Text Box: We Write For You! You Decide For Us!
Pittsburgh Standard

Text Box: I'm putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between Me and the Earth. (Gen. 9:13, The Message)



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Video: ‘Fashion Show’ Sends Models Message Mesmerizing Many! (Feb 20, 08, 11:56 a.m.)


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"What does G.O.S.S.I.P do to you?" (April 17, 08, 6:52 p.m.)

Forever, Redeemer Everyday Excitingly Delivers Omnipotent Message! (F.R.E.E.D.O.M)” (July 05, 08, 9:48 a.m.)

"Who do you let M.O.L.D your life?" (July 16, 08, 11:19 a.m.)


Video: "Henien's Helpfulness Highly Honored at Awards!" (March 03, 2008, 12:01 p.m.)

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Photos: Thirty-Fifth Time, Thousands Towards Truth Memorialized ‘March for Life 2008' (Jan 23, 08, 1:09 p.m.)


“Rebuttal to the Pitt News editorial, 'Abstinence-only education not way to go!'" (Dec 08, 07, 4:34 p.m.)


Video: "Rags Reveal Riches, Reminding Kappa's Kingdom Connection!" (March 30, 08, 1:34 p.m.)

Video: "Alpha Delta Pi's Analyze Lambda Chi Alpha's Love Story!" (March 31, 08, 1:21 p.m.)

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Slideshow: "Light Up Night 2007 Lifts Students Spirits"  (Nov 18, 07, 2:00 a.m.)

Video:  Light Up Night's Nativity Creche Christened Colorfully!  (Nov 17,07, 11:52 p.m.)


PS Editorial: Hussein Has Hebrew Hating Friends For Foes! (July 18, 08, 1:32 a.m.)

PS Editorial: "Oust Obama Over Commanding Country Cause Character Critical!" (July 30, 2008, 4:11 p.m.)

PS Editorial: "Homosexuals Have Maligned Marriage Maledicting Messiah's Message!" (May 16, 08, 5:01 p.m.)

Dad Delivered Daily, Delighting Family of Five Forever! (Dec 22, 07, 11:22 p.m.)

PS Editorial: "Badmouthing Black Woman Willingly, Jacobs Justifies Expelling Employee!" (May 23, 08, 10:14 p.m.)


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PS Editorial: "Patriots Perfectionist, Bill Belichick Tumbles Through Treason" (Feb 05, 08, 2:08 a.m.)

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Slideshow:"Morgantown Memories Propel Pitt Fans Festivities!"  by Matt Keeny & Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 03, 07, 12:47 p.m.)




Updated on Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 5:30 a.m. EST



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"Communists Cheer Candidate Barack Boastfully Joining Jackals Attacking America!"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Editors Note:  This editorial has been approved by a 8-1 vote as quorum was met before Thursday, August 14, 2008 by 10:15 a.m. After 10:15 a.m., if the votes counted it would have been 9-2.

We want the citizens of the blessed United States of America to realize that communists, socialists, radical Islamists, terrorists, anti-Semites, and radical leftists give their support unequivocally to Democratic presidential nominee Barack Hussein Obama based on evidence. Our main focus will be on what communists have done in support of Obama.

The Communist Party USA’s July editorial, ‘Eye on the Prize’ gives their support for Obama as reported by Fred Lucas, the staff writer for http://www.CNSNews.com

That worries us when the Communist Party’s USA editorial is in favor of Obama and it should concern the patriotic voters of America to realize the groups that come in favor of Obama and his candidacy.

The late former president Ronald Reagan fought tooth and nail so that people of the world could have freedom from tyranny that included freedom against the oppression of communist rule in many nations. Reagan was unwavering in his desire for nations to have Democratic held elections and for people to be free which our current president George W. Bush holds to strongly.

If Reagan were alive, he would have spoken out against the human rights violations and atrocities committed by the Chinese communist government against followers of Christ and those who dissent against them as president Bush has been speaking out against.

By the Communist Party supporting Obama, it is a spit in the face of Reagan Democrats and our soldiers in the Armed Forces who have fought with blood and sweat that others can have freedom and that the people of the world can know the American flag stands for freedom.

