Posted on Thurs, July 19, 2012 at  12:06 p.m. (EST) and 9:36 p.m. (IST), JULY 2012 Edition

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Letter to Editor: "Thomas Tells Utilizing U.S. Constitution Contrasts Concerning Christ's Commands!

Sandeep Thomas
For Pittsburgh Standard

Editors Note: This letter to the editor is in response to Obama Offered Evangelical Entitlement Wrongly With Birdsall’s Blessing! By Ramesh C. Reddy (June 25, 12, 10:02 a.m.)

At the outset I wanted to mention that I agree with you Ramesh that a high view of the authority of Scripture would lead you to not condone abortion and you would not equate a gay committed relationship with a heterosexual marriage.

However, I also think there is a difference between what the U.S. Constitution holds as important and what the Scripture holds as important.

Of course, we know that Christ's standards are higher than the U.S. constitution and I believe there is no way we can make Christ's standard the same as the U.S. Constitution. In fact even if try we will be merely doing what the Pharisees did.

We as Christians hold to the values of the Kingdom of God and these are values that come from a transformed heart.

So we as Christians should be focusing all of our energy on sharing the Gospel and making place for God to transform hearts rather than take the easy way out to make the world a better place by legislating morality.

I believe that effort does not mean much in God's eyes because the story of the New Covenant is that the Old Covenant did not work and Christ had to do a new thing to make people internalize what was written externally on stone. 

Having said that if we are going to view the qualification for being the President of the United States as having a high view of the authority of the Bible, we have to hold everybody to the same standard.

I personally find it deeply unfair that Obama is judged to have a low view of Scripture because of his stand on abortion and gay marriage but Romney gets a free pass when the fact is that as a Mormon bishop he has a lower view of the Bible than Obama.

Mormons hold the Bible is flawed and has many mistakes just as Muslims do and both Muslims and Mormons have their own respective sacred scripture that they place above the Bible. I find it deeply disturbing that many Republicans seem to be ignoring this fact.

I also find it unfair that despite Obama's many open very honest portrayals of his  faith journey and even starting a new tradition in the White House of having an Easter Prayer breakfast many Christians and Republicans that I know of continue to call him a Communist and a Muslim. Something in me wants to speak out against this unfairness even though I do not and will not endorse any political party because I believe that both parties do things that are totally against the values of the Kingdom of God. 

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Rebuttal to Sandeep Thomas' Letter to the Editor:
“Obama Overtly Utilizing U.S. Constitution Crumbles Comparatively Concerning Christ's Commands
! By Ramesh C. Reddy (July 19, 2012)




More light needs to be shed on Carnegie Library's actions! (Dec 31,05) By Sandeep Thomas


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