“Teaching Everyday All Christ Has Inspired, Now Give Scripture! (T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S)”
By Ramesh
C.Reddy Pittsburgh Standard
Tuesday, March
24, 2009
Editors Note: The devotional has a background song by Michelle Wagner
called 'Simply Devoted and True' which can be heard if you use Internet
“The Pharisees and some
of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around
Jesus and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were
"unclean," that is, unwashed. (The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat
unless they give their hands a ceremonial washing, holding to the
tradition of the elders. When they come from the marketplace they do not
eat unless they wash. And they observe many other traditions, such as
the washing of cups, pitchers and kettles).” (Mark 7:1-4, NIV)
“So the Pharisees and
teachers of the law asked Jesus, "Why don't your disciples live
according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food
with 'unclean' hands?" (Mark 7:5, NIV)
replied, 'Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as
it is written: 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts
are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules
taught by men.' You have let go of the commands of God and
are holding on to the traditions of men." (Mark 7:6-8, NIV)
I asked
myself who are the characters involved?
Pharisees & Teachers of the
I asked
myself the role of the Pharisees and teachers of the law?
came from Jerusalem and gathered around Jesus.
saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were
“unclean,” that is, unwashed.
asked Jesus, ”Why don’t your disciples live according to the
tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with ‘unclean’
I asked
myself the role of the disciples?
They were eating food with
“unclean” hands according to the Pharisees and teachers of the law.
I asked
myself the role of Jesus?
Jesus responds to the ‘Pharisees
& teachers of the law’ with 7 rebuking statements against them:
tells them the prophet Isaiah was right when he prophesized about
says to them, ‘You hypocrites.’
reminds them prophesy that states, ‘These people honor me with their
lips, but their hearts are far from me.’
reminds them prophesy that states, “They worship me in vain.”
reminds them prophesy that states, “Their teachings are but rules
taught by men.”
says to them, “You have let go of the commands of God.”
says to them, “You are holding on to the traditions of men.”
to look at the last three rebuking statements today:
reminds them prophesy that states, “Their teachings are but rules
taught by men.”
says to them, “You have let go of the commands of God.”
says to them, “You are holding on to the traditions of men.”
I asked
myself what I learn about Jesus’ view of teaching in relation to the
commands of God and the traditions of men?
I felt Jesus is bringing two
kinds of teaching for them to think about. There is one kind of teaching
that is focused on man and his rules which Isaiah the prophet even
renounced. Now, Jesus is telling the Pharisees and teachers of the law
that they are guilty of that because they are focusing on rules taught by men.
It can be inferred if their
teachings are but rules taught by men then there must be another kind of
teaching that does not come from man but from God. This is the type of
teaching that Jesus has been emphasizing time after time. I am reminded
of Mark 1 where the people were astonished at Jesus’ teaching because
they saw Jesus teaching with authority and not as the teachers of the
law they were used to.
Mark 1:21-22:
"Whose T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S do you actively listen to in life?"
(Sept 10, 08, 9:48 a.m.)
I saw important implications for
my own life. If I am adhering to teachings that are but rules taught by
human beings without testing them with God’s Word, I put myself in a
very precarious position. I need to always follow the teachings of the
Lord and not let man sugar-coat the teachings of the Lord and what the
Lord has for us in His Word. We should not especially sugar-coat the
The sad thing is that it is
happening very frequently in the 21st century where the
Lord’s teaching is being sugar-coated or twisted around to suit man’s
own welfare and well-being. This is not just being done by laypeople but
sadly by some seminaries, some pastors, and priests, etc. That should
not be.
When I learn from the Word of
God, I ask the Lord to show me what He wants to show me and not what I
want to see. When I share what the Lord has taught me in my study of His
Word, I tell people who receive the devotionals to test everything I
have stated with Scripture.
I know about those who blatantly
endorse the act of homosexuality, the act of killing the unborn (in the
name of pro-choice), the act of blatantly ordaining pastors/priests that
do not meet the qualifications of 1 Timothy and Titus for pastors and
deacons, etc because of their teachings that contradict the Bible.
I ask you now dear friend whose
teaching do you follow in life?
