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Posted on Tues, June 03, 2009 at 1:27 p.m. EST |
BEST OF AUG 2007-JULy 2008 MULTIMEDIA: Video: "CASAs Celebration Captivates Assembled Audience’s Anticipation" (Feb 20, 08, 12:35 p.m.) Video: MORE APRIL-MAY MULTIMEDIA FOOTAGE... (May 08, 9:37 a.m.) Video: "Wayman Wins Rapping Rendition Celebrating Chi O's Consecutive Fourth First" (March 07, 08, 11:54 a.m.) Video: "Redeemer Rescues Radically Curing Cocainism!" (March 11, 08, 10:52 p.m.) Video: ‘Fashion Show’ Sends Models Message Mesmerizing Many! (Feb 20, 08, 11:56 a.m.) EXPRESSIONS: "What have you done for your F.A.T.H.E.R in life?" (June 15, 08, 5:40 p.m.) "What D.I.S.T.A.N.C.E will you go to meet Jesus?" (July 03, 08, 10:06 a.m.) "What does G.O.S.S.I.P do to you?" (April 17, 08, 6:52 p.m.) “Forever, Redeemer Everyday Excitingly Delivers Omnipotent Message! (F.R.E.E.D.O.M)” (July 05, 08, 9:48 a.m.) "Who do you let M.O.L.D your life?" (July 16, 08, 11:19 a.m.)
NEWS: Video: "Joyfully Jerome Bettis Briefly Delivers Duquesne Graduates Galvanizing 7-minute Speech! (May 03, 08, 8:44 p.m.) Photos: Thirty-Fifth Time, Thousands Towards Truth Memorialized ‘March for Life 2008' (Jan 23, 08, 1:09 p.m.)
HOTPRESSIONS: GREEK LIFE: Video: "Rags Reveal Riches, Reminding Kappa's Kingdom Connection!" (March 30, 08, 1:34 p.m.) Video: "Alpha Delta Pi's Analyze Lambda Chi Alpha's Love Story!" (March 31, 08, 1:21 p.m.) Video: "TriSigma's Travel Through Time Paging PiKA's" (April 01, 08, 2:27 p.m.) Video: "TriDelta's Triumphantly Tackle Twisted Villians Vindicating City's Citizens, Seeking SAE's Support!" (April 02, 08, 2:30 p.m.) Video: "DeltaPhiEpsilon Dominates Wonderland With DeltaChi's Daily!" (April 05, 08, 7:36 p.m.) ENTERTAINMENT: Video: "Dark Knight' Kindles Joker's Judgment, Justifying Satan's Sinister Soul Search" (July 23, 08, 8:34 p.m.) "'Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian' caringly Christocentric" (May 14, 08, 2:29 p.m.) "Totally Baked' Brings Beelzebub's Badness!" (April 28, 08, 4:43 p.m.) "National Treasure 2 Tests Truth Through Time!" (May 21, 08, 10:37 a.m.) "Flawless' Forgoes Forgiveness For Foes" (June 06,08, 4:34 p.m.)
FEATURE: "PGSIS 2008 Presented Poem Welcoming Women & Men Mightily" (June 22, 08, 3:45 p.m.) "Top 14 creative responses given by Market Central customers for being the president of the United States would be like......" (Feb 18, 08, 1:49 p.m.) Slideshow: "Light Up Night 2007 Lifts Students Spirits" (Nov 18, 07, 2:00 a.m.) Video: Light Up Night's Nativity Creche Christened Colorfully! (Nov 17,07, 11:52 p.m.) IMPRESSIONS: PS Editorial: Hussein Has Hebrew Hating Friends For Foes! (July 18, 08, 1:32 a.m.) PS Editorial: "Oust Obama Over Commanding Country Cause Character Critical!" (July 30, 2008, 4:11 p.m.) PS Editorial: "Homosexuals Have Maligned Marriage Maledicting Messiah's Message!" (May 16, 08, 5:01 p.m.) Dad Delivered Daily, Delighting Family of Five Forever! (Dec 22, 07, 11:22 p.m.) PS Editorial: "Badmouthing Black Woman Willingly, Jacobs Justifies Expelling Employee!" (May 23, 08, 10:14 p.m.) FOOD: View the week 6 interactive menu and nutritional information for Market Central (Sept 24, 07, 10:58 a.m.) "Cereals Classified Favorites For Happy High School Students" (July 14, 08, 3:45 p.m.) Photos: "Slide Show of Hollywood Theme Night at Market Central" (Feb 06, 08, 1:51 p.m.) SPORTS: Video: "Ramon's Rushed Shot Secures Panther Points, Validating Victory!" (Feb 10, 08, 1:37 p.m.) PS Editorial: "Patriots Perfectionist, Bill Belichick Tumbles Through Treason" (Feb 05, 08, 2:08 a.m.) Video: "Christ Captivated Coach Wannstedt Wonderfully With Wisdom!" (March 28, 07, 11:00 a.m.) Slideshow: "Chair charred capping celebration, commandeering cops" (Dec 03, 07, 1:49 p.m.) Slideshow:"Morgantown Memories Propel Pitt Fans Festivities!" by Matt Keeny & Ramesh C. Reddy (Dec 03, 07, 12:47 p.m.)
“'Defiance' Details Freedom Fighters Nullifying Nazi's!”
By Ramesh
.Click picture to read my dad's memoriam:
Previous Reviews:
“Meticulously 'Mall Cop'
Capitalizes Helping Hostages!”
(May 19, 09,
6:01 p.m.
“Underworld: Rise of the
Lycans Unites Underprivileged!”
(May 13, 09,
3:14 p.m.)
