Posted on Thurs, July 11, 2024 at 08:38 a.m. (EST) , JULY 2024 Edition

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“Women's Worth vs Prostitution's Pillaging!

Ramesh C. Reddy

A woman's worth should not be in the hands of men but many times it is. When a father looks down upon his daughter because she let him down in different ways, subtly or overtly, he is letting her know that her worth is based on the performance trap or even perfectionism.

When that happens, she can hear the word, ‘WORTHLESS’ audibly or inaudibly. Now she is faced with a double whammy.

The hero she expects her father to be becomes the villain because her worth is not based on being created in God's image with inalienable rights to have security, significance, and spiritual strength. Instead, she is filled with shame, shock, and self-destructiveness.


Because the man she expected to be her protector, provider, and promiser made her feel worthless.

A father making her daughter feel worthless is not the only way a man can make a woman feel worthless.

A husband can do that to his wife when her worth is based on how well she takes care of the family, but when she does not live up to expectations, she is made to feel worthless because of how her husband acts towards her. This time, the husband has put the wife in a performance trap and perfectionist attitude.

When she needs a hero when she messes up, she gets a villain who subtly or overtly makes her know she is worthless. Her worth should not be based on her contributions but on the fact that she is created in love by the Creator to have promise, purpose, peace, and pardon.

Yet, many times when men should reflect Father God, they reflect the father of lies, Satan. This should not be. I have been guilty of that with my precious wife, daughters, and even mother many times. It brings pain so I don't want that for you.

Before being married, my precious wife Chandraleela had a hard life. Being the eldest in the family, to support her family, especially after her daddy died, she worked overseas for 4 years and would send the money back home to support her mom, her three sisters, and her younger brother.

She found her worth in supporting her family, but more than that, she found her worth in the Lord Jesus, who sustained her.

What drew me to her more than anything was her unshakeable love for Jesus. Even though she worked 12-hour days as a nurse, she would get up at 300 a.m. just to spend time with the Lord before her 600 a.m. to 600 p.m. shift.

Even after marriage, she always took time at 700 p.m. daily to pray, pouring out her requests to the Lord.

After marriage, her life did not become easy, but she has been a PLUS wife and mother: prayerful, loving, understanding, and supportive. She knows she has worth in the Lord’s eyes.

My wife loves to work even though she chose to be a domestic engineer for 5 years after our beloved Esther and Evangeline were born.

If a wife wants to work, the husband should never discourage her from doing so as long as what she does will not go against God’s Word. She should also make sure the children are in a stable environment with other loved ones, and that she is not working at the expense of breaking her family apart or other families apart.

I know of a woman who has used another woman to help her for the past 8 years to take care of her children, who are 7 - 8+, so she can work but at the expense of two children who miss their grandma multiple times of the year.

This example is to show a woman’s feelings of worth based on work should not break families apart nor go against God’s Word.

That said, a woman's feelings of worth should not also be based on being a stay-at-home mom.

My precious wife took Pastor Hugo and Heather’s advice very seriously to be there at home for our children until they went to school.

But now as the children are older, whenever her skills are needed, she works and works and works. Sometimes the children get so frustrated because they want their mommy to themselves just as they want their granny to themselves.

As the leader of the home as ordained by the Lord, it bothers me very much when I desire my wife to work just because it will give us extra income. This is wrong too on my part, if my wife wants to be a stay-at-home mom. It is a good thing she likes to work. I am reminded of what Pastor Josh would always tell me: 'Listen, Listen, Listen to your wife.'

I want every woman to know their worth should not be found in their work, their husband, their children, etc, but in the Lord Jesus alone. His intervention is what makes every woman worthy.

"For if my father and mother should abandon me, you would welcome and comfort me." (Psalm 27:10, TLB)

That said, a woman’s worth should not also be based on what her body can do, such as bearing children or satisfying her husband, because her worth is based on how much the Lord loves her.

Even so men play a significant part in a woman’s worth when her body is cherished and when she chooses to use her body to glorify the Lord and nothing less.

Horrifically, prostitution pillages a woman’s worth as the madam and men behind it are the ultimate culprits.

That includes Kamala Harris, our own vice-president of the United States, who once talked about wanting to decriminalize prostitution everywhere.

To make it more appealing, she refers to them as sex workers instead of prostitutes guilty of prostitution.

VP Harris said in 2020, "Back when I was DA...I was advocating then that we have to stop arresting these prostitutes. On the issue of providing a safe place for sex workers, I am a huge advocate for that. Always have. When you're talking about consenting adults, I think that, yes, we should really consider that we can't criminalize consensual behavior."  (Source: Calls to decriminalize prostitution becoming mainstreamed in Democratic Party with the support of Harris, Fox News)

Regardless of what VP Harris believes, this is what the Lord says: You must not bring to the Lord any offering from the earnings of a prostitute or a homosexual, for both are detestable to the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 23:17-18, TLB)

Hopefully, Harris still does not hold to that view of decriminalizing prostitution everywhere.

Sadly, women would never resort to prostitution if they had a male hero in their life, such as a godly father, godly husband, etc, but most importantly, if they are led to Father God.

“Do not violate your daughter’s sanctity by making her a prostitute, lest the land become full of enormous wickedness. (Leviticus 19:29, TLB)

“There is another thing too: how a prostitute can sin and then say, “What’s wrong with that?” (Proverbs 30:20, TLB)

So, we men who are reading this have a responsibility to all the women in our sphere of influence to be  godly men and to show women that they are worth more than what their bodies can do.

We men should never even entertain the idea of going to brothels or prostitutes. Without men, prostitution will not and cannot exist.

A wise son makes his father happy, but a lad who hangs around with prostitutes disgraces him. (Proverbs 29:3, TLB)

O my son, trust my advice—stay away from prostitutes. For a prostitute is a deep and narrow grave. Like a robber, she waits for her victims as one after another become unfaithful to their wives. (Proverbs 23:26-28, TLB)

So, show your mother, sister, wife, etc their worth by loving in the Lord's ways.

 We can keep women’s worth going, leading them to the Lord and away from prostitution’s pillaging even if VP Harris is for it.

“But sexual sin is never right: our bodies were not made for that but for the Lord, and the Lord wants to fill our bodies with himself. And God is going to raise our bodies from the dead by his power just as he raised up the Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t you realize that your bodies are actually parts and members of Christ? So should I take part of Christ and join him to a prostitute? Never! And don’t you know that if a man joins himself to a prostitute she becomes a part of him and he becomes a part of her? For God tells us in the Scripture that in his sight the two become one person. But if you give yourself to the Lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person. That is why I say to run from sex sin. No other sin affects the body as this one does. When you sin this sin it is against your own body. Haven’t you yet learned that your body is the home of the Holy Spirit God gave you, and that he lives within you? Your own body does not belong to you. For God has bought you with a great price. So use every part of your body to give glory back to God because he owns it.” (1 Corinthians 6:13-20, TLB)

 Ramesh C. Reddy grew up with the best mommy in the world and now has the best wife in the whole world both of whom have put up with me as they have depended on the Lord Jesus. He can be reached at

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