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Students unite with one voice of hope

Photogallery of flags and candles remembering September 11,2001 victims

Jewish students walk for Israel


A patriotic war is just to protect people (1)

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"Accept Christ's Caring, Everlasting Pardon Today, Allowing Now Change Everyday!"(A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E)

By Ramesh C. Reddy
Pittsburgh Standard

Editors note: These are detailed devotional times I have had with the Lord that I wanted to share with the readers. They will be posted on those days I have detailed devotional times. Today's devotional time was  taken from the archives and substantially revised before 7:00 a.m.

Quiet Times for  Friday, January 30, 04
(Psalm 30, Proverbs 30, Mark 2:13-15)

Hi everyone :)

May you know the Lord's acceptance in your own life now and forever! Amen!

"Once again Jesus went out beside the lake. A large crowd came to him, and he began to teach them. As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector's booth. 'Follow me,' Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him." (Mark 2:13-15, NIV)


After healing the paralytic, Jesus once again went out beside the lake. It is possible this is the same lake where He met Simon, Andrew, James & John. A large crowd comes to him and He began to teach them.

It is so cool that Jesus uses every opportunity He has to teach them and call people to Him!

I asked myself why is it significant that Jesus called a tax collector to follow Him!

 It is significant to me because tax-collectors in that day were really despised. I do not believe they were hated just because they were collecting taxes but also because they were cheating them while working for the Romans. We are not told much about Levi except that he was in the middle of his occupation, 'collecting taxes'. Now here comes Jesus and asks him to follow Him after teaching to the crowds. Jesus went from calling professional fisherman to follow Him to asking a despised tax-collector to follow Him.

If Levi were collecting taxes, it is more than likely that he was becoming rich day by day. He was not just there to volunteer! As much as the Jewish people were waiting for a deliverer to deliver them from the oppression of Rome, there were some Jews who decided to work for the Romans to benefit their own pockets. Levi was one of them. We can infer that he was Jewish based on his name and because it is mentioned that he is the son of Alphaeus. Usually Jewish people attributed a lot to the family name. He now works for the oppressors.

It is more than likely that people avoided tax-collectors as much as possible. Let's be honest, I do not know how many people have a good opinion of tax-collectors these days too (the IRS). The IRS has been under investigation many times because of some of its members. Jesus does not despise Levi but calls to him.


I asked myself what I could learn about Jesus!

Jesus seems to be counter-cultural. Regardless of what people think about Levi and how much he maybe despised, Jesus values him as a person and tells him to follow him regardless of his background. That must have meant a world to Levi to be asked to go along with Jesus, who was a celebrity of that day.

If this were to happen today, the media would have a field day.

The headlines could read, "Despised tax-collector given autograph by the celebrity, Jesus."

Anyone Jesus asks to follow Him is being given His autograph in a figurative sense.


I asked myself what I could learn about Levi!

            Levi got up and followed Jesus. He left what he was doing and went along with Jesus. This is significant because after having an encounter with Jesus, he was willing to give up his job that was causing pain to a lot of people. Jesus drew him in. In a way, Jesus ran to Levi to accept him and Levi came to Jesus!


I saw important implications for my own life. No matter where I have been or what I have done, when Jesus calls that is a time to celebrate. I need to put my guilt and past behind and follow Jesus, being accepted by Jesus, for Jesus gives us acceptance.     

I ask you now dear friend, where are you looking for acceptance?

Dear friend, human beings were made to be in a relationship with God and each other. Sin marred that bond and corrupted it. Yet, deep inside of every human being there is a desire for acceptance and they look for it in different places. I guess Levi looked to his job for acceptance even though it hurt a lot of people.

Friend, I don’t know where you go for acceptance. Many times it seems easier to run for acceptance in different areas that can be detrimental to our lives. Yet these areas cannot really give us acceptance but Jesus will and can. He has given you free will and you can run to Him! Jesus runs to and wants to give you new life. Yes, He does! Oh yes, He does!

