Posted on Saturday, July 20, 2024 at 10:12 a.m. (EST) , JULY 2024 Edition

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“Attempted Assassination Towards Trump Could Connote Conspiracy!

Ramesh C. Reddy

From the time President Trump became president in 2016, the elites in the mainstream media and the certain factions of the government tried their best to knock him out.

What better way than a bullet?

It started with the RussiaGate and the Steele dossier scandal, which later was found to be false, but the media ran with it.

Trump was exonerated.

As Trump was becoming more popular, they decided to impeach him because Trump allegedly wanted to withhold aid to Ukraine because of the Burisma scandal that Hunter Biden and VP Biden were supposedly involved in.

Trump was impeached again and acquitted.

After Trump lost the election, he felt strongly that fraud was involved because of mail-in ballots, etc, so he would not accept the results. This led to the Jan 6th riots even though Trump asked for peaceful protest.

Trump was impeached and acquitted.

Trump goes out into the sunset after 2021.

In 2021 & 2022, no one brought any cases against Trump.

Once Trump decided to run for president, the attacks began.

First, they tried to take him off the ballot in places like Colorado.

Trump won at the Supreme Court.

Then, they brought four cases against him, including having him convicted of 34 felonies.

The Biden administration did not stop the Department of Justice from being weaponized against Trump.

But Trump’s popularity did not go down but only grew.

T hree impeachments did not stop him.

R eally trying to remove him from ballots did not stop him.

U nderway court cases and trials did not stop him.

M enacingly the DOJ did not stop him.

P eople assassinating his character by calling him Hitler, etc did not stop him.

Now what?

Only DEATH remained!

Crooks tried to assassinate Trump right before the convention in Butler, PA.

Not just Matthew Crooks but what if the crooks of the government were involved?

Was the government involved in a conspiracy to take out Trump?

Why was the most dangerous roof left unattended by the United States Secret Service (USSS)?

Why was Trump allowed to get his shoes even after shots were fired?

Why was protection for President Trump outsourced to local law enforcement?

Is it not suspicious that the Director of the USSS is a Biden appointee on whose watch the assassination attempt happened?

When you think about all the different ways the government tried to get rid of Trump from running, these are not far-fetched questions.

How convenient after multiple shots were fired, then a 20-year-old assassin is killed, so no questions can be asked.

Who is really behind this?

Is it the deep state?

We need answers.

You would think we were living in Russia because of how Putin eliminates threats to him and makes it look like they died on their own.

The devil came to PA as Sen. Tim Scott said so we need to fight it with the Lord's mighty power.

Last of all I want to remind you that your strength must come from the Lord’s mighty power within you. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of Satan. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world. So use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy whenever he attacks, and when it is all over, you will still be standing up. But to do this, you will need the strong belt of truth and the breastplate of God’s approval. Wear shoes that are able to speed you on as you preach the Good News of peace with God. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan.  And you will need the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit—which is the Word of God.  Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit’s wishes. Plead with him, reminding him of your needs, and keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere.” (Ephesians 6:10-18, TLB)

It is a miracle Trump is alive.

What does the opposition do after the opponent is shot?

They send him well wishes and prayers and call for unity.

Let us remember those are the same people who have called Pres. Trump, a threat to Democracy, destroyer of America, and even Hitler.

If you thought Trump was all these things, would you still send your well wishes and prayers?

We need answers, and we need them fast because is it not interesting that after the Supreme Court ruling regarding presidential immunity and Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s scathing dissent, an attempt was made on Trump’s life?

In their mind, were they thinking that it is better for one man to die than an entire nation to be destroyed?

Trump is no Jesus! But as Jesus was becoming very popular with the people, the religious leaders were afraid power would go away from them.

So what did they do?

"What are we going to do?” they asked each other. “For this man certainly does miracles. If we let him alone the whole nation will follow him—and then the Roman army will come and kill us and take over the Jewish government.” And one of them, Caiaphas, who was High Priest that year, said, “You stupid idiots—let this one man die for the people—why should the whole nation perish?” This prophecy that Jesus should die for the entire nation came from Caiaphas in his position as High Priest—he didn’t think of it by himself, but was inspired to say it. It was a prediction that Jesus’ death would not be for Israel only, but for all the children of God scattered around the world. So from that time on the Jewish leaders began plotting Jesus’ death. (John 11:47b-53, TLB)

Jesus replied that the time had come for him to return to his glory in heaven, and that “I must fall and die like a kernel of wheat that falls into the furrows of the earth. Unless I die I will be alone—a single seed. But my death will produce many new wheat kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives. If you love your life down here—you will lose it. If you despise your life down here—you will exchange it for eternal glory.( John 12:23-25, TLB)

Only through an independent investigation and congressional hearings can we get to the real truth regarding the attempted assassination of Trump. Outsourcing to local law enforcement especially in a blue state for a red state candidate is still the responsiblity of the USS presidential detail. They cannot push the blame to local law enforcement.

That said, many exemplary Secret Service agents would give their lives to those they are protecting, but we need to remember that the DOJ and all the intelligence agencies still have people loyal to President Obama, who hates President Trump.

Let us not forget the Hunter Laptop saga. Even though the New York Post broke the story, social media accounts such as Twitter and Facebook tried to suppress it before the election. Not only that 51 people signed off on it who were loyal to Obama that the laptop story was a fake. Now we find out it is true. But the final kicker is the failing health of President Biden. The deep state and media have tried to hide it for years too.

If the assassination attempt on Trump’s life is a conspiracy, we need to get to the bottom of it before the November 2024 elections. As an independent, it is important to me, regardless of the party, if a conspiracy is suspected. The truth needs to come out for freedom.

"And you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free." (John 8:33, TLB)

 Ramesh C. Reddy believes God's Word is the Pittsburgh Standard for living and believes what Jesus said, "You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.". He can be reached at

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