Posted on Tues, July 16, 2024 at 04:08 p.m. (EST) , JULY 2024 Edition

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“Relationally RNC Platform's Prayer Sadly Sacrilegious!

Ramesh C. Reddy

It was shocking to hear Harmeet Dhillon, a Sikh woman give the closing prayer at the Republican National Convention (RNC). It was not because she was a woman but because her prayer had nothing to do with Judeo-Christian prayers.

So, what, you may wonder?

Let me ask you this question.

Would you expect a prayer to the Lord Jesus or Jehovah God at the Bharata Janata Party (BJP), a Hindu nationalist party convention?

Would there not be outrage that instead of calling a Brahman priest, they called a Christian pastor to give the closing prayer?

Of course, there would be outrage whether you want to admit it or not!

In India, you would expect a Hindu prayer if they were going to end a BJP convention in prayer and not a Christian prayer. It makes sense because the population of India is predominately Hindu including the BJP.

So, it was sadly sacrilegious when Dhillon was asked to give the closing prayer, to which she sang a religious Sikh song and called upon her god.

Is this what the Republican party has come to under their allegiance to former president Trump?

Trump and the RNC Chair should be held responsible for this outrageous, sacrilegious act.

Sacrilegious means ‘extremely disrespectful towards something considered sacred. An action that causes deep offense to a believer.’ (Source:

GotQuestions states, “One of the most common forms of sacrilege today is the profaning of God’s holy name and the name of our Lord Jesus. This is in direct violation of Exodus 20:7 which states, ‘You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.”  

 “You may worship no other god than me. “You shall not make yourselves any idols: no images of animals, birds, or fish. You must never bow or worship it in any way; for I, the Lord your God, am very possessive. I will not share your affection with any other god! (Exodus 20:3-5, TLB)

Granted, Dhillon was sincere in her prayer because that is who she prays to, but America was not founded on Sikhism but on Judeo-Christian prayer and principles. The framers of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence prayed to the Lord Jesus.

The Ten Commandments are the foundation of American governance and American jurisprudence not the Ten Gurus of Sikhism. Dhillon should not have prayed the Ardas at the RNC.

Does the RNC want to Make America Great Again?

Start from the beginning. Bring prayer back to the schools! Put the Ten Commandments in every school for the children to read.

It is wonderful to know atleast Louisiana and Oklahoma require the Ten Commandments to be posted in school classrooms.

Rather than close with Dhillon’s prayer, it would have been best to close with the Ten Commandments.

Then God issued this edict:

“You may worship no other god than me.

“You shall not make yourselves any idols: no images of animals, birds, or fish. You must never bow or worship it in any way; for I, the Lord your God, am very possessive. I will not share your affection with any other god!"

“You shall not use the name of Jehovah your God irreverently, nor use it to swear to a falsehood. You will not escape punishment if you do."

“Remember to observe the Sabbath as a holy day. Six days a week are for your daily duties and your regular work, but the seventh day is a day of Sabbath rest before the Lord your God. On that day you are to do no work of any kind, nor shall your son, daughter, or slaves—whether men or women—or your cattle or your house guests.

“Honor your father and mother, that you may have a long, good life in the land the Lord your God will give you."

"You must not murder."

 “You must not commit adultery."

 “You must not steal."

 “You must not lie."

 “You must not be envious of your neighbor’s house, or want to sleep with his wife, or want to own his slaves, oxen, donkeys, or anything else he has. ”(Exodus 20:1-17, TLB)

It is important to remember what our nation was founded upon. We should never let America’s melting pot reasons interfere with God’s absolute standard. Praying to anybody but the Lord Jesus should be non-negotiable at the RNC. Yet, Trump and the RNC Chair committed a sacrilegious act. It is my hope this was a one-time thing and will not continue every day.

Jesus said, “I AM the WAY; I AM the TRUTH; and I AM the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me.”(John 14:6, TLB)

It is also my hope that people of all religions will still vote for Trump over Biden because Trump’s policies will trump Biden’s policies any day.

The RNC should not try to please everyone for when we do that, we please no one. If you try to be the Jack of All Trades, you will be the Jack of None!

The prayer was only one aspect of the RNC that went bad! Their platform on abortion is horrendous. Before, it always used to be that we would protect the sanctity of life at all costs, but now it is ‘we will leave abortion [murder] up to the states to decide.’

Trump was almost murdered in an attempted assassination. Of all people, it was hoped he would continue to champion the plight of the unborn. But, he has become more of a politician than the protector of innocent life.

You don’t leave murder to the states like Pennsylvania did when Trump was almost assassinated on the state’s watch. You have to have a backbone and say murder is wrong and the unborn need to be protected across all states.

The RNC may be trying to be a tent for all people, but let it beware that if Trump loses the Evangelical Christian vote, he will probably lose the election.

What reason should Evangelicals vote for him?

We cannot vote for him because of what he did as president. We need to see what he plans to do now. Our hope is Trump’s close draw with death will make him realize how much God gave him a second chance and that he will live according to God’s Word, on which America was founded.

If you don’t believe me, just follow the Wall Builders series by David Barton.

God’s Word is the Pittsburgh Standard for living and should be the RNC’s standard for living. Praise of Jesus alone is not enough; people must not also espouse relativism, pantheism, and dualism.

 Ramesh C. Reddy knows it is better to obey God than man. He can be reached at

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