Every time I pick up a newspaper, the headlines are about Democrats who
want to bring the troops home by setting a deadline. If you were to
interview smart insurgents in Iraq who are aided by terrorist
sympathizer nations like Iran and Syria, what would you think their
response and action plan would be?
You need not be a genius to figure that out! The problem with the
majority of the House of Representatives and Senate is that their policy
of appeasement and withdrawal when it comes to Iraq reminds me of those
nations that were implicitly responsible for the extermination of 6
million Jews in the 1940’s by the Germans.
When Hitler promoted his Aryan race philosophy and wanted to get rid of
Jews or anyone else he deemed less than perfect to live in society, he
did have the support of German government under Nazi rule. He used that
support for evil. The Holocaust was the result of that because of a
government that did not care for people’s lives.
When that was happening most of the nations were trying to have an
appeasement philosophy to disastrous consequences. The only time the
Allies acted against the Axis Powers of evil was when things got out of
hand but most of the damage was already done.
Oh yeah, speaking of damage, former president Bill Clinton was all about
appeasement when it came to North Korea and the result is now that they
have Nuclear capabilities.
Whatever people like to think and say, I believe if Clinton was not
president, 9-11 would have never occurred. Clinton was so focused on
domestic issues to please the masses; he seemed to care less about
foreign policy and had the worst Secretary of State and National
Security Advisor to prove it.
He was also so busy servicing himself with Monica Lewinsky when Hilary
Clinton did not have time for him that his invasions of countries were
more of a ‘wag the dog’. With the personal dealings and scandals in his
administration, supported by liberals who see no problem with
homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, planned-parenthood, American Civil
Liberties Union, etc, it is no wonder within nine months of leaving the
presidency, this nation was attacked in two places all of which have
heavily lined liberal newspapers and population.
The Twin Towers in New York City were attacked and the Pentagon in
Washington, D.C was attacked. With liberals so focused on promoting
immoral issues, it is no surprise that terrorists were able to plan the
9-11 attacks while the Clinton administration was in office and carried
it out during the Bush administration, mind you was weakened in National
Security because of his predecessor and cabinet.
No wonder many Americans came to believe that liberals and Democrats are
soft on terrorism. How can they be strong when their main focus has
always been domestic issues over foreign issues.
One thing conservatives can be proud of Clinton is his signing of an
executive order in the military regarding homosexuals that they can
serve as long as they do not let others know that they are homosexual.
The ‘don’t ask- don’t tell’ policy is one of the best decisions Clinton
did in his administration. This policy applies to our service men and
women in all areas of military service nationally and internationally.
Speaking of internationally, foreign issues and policies should be
handled first before we can be safe at home. War on Terrorism should be
at the forefront which means the ‘War in Iraq’ should be fought and
finished before the Western World where Judeo-Christian values reign
when liberals and Democrats are not in power.
This is not to say that conservative Republicans are perfect for they
have their own issues and hypocrisy to deal with but at least they are
willing to acknowledge immoral issues out front instead of hiding under
civil liberties and rights. That cannot be said of liberal Democrats.
Speaking of liberal Democrats, they are the ones that will be
responsible for the continued liquidation of American lives in
Afghanistan and Iraq with the help of the liberal media.
When have liberals Democrats really cared for the military? If you
research their track record honestly from the time this nation was
founded, you would realize that we have always had a strong military
presence in Republican administrations and cut-and-run military presence
when it came to Democratic administrations or a Democratic House &
It is a shame that Sen. John Kerry even got the nomination to run
against Pres. George Bush when his attitude towards the military was
less than honorable. If anything he degraded servicemen & women and War
Veterans even though he was in the military. Guess what? John Kerry is
as liberal as a Democrat you can get with a mentor like Sen. Ted Kennedy
of Massachusetts.
Liberals will hold on to any issue that gets them brownie points and run
with it.
Do those in the House and Senate really believe bringing our troops home
as soon as possible is the right answer?
