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Updated MAY 30, 2008 at 8:22 a.m.



AUG 2006 - JULy 2007




Video: SGB's Shady Henien Spoke Sensational Speech


"Coulter Comments Concerning Liberals Leaving Land!"


Slideshow: "Sodexho Serves Recepients the Champion of Diversity Award "


Photo: "Circle of Christians come to communicate with Christ at the Cathedral of Learning fountain"


Photos: Light Up Night Lights with Liveliness!



“Pitt News wants you to believe Shady Henien is the wrong guy for SGB President, but we don't"


Photos: “Egyptian-American Ascends to SGB Presidency with INTEGRITY believing in Almighty!"


Will Powers of TRUE slate attacks Shady Henien of INTEGRITY slate"



Video: Delta Zeta Deliciously Delivers Lusciously with Lambda Chi Alpha

Video: "Kappa Kappa Gammas Go Groovie Partnering with Pi Kappa Alphas!"

Video:"Delta Delta Delta's Dominate Delta Chi's Circus!"

Video: Chi Omega's Operation Offers Nothin' But a Gangsta Party at Kappa Alpha Psi's Place

Video: "Alpha Delta Pi & Kappa Sigma Sing in School"  



"Dennis Muttu Delivered Before His Death!"




Photos: “Egyptian-American Ascends to SGB Presidency with INTEGRITY believing in Almighty!"


Will Powers of TRUE slate attacks Shady Henien of INTEGRITY slate"


“Powers Promotes Preposterous Resolution to be Ratified Regarding Racism!"  


"Russia’s renegade attitude alienates and aggravates War on Terror"




Slideshow: "Peer PGSIS 2006 Poster Portfolio Presentations! "


“Top 25 candy cane responses given by Pitt students eating at Schenley Cafe in 2006!"


"If Cocaine were an alien, what it would not want you to know!"




Food and Culture Sample Exam I


Nutrition Exam II Sample Questions on Energy Balance, Water Balance, Vitamins, and Minerals 


Nutrition Exam I Sample Questions"  


Nutrition Exam II Sample Questions on Energy Balance, Water Balance, Vitamins, and Minerals 


Nutrition Exam V, Sample II for FinalNutrition Final Sample Exam

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Click on picture for memorial

In memorial to my beloved dad:
Nov 1941 - Dec 2007

 (Excludes Homepage)

5. Video: "DeltaPhiEpsilon Dominates Wonderland With DeltaChi's Daily!" (April 05, 08, 7:36 p.m.)

4 Video: "TriDelta's Triumphantly Tackle Twisted Villians Vindicating City's Citizens, Seeking SAE's Support!" (April 02, 08, 2:30 p.m.)

3. Video: "TriSigma's Travel Through Time Paging PiKA's" (April 01, 08, 2:27 p.m.)

Video: "Alpha Delta Pi's Analyze Lambda Chi Alpha's Love Story!" (March 31, 08, 1:21 p.m.)

 1. Video: "Rags Reveal Riches, Reminding Kappa's Kingdom Connection!" (March 30, 08, 1:34 p.m.)

 (From Archives!)

5. Nutrition Exam I Sample Questions"  (Sept 2006)

4. Pitt Cheerleaders take 7th in Nationals (APRIL 2001)

3. Human Resource Management Final Exam 45 Sample Questions (APRIL 2005)

2. Homecoming game with Boston College presents all kinds of surprises! (NOV 2002)

1. Acrostic Poem for Mother's Day called M.O.T.H.E.R (MAY 2005)


5. Video: "ThetaPhiAlpha Trenches Through TauEpsilonPhi Till They Tumble With War!" (April 09, 08, 4:10 p.m.)

4 Video: "TriDelta's Triumphantly Tackle Twisted Villians Vindicating City's Citizens, Seeking SAE's Support!" (April 02, 08, 2:30 p.m.)

3. Video: "TriSigma's Travel Through Time Paging PiKA's" (April 01, 08, 2:27 p.m.)

Video: "Alpha Delta Pi's Analyze Lambda Chi Alpha's Love Story!" (March 31, 08, 1:21 p.m.)

 1. Video: "Rags Reveal Riches, Reminding Kappa's Kingdom Connection!" (March 30, 08, 1:34 p.m.)

(From Archives)

5. Video: "'Delta Delta Delta Delights' Dominate David Lawrence Hall" (March 14, 07, 2:37 p.m.)

4. Video: "Kappa Kappa Gammas Go Groovie Partnering with Pi Kappa Alphas!"  (April 2007)

3. Video: Chi Omega's Operation Offers Nothin' But a Gangsta Party at Kappa Alpha Psi's Place (April 2007)

2. Video:  Watch the winning performance from Greek Sing 2006!  (April 2006)

1. Video: Delta Zeta Deliciously Delivers Lusciously with Lambda Chi Alpha (April 2007)


5. "What do you do with the S.E.E.D?" (April 07, 08, 11:48 a.m.)

4. "What do you do with your T.E.S.T.I.M.O.N.Y?" (April 16, 08, 12:03 p.m.)

