More Expressions News....
27, 2008, 11:32 a.m.
"What have you done with your S.O.U.L in life?"(Aug
25, 08, 12:02 p.m.)
The soul we have in us can
belong to Jesus Christ, the Commander-in-Chief of our lives or it can
belong to Satan, the Commander of the legions of demons who will do
anything to take us away from Jesus. Jesus knows what Satan will try to
"What does your L.I.F.E. mean to you?"(Aug
22, 08, 9:52 a.m.)
Your life may mean a lot to
you or it many not mean much to you but if your life means a lot to you
because of your selfish accomplishments and accolades then in reality it
will not mean much to you in the end. The life you worked so hard for..
"What does your V.O.T.E show?"(Aug
19, 08, 9:26 a.m.)
Our vote
for candidates should show we VOTE THE BIBLE. VOTING THE BIBLE should not just mean, 'I
believe thatJesus Christ died for my sins
so now I can vote
for whoever I want to.' Our vote should show we are VOTING THE BIBLE as
Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback church emphasized with his questions to
"What does it mean to F.O.L.L.O.W Jesus Christ?"(Aug
15, 08, 11:32 a.m.)
To follow Jesus Christ
should not just mean, 'Oh I believe in Jesus Christ! I believe that he
died for my sins and came back to life to save me so now I can live my
life however I want to doing whatever I want to'
Friend, believing in Jesus.....
"When have you carried your C.R.O.S.S in life?" (Aug
14, 08, 10:24 a.m.)
To come after Jesus we all need to know
when we have carried our cross. This is an acknowledgement that we do
not let heaviness, burdens, or pain to stop us from being obedient to
Christ and His Word, the Bible. For that to happen,
"What do you D.E.N.Y yourself in life?" (Aug
12, 08, 7:38 a.m.)
You can deny a lot of things for
yourself in life and even been seen as someone to be looked up to
because 'wow, look at so and so and what he/she has given up' but all
the accolades of the world mean nothing unless Christ is the One
"Whose L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N theology do you follow in life?" (August
08, 1:40 p.m.)
We see the interaction
between Peter and Jesus. Peter could not stand Jesus telling them that
He would be killed so Peter rebuked Jesus. By doing that Peter showed
Jesus that he had the things of men in mind more than the things of God...
"Who are you O.P.E.N with in life?" (August
08, 9:50 a.m.)
No matter who we are open
with in life, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Jesus
who reached out to the disciples to help them even as Peter was so open
with Jesus, Jesus wants to help us too. We need to make ourselves
"What do you S.H.A.R.E with others?" (August
08, 10:59 a.m.)
Jesus shared things the
disciples did not want to hear but needed to hear. Jesus wanted to
prepare the disciples of what was to come. Jesus did not sugar coat
anything and neither should we. We need to be upfront with people what
we ....
"What does R.E.S.T.O.R.A.T.I.O.N make you do?" (August
08, 9:43 a.m.)
Restoration in
our lives can make us become closer to our family or distance us from
our family. Jesus is all about bringing restoration in our lives not
just for our sake but for our families sake too so they can see the
restoration Christ brings.....
"Should you take M.E.D.I.C.I.N.E in life?" (August
08, 8:49 a.m.)
are those out there that believe if you are a follower of Christ then
Christ can heal you if He wants to without medication. So, they pray and
pray for Christ's healing knowing Jesus Christ has the power to heal. It
is great to have....
"Whose life are you I.N.V.O.L.V.E.D in?" (August
08, 9:48 a.m.)
Jesus showed me how much He cares even for one individual. Jesus cared
for the blind man so much that Jesus personally led him by the hand
outside the village. Jesus could have healed him then and there but I
believe Jesus wanted to be....
"Who do you B.R.I.N.G to Jesus?" (August 01,
08, 9:07 a.m.)
Bring them before Jesus for all
souls are important and we should not just follow the Great Commission
for those we love and know but to everyone around us regardless of their
nationality, race, creed, language, location, etc. Every campus...
02, 2008, 9:39 a.m.
"What do you R.E.M.E.M.B.E.R in life?" (July
08, 7:53 a.m.)
We have a tendency to
remember the things that did not go well for us instead of what went well for
us. It is human nature
to be thinking about all the things that have gone wrong and sometimes
continue to go wrong. That was the problem......
"What do you fail to S.E.E or H.E.A.R in life?" (July
08, 8:44 a.m.)
knew the disciples failed to see and hear what He wanted them to see and
hear. They were so focused on not having bread when Jesus was so focused
on wrong teaching. Jesus' focus is so important to us even this day
because wrong...
"When have you H.A.R.D.E.N.E.D your heart?" (July
08, 10:45 a.m.)
A hardening of
the heart occurs when things don't go our way and our focus is taken of
the Lord. It is easy to harden our hearts in relationships, regarding
circumstances, and most of all towards the Lord Jesus Christ if we are
not careful..
"What do you M.I.S.S to see in your life?" (July
08, 9:52 a.m.)
You will miss to
see a lot of things in life when you are self-focused and not others
focused. More than anything you will miss to see things Jesus wants you
to see when you are not Jesus focused. The disciples did not have joy in
"What is Jesus A.W.A.R.E of in your life?" (July
08, 9:26 a.m.)
Jesus made me see that Jesus is aware of what I was discussing, what I
was sharing, and what I was feeling about my experience the last day of
work for the summer. Jesus being aware, He also made me see where I was
faltering and.....
