Posted on Thursday, March 07, 2018 at 09:50 a.m. (EST) & 08:20 p.m. (IST),  MARCH 2018 Edition

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“Temptation Enters Man Purposefully To Abort Trusting Immanuel Openly Now!(T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N)”

Ramesh C. Reddy

At once the Spirit sent him out into the desert, and he was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and angels attended him.” (Mark 1:12-13, NIV)

I asked myself in whose COMPANY Jesus was according to v.12?

  1. The Spirit

  2. Satan

  3. Wild Animals

  4. Angels

I asked myself what role each played and the significance?

Point 2: Satan
Satan tempted Jesus in the desert while Jesus was there for forty days. The content of the temptation is not revealed in this Gospel but we know Jesus was tempted after being encouraged and supported. Look at the temptations too and they address different dimensions of humanity. The three specific temptations Jesus was put through can be found in
Luke 4:1-13 and Matthew 4:1-11.

I asked myself what are the implications for my own life here?
Just as Jesus was tempted by Satan, I too will be tempted by Satan. I cannot escape temptation but the question is how will I endure through the temptation. Will it be by giving in to the temptation thinking, 'Woe is me, I am a sinner and it is human nature to sin' or will I focus on God's Word to help me endure through the temptations faced just as Jesus did. No matter what the temptation, I can use the Word of God for every temptation faced just as Jesus did in
Luke 4:1-13 and Matthew 4:1-11 and 1 Corinthians 10:13.

I ask you now dear friend how do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N in life?
Dear friend, the way you handle temptation will say a lot about your own growth in the Lord. Temptation can only be handled two ways but only one way is the right way. When temptation is handled by giving in, we have given in to Satan and he has won that round because we lost the battle with temptation. But, when we hold on to God's Word and use God's Word when we are tempted to do wrong whether it is holding a grudge against someone, speaking a careless word that cannot be taken back, etc, Satan cannot stand the presence of God's Word being used as a weapon to fight the war on temptation. His Word is the Sword of the Spirit for you and me.

I have been tempted so many times in so many areas and have not always come through because I relied on self and the flesh but Jesus Christ came through the temptation because He relied on the Scriptures. You and I can too overcome temptation by using the biblical principles Jesus used.

You have to focus on the Lord and allow Him to work in your life. God’s Word, prayer, and a community of believers who are loving but not judgmental can help you go a long way. Look at the way Jesus handled temptation using Scripture in Luke 4:1-13 and Matthew 4:1-11. You can too!

What is exciting to know is that Jesus said, 'I AM the Light of the world, if you follow me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness but Living Light will flood your path!' (John 8:12)

When Living Light floods our path, it will be because we are following the Light of the world. In the process, though temptation to do wrong comes, Jesus will turn on the electricity to electrocute the temptation to death and give us the Light to follow. Jesus promises that the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot extinguish it.  (John 1)

So even when Satan puts thoughts in our mind and heart such as

  1. You must have this or that right away!

  2. There is no point in waiting when it is at your reach.

  3. What does God know; He does not want you to have fun.

  4. No one is watching.

  5. Go ahead this one time.

  6. You will like it; try it.

  7. Blame the other person and exonerate yourself

You have to fight it using the Word of God as Jesus did. Jesus set an example for us to follow when He was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days. Yet, Jesus did not give in. Help us Jesus.

All temptation starts with a thought process put in our mind by Satan. When that thought process is rehearsed over and over with false and deceptive rationalizations, they are acted upon and become actions. Once an action is done then Satan will not use those same reasons above but now becomes your accuser and puts thoughts such as these in your mind:

  1. God does not love you after what you have done!

  2. You are no Christian because of what you have done!

These are only some of the ways that Satan accuses. You see friend, when Satan entices people to let them give into temptations, he paints a rosy picture but in reality you do not get the rosy picture but the thorn picture of pain, shame, and hurt.