Dear friend, there is a lot of
teaching out there on different topics and even on topics mentioned in
the Bible but I have come to believe through the years of ministry that
the Bible is the Absolute Truth and not relative. Little more than
three years ago,
in 33 days, I went
through the entire Word of God from Genesis – Revelation after taking a
40 day time of period from July 04, 2005 (America’s Independence Day) to
August 15,2005 (India’s Independence Day)
I know of churches that say it
is wrong to dance, watch TV, play cards for fun, wear jewels, etc but
reading through the entire Bible, I have not found where we
should not do those. They are rules instituted by human beings.
What we need to remember is that
whatever we do in word or deed when we are doing it for the honor and
glory of the Lord, there is nothing wrong with it as long as it does not
contradict God’s Word.
Now if we play cards and it
turns into gambling, there is a problem. If wearing jewels puts us into
heavy debt because we want to live materialistically or to impress
others there is a problem
with that. If dancing causes people to take it to the next step they
know should not happen, there is a problem. If watching T.V makes people
lust or do things contrary to the Word of God, there is a problem.
If you look into Scripture as a
whole, you can see that it does not contradict itself. If anything it
strengthens certain things. As followers of Christ, we need to remember
that we are under a New Covenant and the New Covenant takes precedent
over the Old Covenant but if something is not mentioned in the New
Covenant, we need to adhere to the things in the Old Testament too!
If as Christians, we just were
to follow the New Testament then there would be no use for the Old
Testament. It is the Old Testament that makes us realize how wretched we
are and the grace offered through Jesus Christ. This grace the Lord
wanted to offer us started in Genesis already when God sacrificed the
first animal to clothe Adam and Eve in their nakedness. This was to be a
foreshadow of Jesus being sacrificed as the sacrificial Lamb of God to
clothe us with His righteousness and cover us with His cleansing Blood.
There are so many other analogies to explain God’s grace. Prophesy is
the key that foreshadows what Jesus Christ would do for us.
So, friend let the Word of God
be the Word of God and not what you want it to be or someone tells you
what it should be.
Why has
that happened?
I looked into it deeply because
I wanted to understand how someone can say they are followers of Christ
and then live as followers of the devil. Jesus used that kind of
language in John 8 when talking to the Pharisees and teachers of the
It is the inconsistent teachings
of the Pharisees and teachers of the law that confused and turned people
away. Jesus wanted to put a stop to their kind of teaching because it
was hurting the masses. Jesus wants to put a stop to that kind of
teaching even now but as the Pharisees continued to teach
inconsistencies, even today people preach inconsistencies sadly.
Friend, there are three views of
Scripture that different seminaries adapt to but only one view of
Scripture is biblical:
Bible contains the Word
of God (unbiblical view)
Bible becomes the Word of
God (unbiblical view)
Bible is the Word of God
(biblical view)
View 1: Bible contains the
Word of God
This view states that the Bible
as a book is not the complete Word of God. It contains man’s words too
and not just God’s Word. This view states, we need to pick and choose
what is God’s Word and what is man’s word. There is a danger in this
view. In this view, if people do not agree with something God has said,
then they say to themselves, “God would never say that so it must be
some man’s words that got into Scripture." This view makes people walk
on thin ground. Anything they agree with becomes the Word of God and
anything they do not agree with is not the Word of God.
Why do you
think homosexuality, abortion, divorce, pre-marital sex, etc have been
getting so much support?
It is not because the Bible
agrees with all this but because man wants people to think God is not
against all that. There is only one exception for divorce in Scripture.
If anything forgiveness and grace is emphasized. There should be no
reason whatsoever why followers of Christ have an equivalent divorce
rate as non-believers. This is just shocking and unbelievable. This is
just one example.
This is the view Satan adapted
when Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Satan picked and chose
Scripture to suit its needs by twisting Scripture. But, Scripture needs
to be taken as a whole. Jesus rebuked Satan with Scripture and overcame
temptation by doing it the right way.
Picking and choosing can be very
dangerous especially for a Christian’s walk with the Lord. Friend, I do
not want that to happen to you. God has given us His Word to read and
meditate on it so we can walk the right path.