3. "Will you T.E.L.L others about Jesus?" (April 15, 08, 11:32 a.m.)

2. "How do you know judgment will P.A.S.S.O.V.E.R you?" (April 24, 08, 9:26 a.m.)

1. "What does G.O.S.S.I.P do to you?" (April 17, 08, 6:52 p.m.)

(From Archives)

5. "What kind of P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N are you in?" (Jan 26, 08, 10:22 a.m.)

4. "What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08, 8:52 a.m.)

3. "What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat?" (Dec 08, 07, 10:10 a.m.)

2. "What do you do with what you H.E.A.R?" (March 31, 08, 8:39 a.m.)

1. "How do you fight E.V.I.L?" (Feb 29, 08, 9:11 a.m.)

(From Archives)

5.  'More Power To Ya' by Petra (NOV 2005)

4. 'Thankful Heart' by Petra (NOV 2005)

3. 'Testify to Love' by Avalon (MAY 2005)

2.  'Thy Word' by Amy Grant (MAY 2005)

1. 'We are the Reason' by David Meece (MAY 2005)





Henien's Helpfulness Highly Honored at Awards!
 Shady Henien, the president of SGB 2007 wins the ODK Senior of Year Award!

05/30 Update 1 update, More updates to come!

Click Cartoon of the day:

"Where do you find R.E.S.T in your life?" (May 30, 08, 8:04 a.m.)
People find rest in different places. Most people I know try to find their rest in relationships but I have found no rest is solid without first resting in the Lord and doing what He has called us to. Jesus loves us so much that He desires us to....... 

PS Editorial:"Badmouthing Black Woman Willingly, Jacobs Justifies Expelling Employee!" (May 23, 08, 10:14 p.m.)
We are shocked to find out that a black woman named Crystal Dixon, an employee at the University of Toledo was fired from her job because of a column she wrote in the Toledo Free Press questioning whether homosexuality is a civil rights issue.....

"Obama Offers Only Ostensible Otiosity" (May 21, 08, 8:54 p.m.)
The presumed Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. Barack Obama offers only ostensible otiosity for America. Obama is the wrong choice for the Democratic nomination for president and the wrong choice for America.......

Video: "Watermelon Winner Seeks Sodexho's Prize Promptly!" (May 19, 2008, 6:08 p.m.)

Playing in theaters since May 16, 2008: "'Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian' caringly Christocentric" (May 14, 08, 2:29 p.m.)
'Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian' based on the book by C.S. Lewis is an electrifying Disney movie that can be watched over and over again with an emphasis on a Christocentric  message. It is filled with a lot of battle scenes and addresses so many issues such as death, life, betrayal, Good vs. Evil, revenge, miracles, healing, ethnicity, war, peace, sacrifice, faith, and belief.

Take the Pittsburgh Standard Interest Survey! (May 10, 08, 9:45 a.m.)


Video: "Joyfully Jerome Bettis Briefly Delivers Duquesne Graduates Galvanizing 7-minute Speech! (May 03, 08, 8:44 p.m.)

Video: "SDT's Surround Streets Zealously Zoning ZBT's" (April 25, 08, 11:28 a.m.)

Video: "KKG's Kindle Scandal Surrounding SPE's today, Triangle Tommorow!" (April 14, 08, 1:40 p.m.)

Video: "ThetaPhiAlpha Trenches Through TauEpsilonPhi Till They Tumble With War!" (April 09, 08, 4:10 p.m.)

Video: "AEPhi Awaits Fire Fighter DTD's Deliverance Prompting PKT's Presence!" (April 07, 08, 2:58 p.m.)





"What is your M.I.S.S.I.O.N you have been called to?" (May 29, 08, 8:19 a.m.)

MORE APRIL-MAY EXPRESSIONS NEWS...  (May 28, 08, 8:43 a.m.)


"Joyfully Jerome Bettis Briefly Delivers Duquesne Graduates Galvanizing 7-minute Speech! (May 03, 08, 8:44 p.m.)






Coming Soon:

Greek life

Click on thumbnail for full picture of coed fraternity members from Phi Sigma Pi enjoying a time of bonding!

Video: "SDT's Surround Streets Zealously Zoning ZBT's" (April 25, 08, 11:28 a.m.)

Video: "KKG's Kindle Scandal Surrounding SPE's today, Triangle Tommorow!" (April 14, 08, 1:40 p.m.)

Video: "ThetaPhiAlpha Trenches Through TauEpsilonPhi Till They Tumble With War!" (April 09, 08, 4:10 p.m.)

Video: "AEPhi Awaits Fire Fighter DTD's Deliverance Prompting PKT's Presence!" (April 07, 08, 2:58 p.m.)


"National Treasure 2 Tests Truth Through Time!" (May 21, 08, 10:37 a.m.)

'National Treasure 2: The Book of Secrets' is a humorous Disney adventure that can definitely be watched over again. The plot is way better than National Treasure I. It addresses issues dealing with love, truth, perseverance, faith, innocence, guilt, murder, death, treasure, reconciliation, and sacrifice.

