Posted on Fri, July 27, 2012 at  03:15 p.m. (EST) and 12:45 a.m. (IST), JULY 2012 Edition

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Mayor Menino's Menacing Comments Claim Chick-Fil-A's Cathy Corrupted!

Ramesh C. Reddy

What always shocks and surprises me is when many liberals ask us to be tolerant towards views that we disagree with such as gay marriage, homosexuality, abortion, etc but the most hatred is spewed on by many liberals when Evangelical Christians speak out in love against actions they know the Bible is against. We need not go further than examine the life of Dan Cathy, the president of Chick-fil-A who is being persecuted and discriminated against by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and others because of believing and following the Bible when it comes to strengthening marriages.

The same liberals who are for equality for all are the same liberals that throw those that disagree with them under the bus. I speak from experience.

I used to write Evangelical Christian and conservative columns for The Pitt News years ago. Usually, when people disagree with a columnist's views, a letter to the editor suffices but not when it concerned me.

When I wrote against homosexuality and how the love of the Lord Jesus can heal homosexuality, the liberal columnists for the Pitt News, wrote anti-Ramesh columns demonizing my views.

Statements such as 'The Indian Fella with Da Bible' and 'Those Vangies' made the Pitt News columns. It became so bad that a moratorium on anti-Ramesh columns had to be declared.

It did not stop me from sharing my views from a biblical perspective and I continued to write for the Pitt News for three more years. I am very thankful to the Pitt News for not censoring the publication of my columns.  It also shows that not all liberals will suppress your right to express your views but there are some.

As the Chick-Fila-A controversy continues, it is totally appalling to read the words of Menino who wrote to Cathy:"In recent days you said Chick-fil-A opposes same-sex marriage and said the generation that supports it has 'an arrogant attitude,'""Now—incredibly—your company says you are backing out of the same-sex marriage debate. I urge you to back out of your plans to locate in Boston...There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it!"

By his letter, you would think that Cathy has a corrupted business but Cathy is a man of God who loves Jesus Christ very much and wants to follow His ways in his public and private life.

"Who is discriminating who?"

Cathy nor Chick-Fil-A have never been accused of discriminating against those who labeled themselves as homosexuals or gay couple if they wanted to eat in their establishment.

However, what Menino is doing is discriminating against Cathy because Cathy does not share his personal views on gay marriage. This has gone on a very slippery slope for Menino.

If speaking out against sin is discriminatory, it should be! This discrimination is against the vice of same-sex marriage.

What will Menion do next?

Will he tell Hindus or Muslims that they cannot build their shops or restaurants there if he disagrees with their  personal views on issues?

My hope is that people of all religions, races, and ethnicities in Boston will rise up in support of building a Chick-Fil-A in Boston.

What's it to say that his letter writing won't go to everyone he disagrees with?

Boston is not just a place for many liberals but there are Evangelical Christians too who live, breathe, and eat in Boston. My friend who is an Evangelical Christian is planning to go to Boston University in the fall.

By asking Cathy not to build Chick-Fil-A there, Menino is preventing those who love to eat at Chick-Fil-A from eating there.

This is wrong but more than that, it is the intolerance of Menino that is shocking. Menino and his administration though they hate Cathy and Chick-Fil-A,  they have no right to discriminate Cathy from building a Chick-Fil-A restaurant there.

On April 06, 1997, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) held a rally in Pittsburgh which was the most despicable and denigrating rally because it promoted hatred towards those that were unlike them.

On that day, Thomas Murphy, the Democratic Mayor of Pittsburgh said, "I never felt such revulsion for anything in my life as I saw today!"

Yet, Thomas Murphy nor the Pittsburgh administration never stopped the KKK from assembling at the City County Building but provided them taxpayer funded police officers for the protection of it's citizens including the KKK because Murphy knew he could not take their First Amendment right to assemble!

Menino should have taken advice from the Mayor of New York before he sent his discriminatory and unconstitutional letter to Cathy.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg who supports gay marriage said, “You can’t have a test for what the owners’ personal views are before you decide to give a permit to do something in the city,” “You really don’t want to ask political beliefs or religious beliefs before you issue a permit, that’s just not government’s job.”

Cathy has a right to express his religious beliefs and fear for a nation that supports gay marriage.

“We’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage. And I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude that thinks we have the audacity to redefine what marriage is all about.”, said Cathy.

Cathy is absolutely right because Jesus said, "“But ‘God made them male and female’ from the beginning of creation. ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” (Mark 10:6-9, NIV)

"Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done." (Romans 1:26-28)

"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

Cathy admits that he is guilty as charged for standing up for biblical values and marriage. Cathy should be applauded for strengthening his stance on marriage amid the controversy.

"We are very much supportive of the family -- the biblical definition of the family unit,"  "We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.", said Cathy.

Cathy has never shown hate towards homosexuals or anyone and yet he is being demonized by Menino because Cathy spoke out against gay marriage and for the support of family values. This is just wrong!

Cathy said, "In recent weeks, we have been accused of being anti-gay. We have no agenda against anyone. At the heart and soul of our company, we are a family business that serves and values all people regardless of their beliefs or opinions. While my family and I believe in the Biblical definition of marriage, we love and respect anyone who disagrees. At Chick-fil-A, we have a heart for helping marriages because we know marriage can be difficult at times.  Through the years, we have supported our Chick-fil-A staff and franchised operators in their marriage journey, and since the formation of our family foundation, the WinShape Foundation, we have helped others as well."

Valuing all people does not mean they throw their own biblical principles out the door.

Cathy also stated, ''Chick-fil-A's corporate purpose is 'To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us, and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A...' We will continue to offer resources to strengthen marriages and families. To do anything different would be inconsistent with our purpose and belief in Biblical principles.''

He should be applauded for that and not vilified because even though society, many liberals such as Menino may look down upon him, he has held to his belief in the sanctity of marriage supported in biblical Scriptures.

You all should join me in going to a Chick Fil-A near you on August 01, 2012 for Chick-Fila A Appreciation Day!

Reddy’s Rhetoric takes us into the world of companies and citizens facing controversy because of promoting Biblical values, asking the question, "Is it proper and ethical for Mayor Menino to tell Cathy that he cannot have a Chick-Fil-A presence in Boston?"

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Related Articles: "Chick fil-A's Christian Roots Render People's Persecutions!" (March 05, 11, 8:23 p.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy

Reddy's Right Rhetoric:

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“Obama's Opinion Of Marriage Menaces Candidly Character!  (May 14, 12, 3:54 p.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy



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