I want you to know no matter whom we have been, where we have been, what we have done, why we have done it; the Lord does not forsake us. Jesus calls to us just as He did Levi. He wants us to follow Him! This does not always mean dropping what we are doing and following Jesus if it is not wrong what we are doing unless we know that's what the Lord wants us for.  Wherever we are it does mean serving Jesus in the area we are in.

Do not ever let guilt or your past keep you from following Jesus. If you think you are not good enough for Jesus to accept you, you are on the right track. It is only when we realize that we are not good enough and humble ourselves before the Lord, He is ready to take us in. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God as Scripture states. This is why Christ came.  

No matter what the scars and stains of the past are, the Lord wants you. You know how posters say: "Wanted Dead or Alive: Reward for capture of criminal"? This is done so the prisoner can be caught and lose his freedom.

Jesus wants you so that He can set you free and take you on a new path of life. "As far as the east is from the west, He has removed our transgressions from us." (Psalm 103:12)

You can run to Jesus as you are and receive His blessings and abundant life. He wants you because He loves you. No matter what others tell you because of your actions, know that Jesus loves you so much and He is willing to accept you! Allow Him to change you rather than waiting until you can make all the changes before coming to Jesus. If that were the case, it would never happen because you would always feel down upon yourself and feel that you are not worthy for the Lord.

The Lord has reached out to tax-collectors, prostitutes, etc. His love has no bounds and He reaches out to you. May you come to the point to accept Christ’s caring everlasting pardon today, allowing now change everyday!

Will of the Human
by Ramesh C. Reddy

Human, Human, what have you done with your Free will?

What will be your life's final bill?

Will your will take you, up or down hill?

Your mind and heart, how have you decided to fill?

Is it by taking a high drug pill?

In the end, it will only give you a kill!

Whether you are Jack or Jill!

Cause drugs will give your brain a bad chill!

Is it by watching filth?

In the end, your mind will be corruptly built!

As your conscience won't understand innocence from guilt!

Is it by engaging in forbidden acts?

In the end, they will make you realize the dangerous facts!

Is it by joining a street gang?

In the end, there is usually a bang!

As you are hit by a bullet's poisonous fang!

Is it by living your life away from God

Who wants to guide you by His staff and rod?

In the end, with joy you cannot nod!

Cause life's bill won't still be paid

And these activities you think are fun will give you a raid!

As your mind and heart start to fade!

Because that's not the reason, you were made!

But there is still a way out!

If you decide to go on that route!

Jesus loves you so much, I have no doubt!

Your problems and pain, you can give to Him!

Even when the solutions to your problems look slim!

And your life's future looks dim!

For Jesus paid the ultimate cost!

Upon a rugged Cross for the lost!

That in Him we may have abundant life and not frost!

His shed Blood was for you and me!

His love and healing power is available for you to see!

Through life's trials and tribulations, strong you can be!

For the Holy Spirit will come to Thee!

And be your life's answer Key!

When you give your life to the Savior!

In whom, you can find favor!

For He loves you so much!

There is no love as such!

He will lead you by His gentle Hand!

In this troublesome world we call land!

In prayer, as you accept the Lord in your heart!

And let the Lord do the final part!


“Accept Christ's Caring, Everlasting Pardon Today, Allowing Now Change Everyday!” (A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E)


Dear Lord, I want to thank you so much for accepting us even though we have done so much that has dishonored you. I thank you Lord that you love us so much and you never see us as being beyond your reach. You reach out to us how no matter how stain filled our past has been and want to fill us with your love and forgiveness; healing us of all our sin and accepting us. Thank you so much Lord for running to us, putting your arms around us, wiping the tears from our eyes, and forgiving us. We give our lives to thee and are sorry for all our sins. Thank you that you wipe them away and we can have a fresh start! Thank you so much Jesus for the start you give us. We have a new beginning with you Lord and we can live with you and follow you. I thank you for calling Levi to follow you. Thank you for the free will you give us and we can serve you! I thank you for hearing us and answering us. In Your Name We Pray Jesus! Amen!

Love in Christ,                                                         Ramesh

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