Ramesh C. Reddy
Editor in Chief
Hi everyone :)
May you know the Lord loves you and you have been created by Him and He wants to deliver you! Amen!
My Quiet Times for September 12,02: (Psalm 102, Proverbs 12, and Mark 12)
“In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But you remain the same, and your years will never end.” (Psalm 102:25-27)
What stuck out to me was v.27. In that verse I learned 2 things:
I asked myself, “What does it mean for the Lord to remain the same?”
What came to my mind is that He will never change and will remain constant in His character, attributes, and what He is all about.
I then asked myself, “What does it mean for the Lord’s years never ending?”
What came to my mind is what philosopher Frederick Neitchze tried to propagate with his writings on ‘God is dead’. Neitchze believed God to be dead and tries to get that message across to students even now through his writings. The interesting thing is that Neitchze is dead but God is still alive and lives on His throne.
This verse was comforting for me because it reminds me that the Lord’s years will never end. Since His years never end, His character and attributes will also remain the same through the years and God is not dead!
What also came to my mind was ‘Didn’t Jesus die on the cross?’
Yes, He did but He came back to life 3 days later. Anyway as I read all three verses, a thought came to my mind that these 3 verses could be foreshadowing of what is to come.
That made sense when I thought about Jesus talking about a day when heaven and earth will pass away but His words will not. Also, 'change' in verse 26 brings to mind the New Jerusalem that the Lord will set up one day. This cannot happen if He is not living can it?
It is exciting to know that His character will remain the same and He will remain forever!
I saw important implications for my own life. First of all, since the Lord remains the same, His Word that He has given to generations will remain the same too and it will not change. I believe the Bible stands the test of time and when God spoke it, He spoke it with the universe in mind. This is encouraging because the Bible has the blueprints and directions for our lives and all those who are going to be born and die. That is exciting to know.
I need to read it and meditate on it and follow the Word of the Lord to be able to have direction. Since the Lord is the same, I can go to Him with whatever I am going through and know that He has the power to intervene in His timing.
The final point is that I can measure the validity of Nietczhe’s writing in light of Scripture since I know it to be the Word of God. It is also amazing how the Bible can be proven to be the Word of God. God is alive and living and He can work in my life even right now.
I ask you now dear friends, what is your perception about God?
Dear friends, however you have viewed God, I want you to know that He has not changed and is still living. He is the same yesterday, today, and will remain the same tomorrow. Whatever you are going through you can go to Him knowing that He has the power to intervene in His timing. You can know that He is love and Light. In Him is no darkness at all. He can reach you where you are at. If you have doubts that is okay too! The Lord never condemned people for having doubts but tried to help them relieve those doubts. You maybe heavily into philosophy and it maybe putting doubts in your mind the way it is taught but know, you can be a excellent philosopher and still a follower of the Lord. They do not have to be separate. Yes, there is a lot of stuff in philosophy that questions the existence of God and other things but if studied in the right way, you can also learn God’s truth revealed in aspects of it ignoring the irrelevant stuff. I believe only in the Bible is everything relevant!
May you know that you are loved and that you can study any subject with the Lord on your side and know that He will provide you with the Ultimate Truth! Amen!
God Offers Deliverance! (G.O.D)/”What is your perception about God?”
Dear Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for being the same yesterday, today, and forever more. I thank you that you will continue to live on. And Lord, I thank you that though heaven and earth will disappear one day, you will not. I also thank you that one day we can be with you and live forever as we yield our lives to you, confessing our sins, believing in our hearts that you were raised from the dead, and acknowledging you as our Lord and Personal Savior. Thank you God for the deliverance you offer. I thank you Lord for the power of your Word. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen! Come Jesus live in us and make our hearts your home. Transform us and make us what you want us to be. Thank you Jesus for doing that and having heard our prayers. Amen!
Love in Christ,