01, 2008, 12:00 a.m.
"What has Y.E.A.S.T done to you??" (July
08, 10:32 a.m.)
Jesus specifically warned the disciples to be careful
and watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod. This alone
should let us know if we are not careful and watch out what we are doing
in our Christian ....
"Where is your F.O.C.U.S in life?" (July
08, 10:12 a.m.)
our focus is that's where our heart will be too. The disciples focus was
on what they did not have so they were dwelling on that problem instead
of focusing on who was with them. Jesus was with them and He could have......
"Who do you W.A.S.T.E your time with?" (July
08, 9:49 a.m.)
Time is precious and very valuable. There are so many
souls to be reached for Christ throughout the world. Jesus went to Dalmanutha
but the Pharisees were there to trap Him instead of wanting to believe
"What does J.E.S.U.S mean to you?" (July
08, 10:59 a.m.)
Jesus is someone you think you can get a lot out of then you will
eventually put yourself in the same boat that the Pharisees did and I
did. Jesus is not a genie in the bottle where at our whim, He will give.....
"Who have you T.E.S.T.E.D in life?" (July
08, 11:04 a.m.)
Pharisees tested Jesus to trap Him and not to help Him. If our tests for
others are to help them grow and mature, it is one thing but if our
tests are to trap people then that is totally wrong and we become no
different than the ....
"Who do you let M.O.L.D your life?" (July
08, 11:19 a.m.)
we let mold our lives, we will reflect their character and image
eventually. This is not a principle that applies just in the faith realm
but also in the political realm, etc.
Whoever you allow to mold your thinking,
will determine who you eventually vote for. I believe if you allow
"Where has the Lord placed you to C.A.R.E in life?" (July
08, 11:29 a.m.)
the Lord Jesus has placed you to care, there is a reason the Lord placed
you there even if you do not understand why. Take this opportunity to do
the best you can whether it is to care for your family, your cell group,
your co-workers, etc. You were chosen for a reason and let.....
"What has being G.E.N.E.R.O.U.S done to you?" (July
08, 9:05 a.m.)
I do not know what being generous has
done to you but this I can testify that when the disciples were generous
with seven loaves of bread, when everyone ate and were satisfied, seven
basketfuls of bread was left over. Being generous to others will bring
about a blessing in your .....
"When are you S.A.T.I.S.F.I.E.D in life?" (July
08, 10:34 a.m.)
are satisfied in life for different reasons. Some are satisfied when
they make a lot of money, when they get to eat a lot of desserts, when
they vote for candidates who are Pro-life and Pro-family instead of
Pro-choice and Pro-homosexuality, etc...
"What are you T.H.A.N.K.F.U.L for in your life?" (July 09,
08, 10:05 a.m.)
"Many times we overlook the littlest things in our lives
to be thankful for and sometimes even the bigger things but a heart of
thanksgiving is a heart of gratitude. No matter where we are in life,
each of us has many things to be thankful for!
Even if we ...
"How do you handle P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S in your life?" (July 08,
08, 10:14 a.m.)
handle problems in different ways and not all ways bring benefit in our
lives. Some go to the bottle to deal with their problem, some take their
problems under the pillow to try to sleep them away, some binge eat
thinking eating away will make their problems go away, etc. Some even
"What do you F.O.R.G.E.T in life?" (July 07,
08, 11:04 a.m.)
are things in our lives, it is worth forgetting about especially if
those things will keep us in bondage and we cannot move on. There are
other things in our lives we should never forget about such as
what Jesus did for us, can do for us, will do for us, the
memories of our loved ones and......
Redeemer Everyday Excitingly Delivers Omnipotent Message!
05, 08, 9:48
know where the woman needed freedom each day! Whatever you are going
through, take it to Jesus and pray. Tell Him openly whatever you need to
say. You may have been suffering for years and have not found that
peace. But there is hope. As you come to Jesus and fall on your knees..,
"What D.I.S.T.A.N.C.E will you go to meet Jesus?" (July 03, 08,
10:06 a.m.)
Travelling a distance to meet Jesus in His
Word is admirable and so worthy. We in America do not have to deal with
persecutions for our faith like those in many Islamic countries have to
deal with, those in communist countries have to deal with, etc and yet
the people's love for Jesus is.....
"What are you H.U.N.G.R.Y for in life?" (July 02, 08,
10:15 a.m.)
can be hungry for a lot of things in life such as being hungry for
power, hungry for fame, hungry for recognition, etc but all this hunger
will eventually lead to our collapse without having Jesus Christ at the
center. There is nothing wrong to have hunger for power, hunger for
"What do you E.A.T in life?" (July 01, 08, 10:27 a.m.)
More than
anything Jesus wants you to eat the spiritual food He provides for you
through His Word but Jesus also cares for what you eat for your physical
body. Jesus took care of the needs of those who were at a retreat with
Jesus for 3-days and wants to take care of you too.......
Express Your
picture to read my dad's memoriam:
' I AM ' Series
What kind of L.I.G.H.T do you follow? (Dec 13,
07, 10:09 a.m.)
"What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat?" (Dec 08,
07, 10:10 a.m.)
"Who is your S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D?"
(June 30,
9:44 a.m.)
29, 08, 9:09 a.m.)
(May 28, 08,
8:43 a.m.)
(June 30, 08,
10:18 a.m.)