
Writing with faith, hope, and love
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Todays Date and Time



BEST OF 2001-2002 

BEST OF 2002-2003


Students unite with one voice of hope

Photogallery of flags and candles remembering September 11,2001 victims

Jewish students walk for Israel


A patriotic war is just to protect people (1)

Americans face their toughest challenge

Proud beyond words to be an American

War is necessary for justice

Not all Middle Easterner's are suspect

Failure ought to be the stepping stone to success

Students vote matters

A lot of good Lott's apology did!

It is a matter of principle and ethics


Red, White, & Blue

Constitution supports God and patriotism

One Numb-er

He sees you all the time

Vote for the perfect candidate 24-7!

What if Jesus talked football?

Gospel revealed through semantics and word play

Only the right antidote can protect your life

God's love is alphabetically revealed in random languages


Homosexuality examined in light of Scripture and Science

No choice is not an excuse to do wrong!

Consequences do not imply hate!

Casual sex cheapens a person


Photogallery of students enjoying Thanksgiving feast at the Marketplace

Photogallery of Pitt women dominating the 1st place prizes at the Marketplace

Photogallery of men's basketball team plaing Blue-Gold Scrimmage game

Photogallery of students camping out for basketball tickets

Photogallery of homecoming extravaganza

Photo gallery of Pitt v.s. Notre Dame game highlights during the Big East opener.

Photo gallery of Pitt students being fired up for Pitt v.s Notre Dame game

Get to know your Pitt Panther being carried by Oakland Zoo fans during Pitt v.s. Notre Dame


What Kappa Delta means to me!

Pitt dance team dances into the hearts of Pitt fans

Freshman cheerleaders love their cheerleading experience

Pitt student experiences love of the Cross Seekers


The top 44 answers to "Camping out for basketball tickets is like...."

Top 25 reasons of 2002 given by students eating at the C-side Marketplace for the origins of the candy cane!

Top 14 reasons to ‘Why being in love is beneficial for your health…..”

Top 14 responses to "Love is...." including #1 answer in many common languages


Lottery fever for basketball tickets reaches O'Hara St

Panther's blowout win over Orangemen begins tough road ahead

Newspapers across Pennsylvania cover Pittsburgh Panthers Insight Bowl victory                       

Pitt athletes and friends come together

Reddy's crazy NFL rankings after the regular season


PS NCAA Tournament


Nov 2003

Oct 2003

Sept 2003

August 2003

April 2003

FEB-MAR 2003

JAN 2003

Dec 2002

Nov 2002

Sept- Oct 2002

April-May 2002

March 2002

February 2002

January 2002

December 2001

November 2001

October 2001

September 2001



Lord's Excellent Class Teaches 'Understanding Rules' Everyday!" (L.E.C.T.U.R.E)

Ramesh C. Reddy

As school begins this Monday, I have started a new series called the 'University of Eternal Life. I hope you enjoy it. I prayed to the Lord and wrote this and when I have read it, it has helped to motivate me with my Quiet Times. The first section will deal with the LECTURE.  This series is taken from the archives and will have some revisions to it!


            One morning, I was talking to the Lord, and He gave me an awesome idea. It had to do with my education. Christ got involved in my education and gave me a new perspective on life. I have never been upset that Christ got involved in my education. In the excitement I said to Jesus Christ, "Lord I want you to educate me and be my new teacher. Let me register for the class you are offering" With His Blessing, I went to class.


            The first thing that happened was the lecture. The lecture is sometimes short or long, but whatever Jesus had to say became very important. In a way, hearing the lecture determined how much I would learn from the Lord. He lectured about the law, immorality, morality, forgiveness, sin, etc. As I listened to His lecture there were times I became very distressed!

            I never felt this way in my other classes, but this class seemed to be different. Jesus was telling me about all the sin in this world. Being a Christian, I realized I had no business living a life of sin. Furthermore, some of the education I was receiving from the world was full of lies and deception. Full of remorse, I raised my hand and called Jesus. I said, "Lord I know that what I learned in my other classes is not what you have been teaching me. Will you educate me your way?"