According to New York Time’s best seller, ‘The Obama Nation’ published by Jerome R. Corsi, he lays out a compelling groundwork of factual information in 304 pages to show how wrong Obama is for the presidency of the United States supporting his facts with 34 pages of footnotes.

When the United States Anthem, ’The Star-Spangled Banner’ was being played, in Iowa, everyone there including Obama’s democratic constituency had their right hand on their heart except Obama who had his hands folded together casually in front of him as a large American flag formed the backdrop. (The Obama Nation, p.253)

That just shows his value he places on the American flag and anthem.

According to The Obama Nation, there is a federal law U.S. Code, Title 36 chapter 10, Section 171 that states, “During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart.” (The Obama Nation, p. 254)

As a Harvard law graduate, you would think Obama would know the laws pertaining to patriotism but then again
he does have strong ties to Kenya and the Muslim friendly candidate Raila Odinga who was educated in communist East Germany before the Berlin Wall came down.

Obama is even seen in a picture with Raila Odinga supporting his candidacy for Kenya’s presidency even when it can be shown that Odinga was responsible for churches being burned down and thousands of Christians being murdered in December 2007 while Muslim mosques remained intact.

According to The Obama Nation, ‘in a horrifying incident following the election, at least fifty people, including women and children, were killed when an angry mob forced Kikuyu Christians into an Assemblies of God Pentecostal church and set fire to it, hacking with machetes any of the Christians who tried to escape the flames.” (The Obama Nation, p. 104)

Obama has continued to keep in touch with Odinga. Don’t expect the mainstream media who wants Obama to be elected to report on these things.

He can talk all he wants about patriotism but his actions do not make us believe he is patriotic and his associations with communists like Odinga does not help.

There is a reason Reagan Democrats chose Reagan over the failed policies and appeasement tactics of the Jimmy Carter administration including the hostage crisis of U.S. citizens in Tehran, Iran. We hope Reagan Democrats will vote for presidential candidate John McCain.

Yes, when Reagan became president not only were the hostages released from Tehran, Iran whose government and people thought of America as the ‘Great Satan’ but during his second term, the Cold War ended including the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall which were a result of communism in the first place.

According to Lucas, the communist newspaper said a broad coalition is backing “Obama’s ‘Hope, change and unity’ campaign because they see in it the thrilling opportunity to end 30 years of ultra-right rule and move our nation forward with a broadly progressive agenda.”

Does that include taking away the Ronald Reagan years of presidency that included the fall of Communism in many countries and the release of our American citizens from the tyranny of a terrorist-sanctioning nation like Tehran, Iran?

Does it include the freedom of the Kuwait people and its government under the oppression of Saddam Hussein’s regime?

Does it include the topple of Saddam Hussein’s reign in Iraq and bringing freedom to the Iraqi people by the blood, sweat, and sacrifice of our American soldiers?

Oh wait! They are communists so how can they think that what Ronald Reagan did was positive when he prayed to the Lord Jesus and got his guidance from the Lord to bring freedom to many countries.

The editorial board of their newspaper called the ‘People’s Weekly World’ wants us to believe ‘30 years of ultra-right rule’ hurt our nation in the past 30 years.’

Let us not kid ourselves because there are many countries that are jealous of America and its protector of the world status including its Judeo-Christian heritage that continues to this day in many areas.

They see in Obama a person who appeals to communists, socialists, radical Islamists, terrorists, and anarchists of their countries. They would love nothing more than to
‘move our nation forward with a broadly progressive agenda’ which they see Obama can deliver.

We strongly oppose Obama’s candidacy for the presidency of the United States not only because of his radical associations, character, but the shocking endorsements or support of groups you would never think would endorse or support a presidential candidate of the United States but they have joined in support of Obama.

We do not believe in just making smoke-screen allegations and accusations against Obama but providing you with factual information as we hold to the Pittsburgh Standard’s motto of ‘We Write for you, You Decide for us’

It is not surprising the Communist Party USA would support Obama when you realize that
Obama’s mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, a communist journalist and poet whose good friend was actor Paul Robeson who was a strong advocate of the Soviet Union and a member of the Communist Party USA. (The Obama Nation, p. 85)

Now the Soviet Union is gone and the Communist Party USA is not too thrilled.

