While walking in the
William Pitt Union, I was asked by a WPTS staff member if I wanted to do
anything for the Gong Show. I decided I was going to read poetry on the
night of March 01, in the allotted two minutes, knowing that at any
minute I maybe gonged out if the judges or the audience did not like it.
My intent was to speak
about the dangers of cocaine and the blessings of Jesus Christ in a way
that will captivate the audience and yet entertain them within those two
With this in mind, I gave cocaine an
extra-terrestrial personality and told the audience comprised of
earthlings if cocaine were an alien what it would not want them to know,
by reciting a rhyming poem.
Little did I expect that I would be
reciting it to more than 200 people but trusting in Jesus to give my
best, I went ahead and performed!
I did not expect to last 2 minutes on
the stage without being gonged out but I did! I was totally touched by
the judges hand gestures and the audiences response throughout the poem
and afterwards.
The Master of Cermonies (MC) reminded
the audience that I was not gonged out of the stage. Since I was
competing against multiple performers, I was ecstatic to be chosen by
the audience as one of the three best performers.
The tension began as the audience now
had to voice their winner among the three best performers. The MC put
his hand on the top of our head to hear the audiences’ response of who
they wanted to be the winner of the Gong Show.
When he placed his hand on the top of
my head, the crowd went wild with shouts, claps, and couple of standing
ovations. To my surprise, I had won the Gong Show after presenting the
dangers of cocaine and the blessings of Jesus Christ.
After the recitation an earthling
wanted a copy of what I read so I gave it to her. I want to share with
you the winning poem of the Gong Show!
Invading peoples bodies, they call me dope.
In my clutches, you have no hope.
I am too powerful for you to say nope.
I have a twin, white powder named Coke.
In blood, dealers let my opponents soak.
Let me tell you, it ain't no joke!
Come in my way, I will shoot to kill!
With sorrow and tears, your family, I will fill.
In my power, you have no free will.
My dealers and buyers use guns in a rush.
People's wounds make their blood gush.
Since I am illegal, my code name is 'hush'.
I am too slick to get caught.
From me children and adults have bought.
You need to get high, I am better than pot.
Lot of money, if you got
Dope and Coke, I give a lot.
DEA and ATF have me sought.
Christ is the only One, have not fought!
Hope people don't know Jesus, else I will rot!
Cause I know, no one can from the Savior run.
His Healing power, miracles hast done!
People now start using love, not my dope and gun.
Without death, I have no fun.
After people came to Jesus, my profits are none!
Cause they realize, I am sin.
With me in their system, they cannot win.
Only Jesus' love gives them a new start.
So to Jesus, they give their heart
Knowing He will do His part!
Healing addictions is His art!
As Jesus loves them so much!
He sends His healing touch!
Even though their life looks dim
And the future looks slim
His cleansing Blood can heal them, where they are
Making me lose the Drug-War!
My career I will lose
Because the Savior, they will choose!