There is Good News however, friend and the victory is the Lord’s. Just as Jesus overcame temptation, we can too by following biblical principles. When Satan tempts you, you can resist him by quoting Scripture to him and commanding him to leave you alone.

For the Word of God says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you!" (James 4)

I want to share a personal story with you and relate it back to what I learned in the devotional today. When I used to meet with Pastor Hugo or Edwin for discipleship, I can still remember that they were never judgemental towards me but compassionate and convicting. I felt convicted of wrongdoing and not give into the temptation but never felt condemned for giving in. We all need the right type of people in our lives to hold us accountable and move forward. I feel I have lost that when Pastor Hugo and Edwin left for where the Lord was calling them. Both of them pointed me to God's Word and I need to seek God's Word daily to overcome temptation. I wait for the day that the Lord will send someone like Pastor Hugo and Edwin into my life again who I can meet weekly  like I did with them for a long time.

I remember when I was so discontent about different things in my life and gave into the temptations, the Lord Jesus used Edwin to go through an entire book with me called, 'Lord change my attitude before it is too late!' It helped me so much to the point I used to write 5 things I am thankful to the Lord each day. Pastor Hugo would go over the book 'Making of a Leader' with me which made me see how wrong I was in different areas. I still struggle and given in but need to trust in the Lord.

There will be times we still give in because of our flesh. In those situations, forgiveness is available at the cross and you can move on. Jesus loves you so much even when you mess up. He wants to help you and you can come to Him as you are. Let Him guide you and lead you. Yes, friend, He wants to help you! Experience the power of His love !!!

To do that, you need to acknowledge what a sinner you are and in need of a Savior. Yes, friend we all need a Savior and only Christ is the perfect Lamb of God who had no sin but became sin for us that we may attain the righteousness of God.

Jesus went through all kinds of temptation and yet did not sin. So, Jesus can understand what we go through. To fight Satan and his temptations, we need the Lord Jesus Christ's power in our own lives to be victorious. The Victory is the Lord's and we have just begun to fight. But the victory started at the cross of Calvary for us.

If Jesus did not die for our sins shedding His precious cleansing blood, was not buried, and did not come back to life to save us, then we all would still be lost but Jesus did die for our sins shedding His precious cleansing blood, was buried, and came back to life to save all those that would turn to Him.

It is turning to Jesus always that helps us endure through the temptations. It starts with walking and talking with Jesus making Him central to our lives and using His instruction manual which is the Word of God to fight and endure all kinds of temptation.

I know God's Word helps me tremendously letting me know that I am saved by grace through faith and not of any works that I can boast. I know Jesus invited me to be His very own when He paid the ultimate cost on the cross of Calvary for my redemption. Friend, Jesus did the same for you.

It is exciting to know whatever temptation comes our way, we have Jesus in our lives to help us endure temptation when we turn to Him making Him our Lord and personal Savior of our lives.

I have done that friend, won't you?

I want to share with you a poem, the Lord Jesus helped me to write years ago. It is called ‘Enduring Temptation’ and was written to help a lot of people. This one goes with the Scriptures from Romans 7:14-8:1:

Enduring Temptation
By Ramesh C. Reddy

Giving into temptation making you feel so low?
There seems nowhere to go,
Making your life a tremendous blow
Causing you to be full of woe?
Devil's temptation has become your foe?
There ain't no escape you think you know?
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
Though temptation is very strong
It wont last very long.
Cause Jesus, our Savior is the Way! (
John 14:6)
For us sinners, he did the price pay. (1 Cor 6:20)
So as we turn to Him and pray, (Matt 26:41)
He will help us overcome Satan each day! (1 John 4:4)
Now Satan's temptation's tremble and cant stay! (James 4:7)
So you see how it goes. (Nah 1:7)
With Jesus we can overcome our foes! (Romans 8:31)
When we are tempted, (1 Cor 10:13)
He will let us be exempted (Revelation 3:10)
Before committing what was attempted! (Heb 2:18)
He is the Light! (1 John 1:5)
Will make us do what is right. (John 12:36)
By His blood we have been made white! (1 John 1:7)
With the Lord, the devil we can fight! (Philippians 4:13)
So with Jesus please walk! (John 8:12)
So with you He can talk! (Isaiah 30:21)
And be our mighty Rock! (Psalm 18:1-3)
He wants to open our hearts lock! (John 3:16)
Our heart Jesus knocks with a big knock! (Rev 3:20)

"Temptation Enters Man Purposefully To Abort Trusting Immanuel Openly Now!" (T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N)/"How do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N in life?"