According to Corsi, Gerald Horne, a contributing editor to Political Affairs, an openly Marxist political review writes Frank Marshall Davis was a ‘decisive influence in helping him [Barack Obama] to find his present identity as an African-American, a people who have been the least anti-communist and the most left-leaning of any constituency in this nation.” (The Obama Nation, p.85)

Davis, Obama’s mentor was part of the Communist Party USA that currently supports Obama.

According to Corsi, “In his autobiography, Livin’ the Blues, Davis himself tells us that being pursued by the U.S. government didn’t bother him: ‘I knew I would be described as a Communist, but frankly I had reached the stage where I didn’t give a d_ _ _.’”

When Obama needed advice he would go to Davis according to Obama’s own autobiography called
‘Dreams from my Father’.

In it he writes about going to Davis for comfort regarding what his grandmother who was white told him and Davis’ response saying, “She understands that black people have a reason to hate. That’s just how it is. For your sake, I wish it were otherwise. But it’s not. So you might as well get used to it.” (The Obama Nation, p.88)

Obama’s radical ties and associations are not challenged as they should be and the far left elects candidates like that to represent them in the general election but throughout history of presidential elections far left candidates usually lose the general election.

We do not believe that whatever evidence comes against Obama, the far left will stop supporting him. They want anyone but a Republican in the White House. Compared to Obama, Clinton would have been a better nominee for the Democratic party because at least she can be seen as a patriot of the United States.

This is not something we can really say about Obama based on the endorsements he has gotten and the ties to radical groups that he is associated with.

Clinton has been a staunch supporter of Israel something that cannot be said of Obama who has received the endorsement of Hamas, a terrorist organization intent on seeing Israel decimated.

The battle for the United States presidency does not lie with the far-left or far-right supporters whether those far-right consider themselves Evangelical Christians or not but the real battle begins with Reagan Democrats, independent voters, and centrist voters who will have to see that Obama is unlike them and McCain has more commonality with them.

Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale lost in a 49-1 landslide against Ronald Reagan who the Communist Party USA hates. Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis lost in a 40-10 landslide against George H.W. Bush who the Communist Party USA hates.

Both of them ran far-left in the election and Obama’s record in the few years we have shows that he is as far-left as can be regardless of what he wants voters to believe now.

The evidence we have should not be his words on the campaign trail to make voters believe but what is in his record. His record should show centrist voters who voted for Bill Clinton against George H.W. Bush, that they can be the same voters that can propel McCain to the White House.

We want a president of the United States that meets the needs of the citizens of the United States and has backing from some of our strongest allies including the blessed state of Israel.

We have looked at Obama’s support from the Communist Party USA and one of his mentors who was part of the party. We hope to show in future editorials the evidence for Obama’s support from socialists, radical Islamists, terrorists, anti-Semites, and radical leftists who he has had ties to.

We cannot in good conscience support a candidate who not only has received support from the Communist Party USA but from one of its members who happened to be Obama’s mentor that he writes about.

Our other editorial called “Hussein Has Hebrew Hating Friends For Foes!”  published on July 18, 08 and picked up by http://obamawtf.blogspot.com and the editorial called "Oust Obama Over Commanding Country Cause Character Critical!" published on July 30, 2008 will show Obama will be a danger to the United States.

Obama has said, that there are those that will try to scare voters in thinking that he
"doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."

He definitely does not look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills because they were all white and he is black but Barack’s blackness is not the issue in this election. His appearance is not what should make us against him but his actions. In his actions, he is not like the other presidents or presidential candidates.

In the history of the United States elections, who has received the support of communists, socialists, radical Islamists, terrorists, anti-Semites, and radical leftists and has had ties to them except Obama!

The mainstream media fell in love so much with him that they did not want to cover his shortcomings but the time is now to do that before America is taken on a path that pleases the world and hurts America.