DVD Release on May 12, 2009: “'Taken' Tells About A Pa's Persistence!” (May 12, 09, 8:44 p.m.)
DVD Release on May 05, 2009: “'LoveTakesWing' Lets Lord's Ways Win!” (May 12, 09, 11:42 a.m.)
DVD Release on May 05, 2009: “'Incendiary' Invokes Illicit Sex Sowing Crumbling Consequences Through Terrorism!”(May 11, 09, 11:17 a.m.)
Watchmen Will Handle Human Nature Notoriously (March 09, 09, 11:45 p.m.)
Video: "Dark Knight' Kindles Joker's Judgment, Justifying Satan's Sinister Soul Search" (July 23, 08, 8:34 p.m.)
"Get Smart' Sagaciously Saves People Publicly" (June 21, 08, 9:36 p.m.)
"Incredible Hulk' Helps Humans Have History!" (June 21, 08, 8:20 p.m.)
"'Bucket List' Lovingly Leaves Life Laudable!" (June 12, 08, 7:39 p.m.)
"Flawless' Forgoes Forgiveness For Foes" (June 06,08, 4:34 p.m.)
"Semi Pro' Portrays Sacrificial Success" (June 05, 08, 12:29 a.m.)
"Meet the Spartans' Sends Malignant Message!" (June 04,08, 6:25 p.m.)
"'The Eye' Elevates Donor's Deliverance!" (June 03, 08, 5:41 p.m.)
"'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull' Surprisingly Sagged!"
"National Treasure 2 Tests Truth Through Time!" (May 21, 08, 10:37 a.m.)
"'Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian' caringly Christocentric" (May 14, 08, 2:29 p.m.)
'Untraceable' Unabashed Viewing Victims!" (May 13, 08, 5:00 p.m.)
"'Over Her Dead Body' Brings Love's Laughter!" (May 07, 08, 4:51 p.m.)
"'P.S. I Love You' Yells Love's Language!" (May 06, 08, 9:16 p.m.)
"'Iron Man's Machine Suit Saves Citizens Carefully!' (May 03, 08, 7:20 p.m.)
"'Hero Wanted' Wonderfully Renders Redemption!" (May 02, 08, 8:23 p.m.)
"'Golden Compass' Contradicts Christ's Creation!" (May 01, 08, 2:44 p.m.)
"'How She Move' Makes Sizzling Steps!" (May 01, 08, 11:54 a.m.)
"One Missed Call' Causes Evil's Eruption!"(April 26,08, 7:15 p.m.)
"The Comebacks' Crazy Immoral Intent Intensifies"' (Feb 02, 08, 7:55 p.m.)
Biblical Themes of "The Invasion' Imparts Inoculations Inevitability!" (Feb 02, 08, 2:32 p.m.)
Biblical Themes of "'Rush Hour 3' Renders Renegade Relative Ruthless!" (Aug 14, 07, 12:49 a.m.)
Spiritual Review of
Bourne Ultimatum' Universally Unravels U.S.A's' Undercover Utilities!'
(Aug 04, 07,
5:03 p.m)
Spiritual Review of
Contractor' Creates Catastrophe for Cops!" (July
12, 07, 2:56 p.m.)
Spiritual Review of
'The Astronaut Farmer' Follows Family's Faithfulness! (July
10, 07, 8:11 p.m.)
Spiritual Review of
Thrusts Towards Truth!" (July
07, 07, 10:12 p.m.)
Spiritual Review of
"'Live Free Or Die Hard' Heightens Humans Hurts!" (June
29, 07, 11:16 p.m.)
Spiritual Review of
"'Captured By You' Yells Greed's Game!"
(June 04, 07, 11:07
Spiritual Review of
"Hannibal Rising Reveals Revenge's Radicalism" (June
02, 07, 10:52 a.m.)
Spiritual Review of
"The Last Sin Eater'
Emphasizes Emancipation Enters
Endlessly" (May 16, 07,
11:22 p.m.)
Spiritual Review of
Spiderman's search for Salvation saved scorching soul"
(May 08, 07, 1:53
Spiritual Review of
"Illegal Aliens Assist Earth's Emancipation"
02, 07, 11:00 a.m.)
Spiritual Review of:
"Happily NEver After Alters Age-old Analysis!"
(May 2007)
Review of
Returns Spiritualizes Salvation'
(July 2006)
Spiritual Review of
"Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"
(July 2006)
Spiritual Review of
'X-Men: The Last Stand'
(June 2006)
Spiritual Review of
'Last Holiday' (May 2006)
Review of
(May 2006)
Spiritual Review of
'End Game'
(May 2006)
Spiritual Review of
The Detonator
(May 2006)
Spiritual Review of
Aeon Flux
(April 2006)
Spiritual Review of
The Visitation
(March 2006)
Spiritual Review of
Red Eye
(Jan 2006)
Spiritual Review of
Fantastic Four
(Jan 2006)
Spiritual Review of
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
(Nov 2005)
Spiritual Review of
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge
of the Sith
(Nov 2005)
Spiritual Review of
The Island
(July 2005)
Spiritual Review of
(June 2005)
Spiritual Review of
(June 2005)
Spiritual Review of Spiderman-The Venom Saga (June 2005)
Spiritual Review of
Swimming Upstream (June 2005)
Spiritual Review of
In Good Company (June 2005)
Spiritual Review of
Batman Begins
(June 2005)
Spiritual Review of
xXx: State of the Union
(May 2005)
Review of
The Interpreter
(May 2005)
Spiritual Review of
National Treasure
(May 2005)
Spiritual Review of
Ocean's 12 (May 2005)
Spiritual Review of
Blade: Trinity (April 2005)
Spiritual Review of
Suspect Zero
(April 2005)
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