Once again, it is a cut and run philosophy. American and allied
servicemen and women are losing their lives to make Iraq better and help
stabilize Iraq and its government to help on the War on Terrorism. This
war needs to be fought outside the U.S. before it comes inside the U.S.
It would be a slap-in-the face to the families of the service men and
women who sacrificed their lives when we bring the rest of the troops
home without the job being finished.
If a soldier is wounded in Iraq, would the House and Senate pass a vote
stating that other soldiers should leave Iraq without helping the
solider that was wounded?
I do not think so! One of the ways to help the wounded solider would be
to help prevent more ambushes, etc. Well, thousands of American soldiers
have been fatally wounded.
I guess the Senate and the House wants them to know that ‘they do not
care that they have been fatally wounded and died because all they are
interested is bringing the unwounded home.’
For me ‘Bring the Troops Home’ is just a political ploy and machine for
these liberal Democrats who just think in the present and not future
outcomes. The Bush Administration is seeing the big picture with this
War in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Wars are not popular and for peace to be attained their needs to be War
at times. Lives are lost in wars and that is always sad but those lives
that become sacrifices help the rest of the citizens live a safe life.
Iraq is not safe yet because of liberal Democrats and liberal
newspapers. I totally believe in that! Islamic websites and fascist
nations love to see the dissension in American politics when it comes to
Iraq and feed of liberal Democrats remarks, liberal newspapers comments
to increase their terrorism.
What liberals are doing is letting the terrorists implicitly know that
the timetable is a schedule for them to plan out their attacks and when
those attacks can stop. This gives terrorists more motivation in
carrying out attacks because they can now count days when the troops
will leave.
In a time of War, journalism needs to be curbed and numbers of deaths
and causalities should not be reported. It is the reporting of
causalities that perpetuates these attacks too because they are getting
If liberal papers and liberal Democrats would just keep their mouth
closed when it comes to foreign policy and focus on what they think they
are good at, I guarantee these terrorist attacks would stop. These
attacks are attention getters. The only ones that needs to know about
these attacks is the Pentagon and the Bush administration. The general
public need not know unless their loved ones were involved.
Liberal Democrats need to think a hundred times before pressuring Pres.
Bush to establish a timetable for the troop’s withdrawal. Pres. Bush is
right in being adamant about vetoing any legislation that will hurt our
military men and women such as a timetable for troop withdrawal.
What are they thinking?
If conservative Republicans vote for troop withdrawal, they should be
ashamed of themselves too and realize the deaths of our troops should be
on their conscience too! It is one thing when troops sacrifice their
lives to protect others and another thing when its own government puts a
bulls eye on them to get killed.
What’s it to say that many troops will even be alive to withdraw when
terrorists exactly know when they will be leaving thanks to the liberal
Democrats who think they are saving them.
Citizens of America whether you are liberal or conservative, the way to
save our troops is let them fight with our support and give our
government permission to suppress freedom of press regarding the number
of deaths in Iraq for the sake of the safety of our military men and
If daily numbers were not reported, then I believe these attacks would
stop too! Liberals please stop liquidating lives and get rid of your
liberalism that is lustful in areas of sexuality.
It is so thrilling to know that a women who speaks out against immoral
issues, lasciviousness and liberalism’s danger to our society is
visiting the University of Pittsburgh campus, saturated with liberal
professors, this Sunday night of April 01 at 7:00 p.m. in 120 & 121 of
David Lawrence Hall Auditorium. The tickets are free so you can be
educated on the dangers of liberalism to the state of this nation. Her
name is Ann Coulter!

Whether Coulter believes in Biblical conservatism or not, I believe it
is the best way to go. In other words, stick to what God says is right
and wrong without trying to change things because you are living in the
21st century. I hate liberalism that goes against the Bible
but not the person/persons who are liberal because we ought to love one
another. Love the person and hate their sin.