Let us do our part to ensure that McCain, a War-time hero and patriot
can win Pennsylvania and the other electorates to become the next president of the United States. We believe McCain is a contender while Obama is a pretender.

We believe John McCain
(http://www.youtube.com/johnmccain), will put the country first and has a character that has been tested. McCain is also so principled that he has taken so much heat from members of his own Republican party. He does not let party lines cloud what he believes in and what should be done unlike Barack Hussein Obama who does.


Yes. It is interesting to think about the fact that Barack Obama would not pass a basic security clearance due to his radical ties. Since you don't need to pass a security clearance to get into office (which is proper), it is the job of the media and others to expose these radical connections.

Concurring Board Member, Aug 13, 2008 @ 12:56 p.m.


Radical Connections? Give me break!

Dissenting Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 1:53 p.m.


You cannot deny that he has radical connections, and I am not saying he is the only Presidential candidate to ever have 'radical' connections. The point is, it is up to him to explain these connections and it is up to the voters to decide whether they are comfortable with them or not.

Concurring Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 2:43 p.m.


Radical connections in terms of what? If that's the case, we all have some form of radical connections. Should we, as tax paying citizens, publicly announce all of the connections that others may deem "radical". I don't think so.

Dissenting Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 2:46 p.m.


You are correct that we all may have connections that others would frown upon. We are not all running for President of the United States. A candidate for any such high office should be subject to great scrutiny, whether it be political, personal, or otherwise. When one chooses of their own free will to seek such office, they should understand this. Obama doesn't have to publicly announce anything, what he chooses to say or not say is up to him. My original point stands, it is the duty of the media to fairly and objectively scrutinize (analyze) his past. It is then the job of the voters to decide, based on what has been uncovered and how the candidate responds (or doesn't respond). This is the American Political Process. Love him or hate him, Obama has a background very unique from any past serious candidate. This, naturally, makes him subject to much greater scrutiny.

Concurring Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 4:09 p.m.


And Justin I agree with you completely. But what I find very interesting is that we have yet to vote on a submission highlighting McCain's "radical connections" or giving him the same scrutiny. I think it has to be our responsibility as a boad to vote on articles that are fair. I don't think this article is fair and balanced.

Dissenting Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 4:18 p.m.


I agree that an editorial is warranted that scrutinizes McCain.

Concurring Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 4:32 p.m.


Yes. Can't say I agree with all the evidence, but "yes" to the general message.

Concurring Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 6:12 p.m.


Don't you think the fishy evidence is enough to say no?

Dissenting Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 7:53 p.m.


Well, the overall message I agree with, but sometimes some of the evidence is a bit of a stretch. Yet, I still think that the editorial makes a good point, albeit with shaky evidence.

Concurring Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 8:49 p.m.


While I don't believe that Ronald Reagan single-handedly beat the Soviets, sure...I would like to see a fair article about John McCain though....

Concurring Board Member, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 @ 9:58 p.m.


I vote no. The article isn't balanced. There are no good qualities of Obama stated, and that just makes it an article that slams your opponent. There are also many details of McCain which can be scrutinized as well. Also, why is it that you are painting an Obama vote as un-Christian? It can be argued that McCain hasn't always had the cleanest slate either. Let's not judge one's Christian faith based upon a political vote.

Dissenting Board Member, Thurs, Aug 14, 2008 @ 11:57 a.m.


The purpose of this editorial is to show that Obama is unfit for commanding the United States of America. Another concurring board member put it well when he wrote about Obama’s radical ties above. We were asked to vote on why we believe Obama is unfit to command this nation and to consider McCain as our candidate of choice.

Board members who do not agree with McCain does not take away from who Obama is. As a concurring board member, I am glad to see that the majority of the board that voted after quorum was met voted to approve the editorial above.

Please someone enlighten me about Obama’s good qualities other than his eloquent gift of being a great orator.

He is for the holocaust of the unborn and much more radical than members of his own party. He is for the repealing of the Defense of Marriage Act which will allow gay marriages to be recognized in all parts of the country if repealed to name two issues so what are his good qualities?

To the dissenting board member who questioned ‘why is it you are painting an Obama vote as un-Christian?’, I must ask her what is her definition of a Christian?