Lord Jesus, I love you so much. Thank you Lord you love me more than words can say. Lord Jesus as you already know, I keep getting tempted by Satan and many times fail to do what is right. This makes me feel so low because I have gone my own way. Please Lord I ask you to forgive me when I get tempted and do the wrong. On my own I know Lord that I will keep committing the same mistakes which you know I hate and cannot help it. I humble myself before you Lord. I realize I am a sinner and accept my peril before you and yield my life to you. Help me please Lord to follow your ways. You are my hiding place oh Lord from every storm of life. I trust you completely. You keep me from stumbling, thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus you are my Light and my Salvation. You will let me overcome any temptation I am facing. Thank you Lord you know how temptation is because you experienced it in the wilderness when Satan tempted you many times. Yet, you did not give in. Thank you for being able to relate with us when we are tempted. We turn to you for help.  Thank you Jesus for making us white as freshly fallen snow. I invite you into my heart. IN YOUR NAME I PRAY JESUS, AMEN.

Pray the prayer below or use your own words to invite Jesus Christ into your life and have a personal relationship with Him. Now is the time of Salvation. Don't wait. 

Dear Jesus, I read that you alone can give me access to Heaven and be delivered from the bondage of sin and death. I want that Lord. I believe you died on the cross for my sin and rose again to give me new life. I believe your Blood shed on the cross saves me when I turn to you. So I turn to you now with all that I am and ask you to make something of my life for you. Please be my Lord and Personal Savior. Please come into my heart and make my heart your home. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for hearing my prayer and answering me. Thank you for delivering me from my sin as I am sorry. I love you Jesus. I need you. Help me Jesus! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!

No matter what you feel in your heart, know that Jesus has come in and resides with you! You are not alone! To make your walk strong with the Lord, spend time in prayer talking to Him as you would to a friend. You don’t need special words to talk to the Lord. Spend time in His Word reading Psalms and turning them into prayer. Next allow God to heal you and speak to you through the Gospel of John or Gospel of Mark before moving on to other Books of the Bible! Slowly, let the Lord show you to which Scriptures He wants you to go to next. It is also important to be part of a body of believers to help you grow in the faith. Find a Bible believing church that preaches the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation proclaiming Jesus Christ our crucified and risen Lord who brings us hope, healing, and help!

May the Lord's presence and peace fill you with His love now and forever! Amen!

Friend, if you have prayed this prayer and meant it in your heart, you are a new creation in Christ and all old things are passed away and everything has become new! You may feel something or may not but don’t base it on feelings but base your new life in Christ on the promises of our Savior who will never leave you nor forsake you! Amen!

Feel free to email me at if you want to meet to study the Bible, pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My number is 412-641-9426

"This is my work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)

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Mark 1:12-13: "What determines your G.R.O.W.T.H in the Lord?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (March 07, 18, 10:37 a.m.)

Mark 1:10-11: "Who will you P.R.A.I.S.E publicly today in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (March 06, 18, 10:02 a.m.)

Mark 1:9: "What will you take a S.T.A.N.D for in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (March 03, 18, 10:39 a.m.)

Mark 1:4-8: "Who do you P.O.I.N.T to in life?"By Ramesh C. Reddy (March 03, 18, 10:39 a.m.)

Mark 1:1-4: "Why bother seriously with P.R.O.P.H.E.C.Y everyday?" By Ramesh C. Reddy (Jan 04, 18, 7:19 p.m.)



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