"The Invasion' Imparts Inoculations Inevitability!"
By Ramesh
C.Reddy Pittsburgh Standard
Saturday, Feb 08, 2007
"'The Invasion" (2007)

Picture and video source:
Rated PG-13 for violence, disturbing images and terror.
Run time is 99 minutes! Now available on DVD!
Nicole Kidman - Carol Bennell
Daniel Craig - Ben Driscoll
'The Invasion' Trailer
“The Invasion” is a psychological thriller where human beings
start acting emotionless and try to convert everyone to their ideology
for a better world when a virus takes hold of them. This in itself is a
paradox because people are being converted against their will. There are
few freedom fighters for free will who refuse to be taken in. Invasion
revolves around these freedom fighters who fight to save humanity and
bring back free will!
“The Invasion” is rated PG-13 for violence! It is an excellent movie
to watch to discuss issues such as conversion, free will, humans
frailness, courage, determination, perseverance, love, viruses, and sin.
Scale of 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest!
5 - There is some violence
Sex and Nudity:
1 - No nudity just a kissing scene!
1 -
S word is used once!
Drugs & Alcohol:
1 - Barely any drug use!
0 - Barely laughed at all!
3 - Terrorization is involved!
Overall Content Rating:
'The Invasion'
receives 3 out of 5 stars.
It was an enjoyable movie to watch because it showed me the
deep love of a mother for her son. The mother in the movie went to all
lengths to save her son from the virus. In the movie, the son becomes
the antidote to save humanity from the destruction of the virus.
It reminded me of the agape love God has for us. We see God going to all
lengths to save us from the virus known as sin. In our lives, Jesus
Christ, God’s Son came to provide the antidote to save us from the
destruction and deadliest virus known as sin:
Being infected with a virus that is so deadly gave me no way out. It
even started to affect my physical well-being. It was eating me on the
inside. No earthly doctors who care for the physical health of people
could heal me of this disease. There have been days it caused havoc in
my life. I could have died with this virus still inside of me. I needed
a transfusion badly that will wipe out the virus. I could receive the
transfusion but a price had to be paid for that transfusion.
Usually, doctors charge us to heal us physically. But, in my case no
amount of money could restore my health and my days were ticking away
until one day death would come.
I was told of a doctor who specialized in helping people overcome this
deadly infection of a disease but that doctor alone had the antidote and
was not giving it out until I sought him. I did not want this disease to
completely take over me and was desperate for an antidote.
That doctor had the antidote inside of him and it was the same color as
my blood. For me to receive it meant, he would have to give up all his
blood in the transfusion, so the deadly virus can be wiped away being
covered by his blood in the transfusion.
This would allow the corrupted blood of mine because of the infection,
to be covered over by the doctor’s cleansing blood that washes away the
deadly virus inside of me.
The price was too much to pay but the doctor was willing to pay it.
Am I that valuable and important that a doctor was willing to go through
a transfusion that would have given him so much excruciating pain?
In a blood transfusion, a doctor is involved; a donor is involved; the
person accepting the transfusion, an intravenous needle, a tube, a bed,
and the blood are used.
Not in this case though because an intravenous-needle and tube would not
have accomplished the mission. Instead, three nails and a hammer were
Being on the bed would not accomplish the mission. Instead, the doctor
had to be on the cross. Now, the transfusion was ready to begin as the
blood flowed because of the three nails pounded into the body to suck
out all the blood from the donor so the one who accepts the blood can
receive the transfusion and completely be healed.
After what the doctor went through for me and provided the antidote, how
could I refuse the transfusion and continue to live with this deadly
disease! I did accept the transfusion offered to by the doctor.
To this day, I am covered by the blood of the doctor that wiped away the
deadly virus inside of me. His blood cleanses me of this deadly virus as
I turn to him and receive what he has done for me. Because of the
sacrifice of the doctor, I was given new life.
I am talking about Jesus Christ being my Great Physician. He went to the
cross to give me the antidote for my deadly infectious virus known as
sin. His cleansing precious pure blood shed on the cross became my
antidote to wash away and wipe away this deadly virus from my body.
Jesus took the initiative to be my Great Physician and heal me. Jesus
did not force me to accept the antidote but how could I refuse after
what Jesus went through for me. Jesus went to the cross and went through
excruciating pain so I could be in good spiritual health when I turn to
Him. I have friend. You can too friend!
Ask Jesus to come cleanse you with His precious cleansing blood to take
away all your sin! He will friend! Ask Jesus to be the Lord and Savior
of your life! He will friend! Yes, He will.
“In him we have redemption through his blood, the
forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace that
he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.” (Ephesians 1:7-8,
To see how Jesus Christ took away your deadly virus known as sin,
watch ‘The Passion of the Christ’ but especially read the BIBLE!
Questions to Ponder:
1. Why were human beings made into emotionless
beings and why does God want us to have free will when that will can be
used for destruction of humanity too?
2. There were those that were immune from the attack of the enemy in the
movie, why was that so? What connection can be made for our own lives to
be immune from Satan? What do we have to do?
3. Those that were immune from the enemy, it was not because of anything
they did on their own, but it was a gift they had received that they
later realized. How is that similar to what God has done for us?
4. Would you rather live in a robotic world where everything is
controlled or be willing to have free will, joy, and suffering? Why or
why not?
5. What is the most important thing you took away from watching ‘The
Express Your
picture to read my dad's memoriam:

Nov 01, 1941 - Dec 17, 2007
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