For me the word Christian was a name given to Jews who decided to follow Christ in the Book of Acts. Following Christ is an act shown by our actions.

It boggles my mind how someone can vote for a Pro-Choice candidate like Obama who agrees with abortion on demand and has received a 100% voting record from NARAL, the pro-abortion organization and who said the Sermon on the Mount actually supports Gay Marriage.

Obama goes a step further to reject the Defense of Marriage Act signed into law by former president Bill Clinton. Clinton also knew and agreed with Jesus that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

For me, my Catholic friends and evangelical friends, the Pro-Life cause of the unborn is very important including the sanctity of marriage.

I personally feel when I choose to vote for a pro-choice & advocate of gay marriage candidate, I am spitting in the face of Jesus Christ letting Him know what He taught me through His Word means nothing in the 21st century especially when it comes to politics.

When I go that path, I am saying to Jesus, you can be part of my life in all areas except politics. When it comes to politics, let me make my own decision of the candidate I want regardless of what your Word says Jesus.

I don’t want to do that! For me it is not about being a Republican or Democrat because I was looking at our publisher’s webpage and saw an editorial many of us voted to approve regarding the shame of having former Republican candidate Rudy Giuliani as our presidential nominee because of his views on abortion and gay-marriage.

I imagine myself going to the voting booth and asking myself, ‘If Jesus were to come inside the booth with me, standing right next to me with His Word that states from Genesis 1:27-28: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:27-28)

This is in the context of marriage between a man and a woman. Being fruitful and increasing in number means having the babies come to life by being born which is against abortion.

Will I in good conscience be able to vote for Obama?

The answer for me is no!!! This verse speaks against abortion and gay marriage from the beginning of God’s Word. There are so many other verses speaking out against abortion and gay marriage.

Does that mean our publisher believes that a person who says they are a Christian but votes for Obama is un-Christian?

It is not his decision to make because whether you or I are a Christian is determined by the fruit we bear that God sees in us when we receive the Holy Spirit in our lives after acknowledging Jesus Christ alone can save us from our sins. Because He died on the cross to take away all our sins and shed His precious cleansing blood to give us new life when we turn to Him, believing in our heart that He came back to life on the third day to save and confessing with our mouth Jesus is Lord we will be saved. There is an act of confessing our sin and repenting of it.

The confession of Jesus is Lord is paramount too because Jesus cannot just be our Savior to be saved if He is not also our Lord. Jesus has to be the Master of our lives and govern us in all we do.

There are those who want Jesus to save them and then believe they can live their life however they want including voting for whoever they want because they believe they are already saved by Jesus so now they can do whatever they want but Jesus is against this kind of thinking and actions.

This is not the Gospel. The Gospel has a cost to following Jesus which is addressed in Mark 8. I see our publisher has been doing teachings on it for the EXPRESSIONS section of our paper. Also Matthew 7:21-23 puts it well.

“Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'“ (Matthew 7:21-23, NIV)

Only God knows whether someone has truly chosen to follow Christ and His teachings. Anyone can say anything but God knows the heart and our actions to determine whether we have chosen to follow Christ or chosen to depart from God’s Word.

Does this mean that McCain is a saint?

Of course not! For me McCain is a Christian and someone who has had a strong Pro-Life record and also is against Gay Marriage. McCain is also a patriot to me and Obama’s action do not reflect that based on all 3 editorials.

I found one of our dissenting board members last comment very interesting:
“Let's not judge one's Christian faith based upon a political vote.”

I don’t agree with the statement.

Let’s take an extreme example and mellow down the examples to address this even though it may never happen. I am not saying Obama is a Satanist or Atheist!

Imagine a Satanist is planning to run for the president of the United States and a Christian decides to cast a political vote for that person.

Is there something wrong with this picture?

For me there is! Because one’s Christian faith is faith in Jesus Christ and by proxy in His Word.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

Jesus is referred to as logos meaning the Word.

So by saying, I am of a Christian faith is saying that my faith is in Jesus Christ and His teachings. His teachings condemn following Satan and his ways. So someone who says, ‘I love Jesus Christ’, but votes for a Satanist does not love Jesus Christ.

