PS 2008 Board
Posted on Mon, March 03, 2008 at 11:28 a.m. EST |
BEST OF AUG 2006 - JULy 2007
Video: SGB's Shady Henien Spoke Sensational Speech
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Slideshow: "Sodexho Serves Recepients the Champion of Diversity Award "
Photo: "Circle of Christians come to communicate with Christ at the Cathedral of Learning fountain"
Photos: Light Up Night Lights with Liveliness!
“Pitt News wants you to believe Shady Henien is the wrong guy for SGB President, but we don't"
Photos: “Egyptian-American Ascends to SGB Presidency with INTEGRITY believing in Almighty!"
“Will Powers of TRUE slate attacks Shady Henien of INTEGRITY slate"
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Photos: “Egyptian-American Ascends to SGB Presidency with INTEGRITY believing in Almighty!"
“Will Powers of TRUE slate attacks Shady Henien of INTEGRITY slate"
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"Henien's Helpfulness Highly Honored at Awards"
By Ramesh
C.Reddy Editors Note: Click on the picture below for the student leadership awards ceremony presented at the University of Pittsburgh's 34th annual Honors Convocation. Shady Henien, a member of Delta Chi fraternity and the former 2007 Student Government Board (SGB) president was honored highly for his helpfulness as a leader receiving the Omicron Kappa Delta’s (ODK’s) highest award of excellence, the ‘ODK Senior of the Year Award for 2008’ on the snowy afternoon of Feb 29, 2008 during the 34th annual Honors Convocation held at the Carnegie Music Hall. Henien was known for a lot of things during his four years at the University of Pittsburgh, most famously for bringing in the ten Panther statues so student organizations can decorate them and show Pitt’s school spirit. Henien was instrumental in breaking the tie of his Student Government Board (SGB) 2007 while serving as president. Henien also started the annual ‘See you at the Cathedral’ prayer event where students from different organizations would gather to seek the Almighty Lord's help in life for the campus, city, country, etc. Last semester’s ‘See you at the Cathedral’ was also attended by Dean of students, Kathy Humphrey on that early morning. Photo: "Circle of Christians come to communicate with Christ at the Cathedral of Learning fountain" (Oct 2006) Video I: Christians call upon Christ at the 2nd annual 'Prayer at the Cathedral' (Sept 27, 07, 9:23 a.m.) Video II: Dean of students, Dr. Kathy Humphrey leads students in singing 'Lord, I Lift Your Name on High' (Sept 27, 07, 9:49 a.m.) Henien’s record of extracurricular involvement in activities while maintaining good grades has been applauded by many students. “I cannot believe Henien did so many things”, said a student from an ‘Understanding Leadership’ seminar. Henien was chosen among the other four nominees: Mia Dragoslovich, Sheila Isong, Alexander D. Plocki, and Rhajiv Ratnatunga.
Henien joins the acclaimed and undefeated Student Government Board elections slate of DRIVEN to become the third member to win the prestigious ODK Award. Joe Pasqualichio, the former president of SGB 2006 who ran with Henien on the DRIVEN slate won the ODK Senior of the Year Award in 2007. Elizabeth Blasi, the former board member of SGB 2004 who ran with Pasqualichio on the DRIVEN slate won the ODK Senior of the Year Award in 2005. DRIVEN slate never lost in its election bid for SGB and now has three members from its slate to have won the ODK award. "Students Savor Food Services and Diversity Seeking the SGB 8 and President!" (Nov 2005) Henien is pictured below with those that helped him a lot during his four years at Pitt!
Coming soon: |
.Click picture to read my dad's memoriam: PS TV Multimedia Archives: Video: "Morse Mesmerizes Me Making Madonna's Melody 'Like a Prayer' Lyrics" (March 01, 08, 4:57 p.m.) Video: "CASAs Celebration Captivates Assembled Audience’s Anticipation" (Feb 20, 08, 12:35 p.m.) Video: "Ramon's Rushed Shot Secures Panther Points, Validating Victory!" (Feb 10, 08, 1:37 p.m.) Video: "VSA Victoriously Validates Cultural Celebration" (Feb 09, 08, 4:37 p.m.) Video: "SGB's Shady Served Students Sacrificially!" (Feb 07, 08, 2:21 p.m.) Video: Welcome to Greek Talent Show 2006! (March 2006) Video: Sorority Sisters Seek Students Selectively! (Feb 2006) Video: Indian Student Association involves itself in Steelers celebration (Feb 2006) Video: Steeler fans celebrate at Cathedral of Learning as Steelers surge to Super Bowl XL seeking Seattle Seahawks (Jan 2006) Video: “Celebrate Mary's Conception of Christ with Church of AICCP" (Dec 2005) Video: Peace Child Christmas Video! (Nov 2005) Video: Light Up Night Showers Christmas Tree With Lights! (Nov 2005) Video: Blasi on Board Brings Back Brightness with Bundles of Bliss (Nov 2005) Video: SGB Presidential Debate Exclusive Coverage (Nov 2005) Video: PGSIS 2005 Team France Skit (Aug 2005) Video: Sufi Thomas Testimony (Aug 2005) Video: Watch a clip of Chi Omega and Zeta Beta Tau celebrating their victory at Greek Sing (April 2005) Video: Blasi on Board Brings Brightness! (Dec 2004) More archives to come....
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