"Do not
let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and
night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then
you will be prosperous and successful." (Joshua 1:8, NIV)
"Jehovah God is my Light and my Protector. He
will not withhold anything good from those who walk in His paths!"
(Psalm 84)
If you never open the Word of
God on your own but only listen to it on Sunday’s, you are missing out
on a lot. When that happens it is also easy to be deceived by some who
give their own teachings that are not in line with Scripture.
If you know Scripture, then you can say, ‘Pastor, I don’t think that
is right because the Bible says so and so in these verses’ when you are alone
with the pastor/priest, etc.
You do not dishonor your pastor, priest,
etc when you point out discrepancies in their sermon as long as it is
done with gentleness and meekness for we are to give the Word of God the
foremost authority. No human being should ever surpass the authority of
the Word of God and give their own teachings.
View 2: Bible becomes the
Word of God.
Friend, this view is similar to
‘view one’ but does not see the Bible as we have it as the Word of God.
It just sees it as a textbook with good stories, etc. In this view, it
is slightly similar to the Gnostic view in that when you open the Bible,
it only becomes the Word of God when the Lord reveals something to you.
In this view, if there is no revelation or God’s peace, then it is not
the Word of God.
So someone could read a passage
on homosexuality and just see it as man’s writing and not what God
meant. Those that read that passage and are practicing homosexuals but
have peace about it, will just state to you, “I have peace with God and
since I have peace with God, I know what I am doing is not wrong”. They
will use this same argument for divorce.
The Bible also states that Satan
comes as light to deceive us. When we fall for Satan we fall for the deception of darkness. If you have
peace about something but you are going against the Word of God, then
you need to ask yourself if it is God’s peace you are experiencing or
self-peace. When it comes to divorce, etc a lot of Christians are basing
it on this view I believe.
View 3: Bible is the Word of
Friend, this is the biblical
view of Scripture. This view states that the Bible in its entirety is
the infallible, indestructible, and inspired Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. This view states that God is
the Author of Life and He has given us an instruction manual for our
life. What it means is Breathe In Bible, Live Eternally!!! This means I
cannot just pick and choose the instructions I want to follow and ignore
the other instructions.
What would
happen if you were to do that to something you bought and only followed
instructions that you liked or were easy but things that were difficult
to follow, you just ignored them?
I will tell you what would
happen. The product you bought may not work; if it works it will not
work properly and to its full potential, or the product could be damaged
right away or soon, etc.
Friend, the Lord’s rules or
commandments are not given to make us miserable but so that we can live
the life our Lord wants us to have and for our own good. Taking the
Bible to be the Word of God and following God’s instructions is the best
way to go.
The Author of Life knows how He created us for He is our
Creator. Since He is our Creator, He has a manual for us the created to
follow so we can live an abundant life. Friend, for that to happen you
have to believe the Bible is the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation.
Psalm 119 is an excellent Psalm
to read pertaining to how Scripture can instruct us in our lives. Take
that with what 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states.
“All Scripture is
God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly
equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV)
Yes, friend all Scripture and
not some Scripture. All Scripture is inspired by God and God-breathed
for us to be able to follow confidently! Whenever I am given
opportunities to teach the Word of God, I want to teach the Word of God.
Yes, the Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth but the Holy Spirit will
not contradict His own Word.
May you follow the teachings of Jesus and His Word depending on Him!
Everyday All Christ Has Inspired, Now Give
teachings do you follow in life?”