An Atheist is planning to run for the president of the United States and a Christian decides to cast a political vote for that person.

Using the same argument, there is a definite wrong in this picture if I vote for the Atheist.

In essence, when I do that, I am saying that my Christian faith is compartmentalized and does not affect who I vote for whether it is a Satanist or Atheist.

How about a candidate who is Pro-choice and for gay marriage?

My Christian faith should affect whatever I do in life including who I vote for in politics including choosing a pro-life and sanctity of marriage candidate. I believe all the other issues will take care of themselves when moral issues are addressed.

I ask myself, does the person I am voting for whether they are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, etc hold to the teachings of Jesus Christ?

If they do as a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe it is my duty to vote for the person who holds to the teachings of Jesus Christ especially in moral areas.

If I think both candidates claim to be Christians but one candidates’ view is in line with Scripture more than the other candidates’ view who distorts Scripture, then it is my duty to vote for the one candidate who comes closer to Scriptural values.

Right now for me that candidate is John McCain who is for the sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage among many other great stance on issues.

What happens if a candidate claims he is Christian but is Pro-choice and for gay marriage and another candidate is not a Christian but Pro-Life and for the sanctity of marriage?

In that situation, I would not vote at all but we don’t have this problem in America because this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and will be hard for someone to win the presidency who does not claim to follow Christ.

The bottom line is we need to vote for the lesser of two evils because both have issues but these next few months will show that Obama’s issues are coming to the forefront from books like ‘The Obama Nation’, ‘The Case Against Barack Obama’, etc.

Because of my faith in Jesus Christ, I intend to vote for John McCain who I have heard speak on an Evangelical Christian channel. The only way that I may not vote at all in this election is if McCain chooses a Pro-Choice candidate who goes against the Word of God.

This is the 21st century but I cannot separate my walk with the Lord Jesus and who I vote for. You may differ. It is between you and the Lord who you vote for and how you are convicted by the Lord.

‘Having peace about it’ should never be a valid excuse to do something if that peace contradicts Scripture, for Satan can come as a beam of light.

I heard a true story about a Christian woman who wanted to divorce her Christian husband because she was not happy with the marriage anymore. Based on her selfish reasons, she went to the Lord to pray about it. After she prayed she came back with the response, ‘The Lord is ok with me to divorce my husband, because I have a peace about it’

When God speaks or gives us peace, He will not go against His Word. God is against divorce for what God has joined together let no man separate. So her peace was not from God.

A dissenting board member’s response was very thought provoking to prompt this response. I thank that person for their dissenting opinion.

Concurring Board Member, August 14, 2008

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.Click picture to read my dad's memoriam:

Nov 01, 1941 - Dec 17, 2007

Previous Editorials
by PS2008 Board:

 PS Editorial: "Oust Obama Over Commanding Country Cause Character Critical!" (July 30, 2008, 4:11 p.m.)

Editorial of PS2008 Board: "Hussein Has Hebrew Hating Friends For Foes!" (July 18, 2008, 12:41 p.m.)

Editorial of PS2008 Board:
"Badmouthing Black Woman Willingly, Jacobs Justifies Expelling Employee!" (May 23, 08, 10:14 p.m.)

Editorial of PS2008 Board: "Homosexuals Have Maligned Marriage Maledicting Messiah's Message!" (May 16, 08, 5:01 p.m.)

Editorial: "SGB should rendition resolutions supporting some students!" (April 05, 08, 11:10 a.m.)

Editorial: "‘Gone Baby Gone’ Gives Gritty Guarantee!" (Feb 13, 08, 1:03 p.m.)

Pitt News Rebuttal Editorial: "People Provider For Ongoing Abortions Abhors Administration of Bush " (Jan 24, 08, 9:30 a.m.)

Editorial: "Patriots Perfectionist, Bill Belichick Tumbles Through Treason" (Feb 05, 08, 2:08 a.m.)

Editorial: "GOP's Gutless, Giving Guiliani Galvanization!" (Jan 19, 08, 2:02 a.m.)






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