"Dangerously Dracula's Delta Chi's
Capture TriSigma's Thirsting For Flesh Blood Bath!"
Ramesh C. Reddy
Editors Note: What you will be reading is a
poem dedicated to the third place winners of the University of
Pittsburgh's 2010 Greek Sing competition! You can access the video
by clicking on the picture.
Since our newspaper is a paper
having the vision of utilizing it to share the love of Christ, we
would be amiss if majority of the things in our newspaper did not
have a religious overtone. If you are concerned about copyright
infringement, please read
Greek Sing Streaming Videos Viciously Create Copyright Infringement
Welcome to Dracula's show
Where TriSigma & Delta Chi are on the go
Receiving third place in Greek Sing 2010 they come to know
After the humans experience their foe
Which are not killed with any arrow or bow
Demanding the victim's blood in every row
They are monsters, monsters filling humans with woe
Now the humans are becoming low
As they suck humans blood toe to toe
Not sparing they lives of any one
Now in a sea of red the town will be done
Experiencing horrific things the people run
Not even being protected by a gun
The vampires spare none
Except those protected by God's Holy Son
Because their victory He has won
Calvary CROSS provided the way
Which the vampires cannot bear day to day
For Christ's blood protects each human I say
When we accept the ransom He did pay
As He upon the Cross lay
Covering us with His precious blood
Drowning away sin's flood
In Christ alone do we find our chance
To escape sin so we can in Heaven dance
As we become Heaven's fans
So let us give our heart
To the One who will do His part
As we give Him a start
Protecting souls of humanity is His Art
From Satan's every deadly dart!
Photo By Ramesh C. Reddy
Coming Soon:
Chi Omega, Tau Kappa Epsilon, and Kappa Sigma's performance!
Express Your
Greek Life 2010 Coverage:
"Triangle Accepts ADPi's and
AEPi's Actions, Capturing Carmen Sandiego Safely!"
(Wed, March 30, 10, 1:09 p.m.) By
Ramesh C. Reddy
"Daringly Delta Zetas Zestfully Support Sigma
Chi's Charms!" (Mon, March 29,
10, 11:57 a.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy
"Totally 'TitanicOnIce' Sends
Standing Ovation Offering 'SigmaAlphaEpsilon' Support For First!"
(March 24, 10, 1:58
p.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy
"PIKA's Performance Kindles KAT's
Mamma Mia Message Mesmerizing Amazingly Audiences!"
(March 23, 10, 11:18
a.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy
"Totally 2010 GTS Gives
Everyone Entertainment!"
(March 13, 10, 9:39
p.m.) By Ramesh C. Reddy
"Whites With Stepping Skills
Should Beware Sprite's Step Off Offering!"
(March 09, 10, 1:18 p.m.)
By Ramesh C. Reddy
Bid Night Brings New Pledges Now Peacefully!
(Jan 28, 10, 2:24 p.m.)
By Ramesh C. Reddy