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your Word for your Word is Truth. You are
the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Since you are the Truth and your Word
is Truth, and you are the Word who has been in the beginning, we can be
confident of what you teach us. Forgive us Oh Lord for the times we have
gone our own way to suit our needs. Help us Jesus and cleanse us with
your cleansing precious blood. Thank you that we can ask you of that
because you died on the cross to save us and give us new life. So, we
come and accept the life you give us. Help us to live the truth and
proclaim the truth without giving into repercussions we think will come
because we stand up to you and Your Word. Sanctify us by your
Truth for your Word is Truth! Thank you Jesus for your help! We depend
on you Lord. I pray for the one right now who is confused when it comes
to your Word. Please Oh Lord reveal yourself to them in your Word
through your timing. Fill them with the Holy Spirit and save them Oh
Lord as they seek you. Help us to follow your Word not only when it is
easy to follow but especially when it is difficult to follow from a
human perspective. I thank you Lord so much. Hear us and answer us Oh
Lord. I also pray for pastors, priests, ministers, and all who teach
your Word that they would teach your Word and not their own ideas or
rules that contradict your Word. Please convict all of us when we go
against your Word and please bring revival into this land Oh Lord. Thank
you so much Jesus. Thank you for hearing us and answering us! In Your
Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!
May you be uplifted knowing
Deliverer openly understands bringing total Salvation! Amen!
you would like to invite Jesus Christ into your heart and make Him a
daily part of your life, you can this very moment. You will never be
alone. You can claim God's promises for you in the Bible and see them
come true, before your eyes, in His wonderful timing. You don't have to
wait for a special time to come to the Lord. You can come right now as
you pray this prayer, meaning it in your heart and finding your new
identity in Christ Jesus.
Make this your prayer. Don’t let
the enemy deceive you into thinking you need all the answers before
coming to Christ. Let me just assure you though you may not have all the
answers right now before coming to Jesus, He will answer them slowly.
Yes, He will for I know our Redeemer will! Amen!
Jesus, I thank you for being the Bread of Life. You are the Living Bread
of my life. Thank you for coming from Heaven and giving your life for
the life of the world. You sacrificed yourself for humanity. Thank you
Lord when we eat of you symbolically making you part of our life,
digesting what you teach us by following you, we can be living
Eternally, and the fruit that comes will reflect and resemble your life.
I want that Father God. I want that Lord Jesus! I want that Holy Spirit!
I know of a lot of people who partake of Holy Communion where the bread
represents your body broken for their sin and the juice represents your
blood shed for their sin. When we partake of Holy Communion, we are
reminded that we are remembering you. I want to remember you always Lord
Jesus. But for me to remember you always, I need to know you and
acknowledge everything you said you are. So right now I acknowledge that
you are my Lord and Personal Savior who died and rose again to give me
life from sin. So right now, I come to you and say how sorry I am for my
sin and living a life on my own. I repent of my sin and ask you to
forgive me of my sin with your cleansing blood which I accept. Wash me
and I will be clean from this infection of sin. Come Lord Jesus and
please become part of my life as you live in me and I will live for you.
I thank you Jesus for coming into my heart and making my heart your
home. Thank you for living in me Jesus and I will live for you and serve
you the rest of the days of my life. I do need your Spirit to reside in
me and work in me and through me so I surrender all that I am and will
be to you. Whatever your will is for me, please give me the strength and
willingness to bear it and rejoice in you. Thank you so much Jesus. I
thank you Jesus for becoming my Lord and Personal Savior. I thank you
Jesus you have heard my prayer and have answered me. I thank you that I
am your child Oh God. I thank you for becoming my only Way to Eternal
Life. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!
No matter what you feel in your heart,
know that Jesus has come in and resides with you! You are not alone! To
make your walk strong with the Lord, spend time in prayer talking to Him
as you would to a friend. You don’t need special words to talk to the
Lord. Spend time in His Word reading Psalms and turning them into
prayer. Next allow God to heal you and speak to you through the Gospel
of John or Gospel of
Mark before moving on to other Books of the Bible! Slowly, let the Lord
show you to which Scriptures He wants you to go to next. It is also important to be part of a body of believers to
help you grow in the faith. Find a Bible believing church that preaches
the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation proclaiming Jesus Christ our
crucified and risen Lord who brings us hope, healing, and help! But
beware of churches who do believe in the Word of God completely but
there is no freedom in Christ but legalism involved.
As a professional, it is not too late to join a
church! As a student, it is not too late to join a fellowship on campus this new year of 2009! May the Lord's presence and peace fill you with His
love now and forever! Amen!
