Updated Wed, March 31, 2010 at 10:18 a.m. JAN - FEB - MARCH 2010 Edition

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"Triangle Accepts ADPi's and AEPi's Actions, Capturing Carmen Sandiego Safely!"

Ramesh C. Reddy

Editors Note: What you will be reading is a poem dedicated to the second place winners of the University of Pittsburgh's 2010 Greek Sing competition! You can find the video in the poem or click on the picture. It is the Lord's work of drawing people to Him so it is not my place to entice someone to read the poem to watch the video. I am sorry if I have offended anyone.

Since our newspaper is a paper having the vision of utilizing it to share the love of Christ, we would be amiss if majority of the things in our newspaper did not have a religious overtone. If you are concerned about copyright infringement, please read "Gravely Greek Sing Streaming Videos Viciously Create Copyright Infringement Innuendo!"

Welcome to the Carmen Sandiego show
With a second place finish, 3 groups went on the go
ADPi's, AEPi's, and Triangle go on a hunt
Into jail, Carmen Sandiego they want to punt
Searching around the world a lot
After her trail that's hot
Cause precious metals and jewels she stole and got
And an escape ticket to many countries she bought
Now her extradition they have fought
Wanting her to be caught
But Jesus' love she has not been taught
So without him her Eternal life does rot
We are all totally bad
And the Holy Bible provides the ad
To show Jai Ho - 'Victory Be To Thee'
When you acknowledge
HOLY WEEK'S purpose to be
That Jesus Christ died for you and me
Two thousand years ago to pay our penalty fee
Knowing for forgiveness of sins, His blood is the key
Casting all our sins into the deepest sea
For His love for us is so great
There is no measurement accurate enough to rate
He wants to be our Lord and Savior to this date
To all those who turn to Him in childlike faith
Resurrection Sunday does wait
Reminding us Jesus is not in the grave
So to all we can joyfully rave
Knowing you and me Jesus came to save
To Jesus in Heaven, one day we can wave
When we accept His free gift of grace
To run life's race
For He will always be our loving Ultimate Ace!

Photo By Ramesh C. Reddy

Coming Soon:
Sigma Sigma Sigma & Delta Chi's performance!

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Greek Life 2010 Coverage:

"Daringly Delta Zetas Zestfully Support Sigma Chi's Charms!" (Mon, March 29, 10, 11:57 a.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy

"Totally 'TitanicOnIce' Sends Standing Ovation Offering 'SigmaAlphaEpsilon' Support For First!" (March 24, 10, 1:58 p.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy

"PIKA's Performance Kindles KAT's Mamma Mia Message Mesmerizing Amazingly Audiences!" (March 23, 10, 11:18 a.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy

"Totally 2010 GTS Gives Everyone Entertainment!" (March 13, 10, 9:39 p.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy

"Whites With Stepping Skills Should Beware Sprite's Step Off Offering!" (March 09, 10, 1:18 p.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy

Bid Night Brings New Pledges Now Peacefully! (Jan 28, 10, 2:24 p.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy




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