Posted on Monday, January 08, 2024 at 07:34 p.m. (EST) , JANUARY 2023 Edition

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Growth Rests On Wonderful Truth's Help! (G.R.O.W.T.H)”

Ramesh C. Reddy


At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert, and he was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him.” (Mark 1:12-13, NIV)

I asked myself in whose COMPANY was Jesus according to v.12?

  1. The Spirit

  2. Satan

  3. Wild Animals

  4. Angels

I asked myself what role each played and the significance?

Point 1: The Spirit

I found it very interesting that right after the voice told Jesus, ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased’, 'At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert.'

This is very significant for me because what came to my mind is before the Spirit sent Jesus into the desert; He was built up with love and support after being acknowledged as His Son, by the Voice. Right after being baptized, Jesus could have been sent to the desert but He was not. Instead, He was built up first with love and support.

(To be continued...)

I asked myself what is the implication for my life?
What I have learned is that Father God will never send us into a situation without equipping, enabling, and empowering us. This is what Father God did for Jesus when Jesus was built up with love and support before being led into the desert by the Spirit. Only after that did the temptation begin for Jesus.

I remember when I first became a follower of Jesus Christ, I was built up so much in love, encouragement, and support. I felt so much loved by Jesus. Jesus was helping me to grow in Him. After awhile, the testing began but by then I already felt so loved by Jesus and felt His continued presence in my life. Even if we do not feel His presence He still is there, for when He comes in, He will never leave us or forsake us.

It is in adversity that our true colors and character shines forth. I was built up enough that the Lord allowed temptation to occur in my life.  I am so thankful for how the Spirit has worked in my life and will continue to work in my life.

I ask you now dear friend, what determines your G.R.O.W.T.H in the Lord?
Dear friend, your growth in the Lord is determined by where the Spirit leads you and how you react to that leading. But remember that the Spirit will never lead you anywhere that is contrary to His Word. So when you say 'I feel the Spirit's leading in doing this or that' you better test it with God's Word to make sure it is not your own desires or temptations that are creeping up but it is the Spirit of the Lord leading you. When the Spirit leads you, if you react positively and have a 'The Lord will not give me more than I can handle' attitude and seek the Lord through the leading, then you will know that you are growing in the Lord. But, if the Spirit leads you and you react negatively to the Spirit's leading by fighting for your own way then that will determine your growth too. But, this time there will be a negative effect on your growth.

Friend, I used to think a lot that 'if this person were not acting this way, then of course my attitude will be good', 'if this were not happening in my life, then of course I can be joyful', 'if I had all the things they had, then of course I won't have to complain', etc. You see the point. When we focus on ourselves, the result will be deadness and selfishness for a selfish heart cannot produce selflessness.

That self will hinder our growth in the Lord when we react negatively to our situations no matter what they are.

When the Spirit leads us as He led Jesus, there will always be preparation and we need to remember that preparation for that preparation will help us pass the test we are put in. God will never test us without equipping, enabling, and empowering us.  You have to prepare for tests to pass them; the more you prepare you will even be able to ace them with the Lord on your side. It is the same when it comes to our growth in the Lord. Thank you Jesus. But this is only one dimension on how our growth in the Lord is determined.

I love the Bible verse, "Since the Lord is directing my steps, why try to understand everything that happens along the way!" (Proverbs 20:24, TLB)

How amazing is that to know that the Lord is directing our steps and we need not always try to understand everything that happens along the way.

Growth in the Lord Jesus can never happen without putting into practice what you learn by spending daily time in prayer with the Lord, spending time in His Word revealed in the Bible during your personal Quiet Times, spending time in small group Bible study,  being part of a local church community, supplementing all that with evangelical books on different topics where the emphasis is on the principles of God's Word where the author believes the Bible is the Word of God and not just 'Bible becomes the Word of God' or 'Bible contains the Word of God'.

Mentorship of pastors can really help in our spiritual growth. I am so thankful to the Lord Jesus for the time Pastor Hugo, Pastor Bucknell, Pastor Josh, Pastor Mike, Pastor Ed, Pastor Lake, Pastor Jesse, have taken to spend time with me at different times years my life. Thank you Jesus. The mentorship and training during those times have helped with my growth in the Lord when it has supplemented my own time with the Lord in prayer and God's Word. We can never substitute anyone for individual personal relationship with the Lord.

When we have growth in the Lord, it is because of our time with Him and in community. Growth in the Lord is also revealed through the ministries we listen to and watch that are biblical. Each night it helps to take a barometer reading of your spiritual growth compared to the previous day!

May you find your growth in the Lord growing each day! Amen!

"Growth Rests On Wonderful Truth's Help! (G.R.O.W.T.H)/"What determines your G.R.O.W.T.H in the Lord?"

Lord Jesus, I thank you so much I learned how you were led by the Spirit into the desert after you were built up in love and support by Father God. That really excites me Lord because it tells me that the Spirit will not lead us anywhere without us first being prepared for it. You provide us the preparation for our growth no matter what situation you lead us into. Thank you for being there for us. We need your help to grow remembering 'All things work together for good to them that love you God and are fitting into your plans!'. Also, thank you so much that our growth in you is determined by the situations we are in and how we face and cope with them. Help Oh Lord. Let us spend time in your Word for our growth through prayer, community, reading Christian books, listening to ministry programs, etc. Take our fears and guide us by your love for You are our Wonderful Truth. You know where you want to lead us and we need your help. Thank you Lord that your Word says, "You will not give us more than we can handle!" Thank you Jesus. I pray that you help us grow in you Oh Lord. We need your help. Thank you so much Jesus. Thank you for hearing us and answering us. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

Jesus, You are my all in all. You are my Prince of Peace, Rock, Savior, and Friend. You are my Holy Father guiding me through to live a life of righteousness, holy righteousness. Oh God, I need you more than ever. I need to feel your hands around me holding me tight. I need your love to surround me so that you can glow in my life. Help me please Jesus. I desire in your presence. Thank you for guiding me to live a life of righteousness. Oh God you love me more than ever. You hear my voice when I cry out to you. When I seek your face, you fill me up. You are my all in all. Thank you Jesus so much for your help no matter what I face, your grace is available and you take my case. Thank you for hearing us and answering us. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! AMEN! (Most of the prayer is from a vineyard song called “All in All”)

"May my spoken words and unspoken thoughts be pleasing even to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)

May the Lord Jesus guide you in His love leading you! Amen!

Feel free to email me at if you want to meet to study the Bible, pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My number is 412-641-9426

"This is my work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)

Express Your View

"Who will you P.R.A.I.S.E publicly today in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Sat, Jan 06, 24, 10:24 am)

"What will you take a S.T.A.N.D for in life?' By Ramesh C. Reddy (Fri, Jan 05, 24, 09:51 am)

"Who do you P.O.I.N.T to in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Thurs, Jan 04, 24, 10:09 am)

"Why bother seriously with P.R.O.P.H.E.C.Y everyday?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Wed, Jan 03, 24, 09:42 am)

"Why bother with the L.I.F.E of Jesus Christ?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (Tues, Jan 02, 24, 09:52 am)

"How will your P.R.E.S.E.N.T look like in 2024?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Mon, Jan 01, 24, 10:54 am)



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