 a.m.) "Flawless' Forgoes Forgiveness For Foes" (June 06,08, 4:34 p.m.)
FEATURE: "PGSIS 2008 Presented Poem Welcoming Women & Men Mightily" (June 22, 08, 3:45 p.m.) "Top 14 creative responses given by Market Central customers for being the president of the United States would be like......" (Feb 18, 08, 1:49 p.m.) Slideshow: "Light Up Night 2007 Lifts Students Spirits" (Nov 18, 07, 2:00 a.m.) Video: Light Up Night's Nativity Creche Christened Colorfully! (Nov 17,07, 11:52 p.m.) IMPRESSIONS: PS Editorial: Hussein Has Hebrew Hating Friends For Foes! (July 18, 08, 1:32 a.m.) PS Editorial: "Oust Obama Over Commanding Country Cause Character Critical!" (July 30, 2008, 4:11 p.m.) PS Editorial: "Homosexuals Have Maligned Marriage Maledicting Messiah's Message!" (May 16, 08, 5:01 p.m.) Dad Delivered Daily, Delighting Family of Five Forever! (Dec 22, 07, 11:22 p.m.) PS Editorial: "Badmouthing Black Woman Willingly, Jacobs Justifies Expelling Employee!" (May 23, 08, 10:14 p.m.) FOOD: View the week 6 interactive menu and nutritional information for Market Central (Sept 24, 07, 10:58 a.m.) "Cereals Classified Favorites For Happy High School Students" (July 14, 08, 3:45 p.m.) Photos: "Slide Show of Hollywood Theme Night at Market Central" (Feb 06, 08, 1:51 p.m.) SPORTS: Video: "Ramon's Rushed Shot Secures Panther Points, Validating Victory!" (Feb 10, 08, 1:37 p.m.) PS Editorial: "Patriots Perfectionist, Bill Belichick Tumbles Through Treason" (Feb 05, 08, 2:08 a.m.) Video: "Christ Captivated Coach Wannstedt Wonderfully With Wisdom!" (March 28, 07, 11:00 a.m.) Slideshow: "Chair charred capping celebration, commandeering cops" (Dec 03, 07, 1:49 p.m.) Slideshow:"Morgantown Memories Propel Pitt Fans Festivities!" by Matt Keeny & Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 03, 07, 12:47 p.m.)
“ChiOmega's Cross ZBT's Zone With Wizard's Help Happily Overcoming Oz!”
By Ramesh
Express Your View
.Click picture to read my dad's memoriam:
Video: Sororities Seek Sisters Benignly Bringing Them to Amos Acceptingly!
Video: "Cheetah Cloth Covered Chi Omega's Operate Over PDT's Pouncing" (April 04, 08, 1:38 p.m.)
Video: "Wayman Wins Rapping Rendition Celebrating Chi O's Consecutive Fourth First" (March 07, 08, 11:54 a.m.)
Video: Brittany Taylor's Talent Triumphs Through 2006 Greek Talent Show! (March 01, 08, 4:40 p.m.)
Video: "Sorority sister Splane scores strongly giving girl’s Greek Talent Show 2007 Title To Chi Omega!"(May 2007)
Video: Chi Omega's Operation Offers Nothin' But a Gangsta Party at Kappa Alpha Psi's Place (April 03, 07, 3:38 p.m.)
Video: Watch the sisters of Chi Omega and brothers of Phi Kappa Theta perform at Greek Sing 2006 (August 2006)
Video: Watch a clip of Mistica Labrasca from Chi Omega (Feb 2006)
Video: Watch a clip of Chi Omega sisters’ cheers during bid night (Feb 2006)
"Star Serenades Senior of the Year" (Dec 2005)
"Senior of the Year Award Recipient Reminisces Regarding Rewards,
Responsibilities (Dec 2005)
Photos: "Chi Omega Sorority Sisters Sweep for a Sweet 3-Peat!" (Oct 2005)
Video: Watch a clip of Chi Omega and Zeta Beta Tau celebrating their victory at Greek Sing (April 2005)
Photos: "Student Government Board Member Liz Blasi enjoys a meal at Schenley Cafe with her Chi Omega sisters (Jan 2005)
Video: Blasi on Board Brings Brightness! (Dec 2004)
"Chi Omega rocks in students life" by Linda Batykefer (Jan 2002)
"PDM II Provides Promising Funding at Fitzgerald Fieldhouse to Fight Cancer" (Dec 2006)
“Greek Life Gives Gifts of Giving!" (Aug 2006)
"Welcome to Greek Talent Show" (March 2006)
TOP 17: Steelers seeking the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday’s Super Bowl XL
(Feb 2006)
"Sorority Sisters Seek Students Selectively!" (Feb 2006)
"Students Savor Food Services and Diversity Seeking the SGB 8 and President!" (Nov 2005)
"SGB Presidential Debate Delivers Dosage"(Nov 2005)
Greek communities can communicate charity and care! Take a tour of the different sororties (Sept 2004)
Top 25 answers to "Loving the world God...."
(April 2004)
"Sorority Sisters Seek Scrumptious Sandwiches!"
(Sept 2003)
Camping out for basketball tickets photo gallery
(Nov 2002)
"Homecoming game with Boston College presents all kinds of surprises!"
(Nov 2002)
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