Now playing in theaters: "'Iron Man's Machine Suit Saves  Citizens Carefully!' (May 03, 08, 7:20 p.m.)Iron Man' is an explosive superhero action-adventure packed with weapons of mass destruction and addresses issues such as fear, respect, friendship, sacrifice, betrayal, loyalty, greed, pride, and repentance.

New on DVD on May 13, 2008: 'Untraceable' Unabashed Viewing Victims!" (May 13, 08, 5:00 p.m.)
'Untraceable' is about a psycho who uses the internet to stream live killings. The twist in all this is that the more viewers that tune in to watch, the quicker the victim dies. Now it is up to FBI special agent from the Cyber Crimes division and her task..

Video: Watch the 'Jesus' Film online for free in your own language  (April 2008)

MORE ENTERTAINMENT NEWS.... (May 28, 08, 8:43 a.m.)

Coming Soon:
 Campus Life
Coming Soon:






Picture Source:
andsupplies.com/ birthday

Contest to win $25.00: "Make Mother Acrostic Analysis As M.O.T.H.E.R" (May 08, 08, 11:24 a.m.)

Letter to the Editor sent on May 08, 08 for  Acrostic Poem for Mother's Day called M.O.T.H.E.R (MAY 2005)

"Women's Wisdom Greater, Giving Girls Gaieties" (May 05, 08, 5:27 p.m.)


PS Editorial: "Homosexuals Have Maligned Marriage Maledicting Messiah's Message!" (May 16, 08, 5:01 p.m.)
We are angered to hear that homosexual activists have once again meddled on the issue of whether marriage should only be between a man and a woman. Today, they have won a landmark decision in the liberal state of California when the California Supreme Ct decided to legalize gay marriage 4-3....

"Foreigner Finds Assimilating American Culture  Counterproductive!" (April 15, 08, 1:28 p.m.) by Ann American Assimilated
When in Rome, do like the Romans, right? Anyone? It’s funny how I really believed people should oblige to that concept. It seems like a safe rule if you ask me!  When you go to another country, you adapt to their cultures. Even if you're not accustomed to their ideas of ‘normal’, it would be impolite to if you didn’t even try to adjust....

PS Editorial: "SGB should rendition resolutions supporting some students!" (April 05, 08, 11:10 a.m.)
The University of Pittsburgh Student Government Board (SGB) should be for the voice of all undergraduate, non-CGS students. That said it is the duty of SGB to represent the needs and issues of its constituents as long as there is not a conflict within the student body regarding an issue....

"An Open Letter To PA Voters!"  (April 15, 08, 1:46 p.m.) by Joshua M. Patton



Food Service Safety:
“Food Service Safety Comprehensive Sample Exam I"

Cultural Determinations of Food Habits:
Food and Culture Sample Final Exam II (April  26, 07, 2:46 p.m.)Food and Culture Sample Final Exam Answer Key (April  26, 07, 12:57 p.m.)
Food and Culture Sample Final Exam (April  26, 07, 12:09 p.m.)

Food and Culture Answer Key for Sample Exam II: Part II  (March  01, 07, 2:41 p.m.)
Food and Culture Answer Key for Sample Exam II: Part I  (March  01, 07, 12:38 p.m.)

Food and Culture Sample Exam I Part II  (Feb  01, 07, 2:15 p.m.)
Food and Culture Sample Exam I (Jan 31, 07, 10:15 p.m.)

Nutrition Exam V, Sample III for Final (Dec 2006)
Nutrition Exam V, Sample II for FinalNutrition Final Sample Exam (Dec 2006)
Nutrition Sample Exam IV on Community Food Supply and Health, Food Habits and Cultural Patterns, Weight Management, & Nutrition and Physical Fitness (Nov 2006)

Nutrition Exam III Study Guide for Pregnancy, Infancy, Children, Adolescents, and Adult Years"
Nutrition Exam II Sample Questions II on Energy Balance, Water Balance, Vitamins, and Minerals (Oct 2006)
“Nutrition Exam II Sample Questions on Energy Balance, Water Balance, Vitamins, and Minerals (Oct 2006)
“Nutrition Exam I Sample Questions"  (Sept 2006)
“Nutrition Exam I Sample Questions II"  (Sept 2006))
“Nutrition Exam I Sample Questions III"  (Sept 2006)

Retail Management:
Retail Management Sample Exam 54 Questions (Nov 2005)
Retail Management 116 Sample Questions (Nov 2005)

Human Resource Management:
Human Resource Management Final Exam 45 Sample Questions
(April 2005)
Human Resource Management Final Exam Sample Questions II (April 2005)


Coming Soon:


Video: "Joyfully Jerome Bettis Briefly Delivers Duquesne Graduates Galvanizing 7-minute Speech! (May 03, 08, 8:44 p.m.)


Coming Soon:

Photo Gallery
Coming Soon:

"Mind Moving Puzzle Pattern Perplex People!" (April 26, 08, 10:45 a,m.)


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