Friend, if you have prayed this
prayer and meant it in your heart, you are a new creation in Christ and
all old things are passed away and everything has become new! You may
feel something or may not but don’t base it on feelings but base your
new life in Christ on the promises of our Savior who will never leave
you nor forsake you! Amen!
Spend time in His word and let the Lord
speak to you! Start out in the Gospel of John! You can also check out
the Gospel of Mark which are the devotionals I have been going through.
Learn from Jesus through study and prayer. Also find yourself a church
fellowship and a college fellowship you can be part of where you can be
part of a community of believers to supplement your own walk with the
Lord. Let it be a Bible-believing and Bible-breathing church! Believe in
Bible Live Eternally!
Feel free to email me at
reddy4hisglory2004@yahoo.com if you want to meet to study the Bible,
pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My
number is 412-720-4579
"This is my
work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work
within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)
Love in Christ,
picture to read my dad's memoriam:

Nov 01, 1941 - Dec 17, 2007

' I AM ' Series
What kind of L.I.G.H.T do you follow? (Dec 13,
07, 10:09 a.m.)
"What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat?" (Dec 08,
07, 10:10 a.m.)
"Who is your S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D?"
(June 30,
Gospel According to Mark
Revised Archives:
Mark 1:1:
"What does the G.O.S.P.E.L mean to you?" (Aug
27, 08, 11:36 a.m.)
Mark 1:1-4:
"How seriously do you T.E.S.T.I.F.Y about prophesy?" (Aug
28, 08, 8:52 a.m.)
Mark 1:4-8:
"Who do you P.O.I.N.T to in life?" (Aug
29, 08, 10:29 a.m.)
Mark 1:7-9:
"What do you S.T.A.N.D for in life?" (Aug
30, 08, 8:38 a.m.)
Mark 1:12-13:
"How is your loving P.R.A.I.S.E of Jesus in life?"
(Sept 01, 08, 10:28 a.m.)
Mark 1:12-13:
"How do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N in your life?"
(Sept 02, 08, 10:28 a.m.)
Mark 1:14-15:
"How do you handle the T.I.M.E given you?"
(Sept 03, 08, 9:37 a.m.)
Mark 1:16-18:
"What do you do with your P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N in life?"
(Sept 04, 08, 10:51 a.m.)
Mark 1:19-20:
"Without having to P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.E what should you do in
(Sept 05, 08, 9:39 a.m.)
Mark 1:19-20:
"How do you rate in the B.U.S.I.N.E.S.S of Jesus?"
(Sept 08, 08, 9:23 a.m.)
Mark 1:21-22:
"Whose T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S do you actively listen to in life?"
(Sept 10, 08, 9:48 a.m.)
"What C.A.P.T.I.V.I.T.Y are you facing today in life?"
(Sept 11, 08, 12:19 a.m.)
Mark 1:29-31:
"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G in your life?"
(Sept 15, 08, 8:57 a.m.)
Mark 1:32-34:
"Where do you need A.N.S.W.E.R.S in life?"
(Sept 16, 08, 9:54 a.m.)
Mark 1:35-39:
"How do you find S.O.L.I.T.A.R.Y time with the Lord ?"
(Sept 17, 08, 9:30 a.m.)
"Where do you need to be C.L.E.A.N in life?"
(Sept 18, 08, 9:19 a.m.)
Mark 1:43-45:
"What do your actions C.A.U.S.E in life?"
(Sept 20, 08, 7:19 a.m.)
Mark 2:1-2:
"What do you do with your P.O.P.U.L.A.R.I.T.Y in life?" (Sept
22, 08, 9:37 a.m.)
Mark 2:3-5:
"What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D.S do you have in life?" (Sept
23, 08, 9:50 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"Who do you I.N.T.E.R.C.E.D.E for in life?" (Sept
24, 08, 9:48 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"Where does P.A.R.A.L.Y.S.I.S. take hold of you in life?" (Sept
25, 08, 10:16 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"What are you thinking in your M.I.N.D daily?" (Sept
26, 08, 10:12 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"What do you represent by your A.C.T.I.O.N.S in life?" (Sept
27, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 2:13-15:
"Where are you looking for A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E in life?" (Sept
30, 08, 12:14 p.m.)
