"How do you relate to the shepherds this
25, 06)
No matter
what your occupation is, where you have been,
what you have done, what you are doing, you can come to the Good Shepherd as you are and
allow Him to work in your life, bind up your wounds, and lead you. As
the shepherds were introduced to a Savior by the angels so can you just
as you are! If you are all muddy and yucky with things that have happened, allow
Jesus to clean you. He will clean you so well and cover you with His
precious cleansing blood. You are never out of His love and never out of
His reach. He will hold you in His arms of love as a Good Shepherd holds
a sheep.......
to RCR4JC_AM: Jesus is the Reason for the Season!"
(Dec 20, 06,
8:53 p.m.)
Welcome to RCR4JC_AM! RCR4JC_AM stands for Ramesh C. Reddy for Jesus Christ – Almighty
Messiah! This page is dedicated to celebrating
the birth of Jesus Christ and the Christmas season! Tune in and listen
to non-traditional religious Christmas songs during your lunch break or
relaxation time.....
RCR4JC- FM: Jesus is the reason for the season (Dec
Wednesday TV Christmas Specials for Dec 20, 06 (Dec
18, 06, 12:25 p.m.)
Thursday TV Christmas Specials for Dec 21, 06 (Dec
18, 06, 3:53 p.m.)
Friday TV Christmas Specials for Dec 22, 06 (Dec
19, 06, 12:40 a.m.)
Saturday Christmas TV Specials for Dec 23, 06 (Dec
19, 06, 4:56 a.m.)
Sunday Christmas Eve TV Specials for Dec 24, 06 (Dec
19, 06, 1:58 p.m.)
Monday Christmas Day TV Specials for Dec 25, 06 (Dec
20, 06, 2:35 a..m.)
Light Up Night Lights with Liveliness! (Dec
07, 06)
“Top 25 candy cane responses given by Pitt students eating
at Schenley Cafe in 2006!" (Dec
01, 06, 1:25 p.m.)
Click Cartoon of the day:


Many, years ago, prophesy told the coming of no ordinary child.
Entering Bethlehem, Mary & Joseph settled in a place that was wild.
Resting there, Mary gave birth to her firstborn Son.
Realizing from the Angels, a Savior was born, the Shepherds did run.
they hurried off and saw the baby lying in a manger away from danger.
Concerning what had been told about the Child, they spread the Word.
Hearing, all were amazed what shepherds said and none were bored.
Raising their voices, appeared with Angel company of Heavenly Host.
Indeed praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the Highest (Most).
overjoyed, Magi came from the East, seeing a beautiful star.
found house, bowed down, worshipped Christ, after coming so far.
Magi, then presented Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and Myrrh.
Mary, treasured up all that happened & pondered them in her heart.
Since Herod was evil, Magi took another route in their camel's cart.