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Time By Escati       
In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania it is:


 February 2002



Athletes train their mind at AIA


Editorial: The month of February offers so many things.

Nicknames continue for me!

Learn a little bit about the K-dog

Inventions of Black America rock

Bensylvania by Ben Goldblatt


IUP helps aspiring foodservice manager


Class rocks on as always

Identity can be a complicated matter

Who is your ultimate Valentine?


It is a matter of principle and ethics

God and the Baby


Role playing addresses the seriousness of abortion

Peace through post-abortion syndrome

Planned Parenthood supports UNFPA


Top 14 responses to "A Loving Friend is...."

In celebration of Valentine's Day, the top 50-26 responses to 'Love is....'

In celebration of Valentine's Day, the top 25-1 responses to 'Love is....'

My kiss of a lifetime hopes to be special


"Books I Like"

Evolution affects human destiny

Darwinian evolution is on trial biology majors


Panthers visit 1974 Basketball

Panthers stun 10th ranked Syracuse

Paralympics give hope

Fans cheer on the Panthers

Players join AIA


Role playing addresses seriousness of abortion

Ramesh C. Reddy

Managing Editor

Felicia Pregnant: Hello, Ted I have bad news.

Ted Terminate: What’s wrong honey?

FP: I am pregnant.

TT: Are you sure?

FP: Yeah! I am sure.

TT: What are you planning to do?

FP: I need your help in raising our baby.

TT: What? I have so much to do. It was not supposed to happen this way. You know what you need to do?

FP: What?

TT: You need to terminate the baby.

FP: You are not serious?

TT: Yes I am. I cannot be worried about taking care of a child yet.

FP: I thought you loved me and we are going to get married.

TT: I do love you but I am not ready to be a dad.

FP: I am gonna keep my baby.

TT: What would your parents or mine say if they found out?

FP: I don’t want to.

TT: How many years have we gone out?

FP: Three years including our engagement time.

TT: You are going to throw all that away because you want to raise a baby? What about us? You have a choice: It’s me or the baby.

FP: How can you be so hard and you say, "you love me?"

TT: If you decide to go with the pregnancy, our engagement is off.

FP: I love you though. I love my baby too.

TT: I love you too but am not going to face the consequences. It’s too inconvenient. We can raise children once we get married. What are you gonna do?

FP: If I lose the baby, I can get pregnant again but if I lose you, I cannot get you back. If my parents find out, they will never forgive me. I don’t want my parents to find out too. I am gonna terminate the baby.

TT: You can set up an appointment with the doctor. I will see you later.

FP: Ok!

TT: Hi Felicia. How did it go?

FP: I felt a tugging pain when they ripped the baby out of me during the abortion. But, they said not to worry because everything would be fine. I didn’t think much about it.

TT: How do you feel?

FP: Ok, I guess. I am nervous too cause we are getting married soon.

TT: Mee too! I am sorry about the mess we got ourselves into. We should have waited.

Care Christian: Hi Tom and Felicia. Congratulations! You both finally tied the knot. How are you both doing?

TT: It feels great.

CC: What’s wrong with you Felicia? You seem to be down. This should be a happy occasion.

FP: All of a sudden I feel so depressed as though a part of me died.

CC: What do you mean?

FP: I would rather not talk about it. I want to be alone.

TT: What’s wrong honey?

FP: I can’t believe I terminated my baby.

TT: We can still have children Felicia.

FP: I know but I still feel a void and also feel really sick.

TT: Let me take you to the hospital.

FP: I need to see the doctor about my pains in the stomach.

TT: What happened?

FP: The doctor said my abortion caused complications and I can never conceive again.

TT: I am so sorry to hear that! Oh no, what have I done!

FP: I want to be alone.

TT: I am really sorry honey. It’s all my fault.

CC: What’s wrong Tom and Felicia?

TT: You see, I forced FP to have an abortion and she cannot conceive anymore plus she’s been really depressed recently after we got married.

CC: Oh no! I am so sorry what you are going through Felicia. You have Post-Abortion Syndrome. It hits many who have had an abortion.

FP: I can never have children again.

CC: You know, there were a lot of consequences I faced too after having an abortion. Things changed after I started my life with God. The consequences have not disappeared but He even allowed me to adopt a wonderful baby.


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