            "Sure, I am so joyful to help you", He said. First of all, think about all the classes you have taken which are against what I have taught you and reevaluate them using my standards and not the world's standards. Now take this new syllabus I am giving you and follow it thoroughly reading through each of the assignments. As for what the world teaches you, it will be hard to forget but, "I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:9-10).

            Jesus reminded me what is taught in academics will not always follow what He wants me to know but there is a lot of truth that is taught in the academics and all Truth is God’s Truth. I need to be able to take in the truth and the lies that are taught and be able to separate them. I need to focus on the Lord, seeking His Kingdom first, doing everything for the glory and honor of the Lord as I learn knowledge to help others so we can serve humanity to bring honor and glory to the Lord. That is exciting to know!   

As I continued to listen to the lecture, I was awe-struck. I thought to myself, following the lecture or God's Voice seemed hard many times. It must be because I did not do the assigned readings. I realized just listening to God becomes a lecture.  Jesus ended the lecture by telling me, "Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance" (Proverbs 1:5).

(To be continued)

Lord's Excellent Class Teaches 'Understanding Rules' Everyday! (L.E.C.T.U.R.E)/"Whose Lecture Do You Follow?"


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much that we mean so much to you. You teach with authority and want us to have your Word hidden in our hearts. Help us please to follow you faithfully. I thank you so much Jesus. We give our lives to thee and ask you to be in control of our lives. Help us to do your will please Lord. Please forgive us of our sins, for we are sorry. Thank you so much Jesus! Lord, thank you for your lectures in our lives.  Lord, most of us are in the academic field and learn a lot of stuff. Sometimes what we learn does not agree with your Word. Help us to be able to take everything our instructors/professors give and separate your Truth from them. Thank you Lord you have allowed humanity to take part in so many academic fields that can be used for your honor and glory as they are used to serve humanity. Help me to use whatever I learn to bring honor and glory to you. You remind me how you decided to use Andrew and Simon’s profession to become fisherman for the souls of men. You can use our fields too to bring you honor and glory and spread the Gospel. I thank you for that Jesus. I entrust our lives into your care! Help us please to be part of a church that will give us your teachings and your Word. I thank you for that Jesus! Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering us! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

Love in Christ,

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Chapter 1

How seriously do you T.E.S.T.I.F.Y to prophecy? (Aug 28,04)

Who do you P.O.I.N.T to? (Aug 29,04)


Previous Devotionals

How is your C.O.N.F.E.S.S.I.O.N? (Aug 09,04)

How far does your I.N.T.E.R.C.E.S.S.I.ON go? (Aug 05,04)

Whose B.U.R.D.E.N.S do you carry? (Aug 04,04)

When does P.R.A.I.S.E come on your lips? (Aug 07, 04)

What do you do in your C.A.P.T.I.V.I.T.Y?  (Aug 06, 04)

How can you F.O.R.G.I.V.E? (Aug 03,04)

JULY 2004

S.L.A.V.E.S (July 01,2004)

C.O.N.F.I.D.E.N.T (July 02, 2004)

G.R.A.C.E (July 03,2004)

A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E (July 06,04)

S.P.E.C.I.A.L (July 07,04)

C.H.A.I.N.S (July 08,04)

M.O.T.I.V.E.S (July 09,04)

C.A.L.L (July 10,04)

C.O.U.R.A.G.E (July 12,04)

L.I.F.E (July 13,04)

C.H.O.I.C.E.S (July 14,04)

Previous Spiritual OD's


G.E.N.E.A.L.O.G.Y(Dec 22, 2003)

K.I.N.G.D.O.M (Dec 22, 2003)

D.O.U.B.T.S (Dec 22, 03)

P.R.A.I.S.E (Dec 23, 03)

L.O.V.E  (Dec 24,03)

S.L.E.E.P  (Dec 24,03)

C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S (Dec 25,03)

DEC 2003

G.E.N.E.A.L.O.G.Y(Dec 22, 2003)

K.I.N.G.D.O.M (Dec 22, 2003)

D.O.U.B.T.S (Dec 22, 03)

P.R.A.I.S.E (Dec 23, 03)

L.O.V.E  (Dec 24,03)

S.L.E.E.P  (Dec 24,03)

C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S (Dec 25,03)