Mark 2:15-17:
"Who do you I.N.V.I.T.E to dine with Jesus now?" (Oct
04, 08, 11:34 a.m.)
Mark 2:18-20:
"When does F.A.S.T.I.N.G become important in your life?" (Oct
06, 08, 11:58 a.m.)
Mark 2:21-22:
"How do you see your L.I.F.E now?" (Oct
07, 08, 10:24 p.m.)
Mark 2:23-28:
"What kind of L.E.A.D.E.R is Jesus to you?" (Oct
11, 08, 12:59 p.m.)
Mark 2:23-28:
"What does the S.A.B.B.A.T.H mean to you?" (Oct
13, 08, 10:47 a.m.)
Mark 3:1-6:
"Whose N.E.E.D.S do you meet in life?" (Oct
14, 08, 11:31 a.m.)
Mark 3:7-8:
"What is your I.M.P.A.C.T in life? " (Oct
15, 08, 11:22 a.m.)
Mark 3:9-10:
"What S.P.A.C.E do you give yourself in life?" (Oct
16, 08, 12:36 p.m.)
Mark 3:11-12:"How
do you fight E.V.I.L in life?" (Oct
18, 08,
8:53 a.m.)
Mark 3:13-15:
"What emphasis do you put on your R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P with Jesus?" (Oct
20, 08,
11:07 a.m.)
Mark 3:16-19:"Where is your A.P.P.O.I.N.T.M.E.N.T in?" (Oct
21, 08,
10:33 a.m.)
Mark 3:20:
"Where do you G.A.T.H.E.R in life?" (Oct
22, 08,
2:33 p.m.)
are your actions seen by your F.A.M.I.L.Y in life?" (Oct
23, 08,
2:41 p.m.)
"How do you handle S.L.A.N.D.E.R in life?"(Oct
25, 08,
10:16 p.m.)
"Who are you campaigning and V.O.T.I.N.G for?" (Nov
04, 08, 7:48 a.m.)
"What is your V.I.E.W of Jesus in life?" (Nov
10, 08, 1:44 p.m.)
"What are you doing with G.O.D'S W.I.L.L in life?" (Nov
11, 08, 11:15 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"Where do you G.A.T.H.E.R in life?" (Nov 12,
08, 9:12 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"What do P.A.R.A.B.L.E.S mean to you in life?" (Nov
13, 08, 10:56 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"Where are you at your W.A.L.K with God?" (Nov
14, 08, 8:21 a.m.)
"What kind of L.A.M.P are you?" (Nov 17, 08,
10:24 a.m.)
Mark 4:21-23:
"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L in life?" (Nov 19,
08, 10:56 a.m.)
"What do you do with what you H.E.A.R in life?" (Nov
26, 08, 10:50 a.m.)
"What do you base your T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G on?"(Nov
27, 08, 11:05 a.m.)
"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L. & Farming?"(Nov
28, 08, 8:24 a.m.)
"What are the S.T.O.R.M.S you face in life?"(Nov 28,
08, 8:24 a.m.)
"Will you let Jesus be the Lord of your P.A.S.T and move you forward?"
(Dec 31, 08, 8:38 a.m.)
Mark 5:1-13:
"Where is your I.D.E.N.T.I.T.Y this year of 2009?" (Jan
01, 09, 11:50 a.m.)
Mark 5:14-17:
"What will people report about you this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
02, 09, 10:40 a.m.)
Mark 5:15a:
"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G this New Year of 2009? (Jan
03, 09, 8:36 a.m.)
Mark 5:15-17:
"What makes you A.F.R.A.I.D of coming to Jesus?" (Jan
05, 09, 12:44 p.m,)
Mark 5:18-19:
"When will you T.A.R.G.E.T your family?" (Jan
06, 09, 9:56 a.m.)
Mark 5:20:
"What do you do with your T.E.S.T.I.M.O.N.Y this New Year of 2009?"
(Jan 07, 09, 1:16
Mark 5:21:
"Will you G.A.T.H.E.R before Jesus in this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
08, 09, 10:39 a.m.)
