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Best of the Pittsburgh Standard Sections of 2001-2002

SPECIAL                    FEATURE                  




Campaign finance reform becomes a crucial platform is

Former Survivor contestant visits Pitt

Athletes train their mind at AIA

Planned Parenthood supports UNFPA

Pitt cheerleaders and dance team rock the Fitzerald Fieldhouse

Bread for the world promotes hunger awareness


Da playas gonna play

Men are from the "O" and women are from "Starbucks"

Mexican exchange student enters a party!

Alcohol visits many faces across lands

Complaints of loneliness can be solved

Inventions of Black America rock

It is a matter of principle and ethics

"Mi casa es su casa": My home is your home


Pitt student assimilates into Delta Zeta

Chi Omega rocks in student's life!


Panthers rise to victory in Orlando

Panthers Tangerine Bowl victory spreads cheer through football players, cheerleaders, and fans!

Pitt finishes at the Fieldhouse with firepower

Knight and Howland receive Big East honors

Pitt's dance team shakes their way into the spotlight

Freshman cheerleader shares experience

Paralympics give hope

Next season for the Panthers looks promising

Prospective teams aiming for the title in 2003


Moral law or religious banter: The debate over the 10 Commandments continues

Court approves peaceful minute

Zultan/Yunich enlighten freshman student!

Start the year 2002 with a new perspective!

Music teaches

Gospel revealed through semantics and word play

Expressions of praise give audience new hope!

Identity can be a complicated matter

My kiss of a lifetime hopes to be special

Jubilee Afrikana rocks the Hilton Hotel in Downtown

Only the right antidote can protect your life

God's love is alphabetically revealed in random languages

God and the Baby


Top 25 reasons behind the origin's of the candy cane

The top 21 responses to 'I have a dream today that....'
Top 14 responses to "A Loving Friend is...."

In celebration of Valentine's Day, the top 50-26 responses to 'Love is....'

In celebration of Valentine's Day, the top 25-1 responses to 'Love is....'

In remembrance of 'Good Friday', the top 25 student responses to 'Loving the world God...'


July 4th fireworks rock Point State Park with a bang


Review of Kuntz Bakery


Finding the sweetest pad in Pittsburgh


April-May 2002

March 2002

February 2002

January 2002

December 2001

November 2001

October 2001

September 2001


President George W. Bush’s Remarks to the March for Life

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you, Nellie [Gray, President of March for Life]. I want to thank you very much for including me in the celebration of life. I want to thank the good folks there on the Mall today. I'm calling you from St. Louis, Missouri.

I know there are some from Missouri there and, like many others, you've made great sacrifices to come to Washington today. A lot of you have ridden buses all night long and I know you're braving the cold. And I admire your perseverance and I admire your devotion to the cause of life.

You all are gathered today on the National Mall, which is not far from the monument to Thomas Jefferson who, as you all know, is author of our Declaration of Independence. And the March for Life upholds the self-evident truth of that Declaration -- that all are created equal, given the unalienable rights of life, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And that principle of America needs defenders in every place and every generation.

In our time, respect for the right to life calls us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, and all who are weak and vulnerable. And this self-evident truth calls us to value and to protect the lives of innocent children waiting to be born.

You and I share a commitment to building a culture of life in America, and we're making progress. As the President, I have signed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, opposed the destruction of embryos for stem cell research, and refused to spend taxpayer money on international programs that promote abortion overseas. (Applause.)

My administration is challenging the Oregon law that permits physician-assisted suicide. (Applause.) We support abstinence education, and crisis pregnancy programs, and parental notification laws. We offer compassionate alternatives to abortion by promoting adoption and extending state health care coverage for unborn children.

My hope is that the United States Congress will pass a bill this year banning partial-birth abortion, which I will sign. (Applause.) Partial-birth abortion is an abhorrent procedure that offends human dignity. I also urge the Congress to ban all human cloning. We must not create life to destroy life. Human beings are not research material to be used in a cruel and
reckless experiment. (Applause.)

For 30 years, the March for Life has been sustained by constant prayer and abiding hope, that one day, every child will be born into a family that loves that child and a nation that protects that child. And when that day arrives, you will have the gratitude of millions -- especially those who know the gift of life because you cared and you kept faith. May God bless you all and may God continue to bless America.

MS. GRAY: Thank you, Mr. President.

Courtesy: National Right to Life Committee (www.nrlc.org)