Mark 5:22-24a:
"How is your P.R.A.Y.E.R life with Jesus this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
09, 09, 7:56 a.m.)
Mark 24b-29:
"Where do you feel U.N.C.L.E.A.N this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
10, 09, 9:49 a.m.)
"Where do you need F.R.E.E.D.O.M this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
12, 09, 2:25 p.m.)
"Whose T.I.M.I.N.G are you following this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
13, 09, 11:49 a.m.)
"What place do you give G.O.D.S W.I.L.L in your life?" (Jan
15, 09, 8:26 a.m.)
Mark 6:1-3:
"Where do you seek W.I.S.D.O.M this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
17, 09, 9:52 a.m.)
Mark 6:2-3:
"What do you do with your C.A.L.L.I.N.G in life?" (Jan
19, 09, 10:01 a.m.)
Mark 6:2-3:
"Will your I.N.A.U.G.U.R.A.T.I.O.N be into the Kingdom of God?" (Jan
20, 09, 1:15 p.m.)
Mark 6:4-6:
"When do you feel A.C.C.E.P.T.E.D in life?" (Jan
21, 09, 9:54 a.m.)
Mark 6:6-7:
"How is your F.A.I.T.H this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
22, 09, 11:42 p.m.)
Mark 6:7:
"What do you T.E.A.C.H by your life?" (Jan 23,
09, 8:53 a.m.)
"Who are you S.E.N.T by to where?" (Jan 24, 09,
9:55 a.m.)
"Where are you S.T.A.Y.I.N.G in life?" (Jan
26, 09, 10:48 a.m.)
"How is your spiritual H.E.A.L.T.H this New Year of 2009?" (Jan
28, 09, 11:36 a.m.)
Mark 4:
"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L instead of farming?" (Jan
31, 09, 7:44 a.m.)
"How is your love on Valentines Day?" (Feb
14, 09,
5:38 a.m.)
Mark 6:
"What have people H.E.A.R.D about Jesus through you?" (Feb
16, 09, 8:50 a.m.)
Mark 6:
"What do you T.H.I.N.K about Jesus?" (Feb 17, 09,
10:10 a.m.)
Mark 6:
"How do you handle D.O.U.B.T.S in your life?" (Feb
18, 09, 10:20 a.m.)
"When do you S.P.E.A.K out?" (Feb 19, 09,
10:50 a.m.)
"What has the T.O.N.G.U.E done in your life?" (Feb
20, 09, 9:42 a.m.)
Mark 6:
"What has P.R.I.D.E done to your life?" (Feb
21, 09, 9:20 a.m.)
Mark 6:
"What M.I.S.S.I.O.N have you been called to?" (Feb
23, 09, 10:00 a.m.)
Mark 6:
"Where do you find your R.E.S.T in life?" (Feb
24, 09, 4:03 a.m.)
Mark 6:
"Who have you made the S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D of your life?" (Feb
25, 09, 11:05 a.m.)
MARCH 2009:
"What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat?" (March
02, 09, 1:16 p.m.)
Whose C.A.R.E are you really in? (March 09,
09, 6:29 a.m.)
Mark 6:45:
do you P.R.A.Y in your life?" (March 10,
09, 9:21 a.m.)
Mark 6:46-48a:
"What T.R.O.U.B.L.E are you facing in life?" (March 11,
09, 10:02 a.m.)
Mark 6:48b-51: "What are you A.F.R.A.I.D of in life?" (March 12,
09, 10:10 a.m.)
Mark 6:
have you H.A.R.D.E.N.E.D your heart?" (March 14,
09, 11:11 a.m.)
Mark 6:
"What are you R.E.C.O.G.N.I.Z.E.D for in life?" (March 16,
09, 10:32 a.m.)
Mark 6:
“Who have you I.N.T.R.O.D.U.C.E.D to Jesus?"
(March 18,
09, 10:11 a.m.)
Mark 7:1-8
"How do you view H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.S.Y in your life?" (March
09, 9:41 a.m.)
Mark 7:1-8:
"How does the Lord view your W.O.R.S.H.I.P in life?" (March
09, 11:04 a.m.)