NEWS Blasi on Board Brings Brightness! President Bush's inaugural address focuses on freedom, friendship, and faith! Pop singer Michael Jackson acquitted of all 10 counts! SGB ELECTIONS: 'Driven', 'Proven' and 'Results Matter' slates sweep SGB election! Endorsing the fabulous five for Student Government Board (SGB) elections on Nov 17! ELECTION 2004:Kerry for a weaker America: Running for president, they call him Kerry! Kerry for DRAFT which Bush is against! Trial advocate Edwards could not defend Kerry against charges! Who cares for the the 2nd victim! Republicans are the political party for African-Americans and people of different ethnicities! Answering, "Voting for neither candidate of a major political party is going to bring us closer to God." IMPRESSIONSCarnegie Library corrupts the morals of a minor!SGB and Rainbow Alliance’s view of homosexuality is not held by all!Juveniles escape of death penalty could influence abortion decisions. FDA should continue to ban gay sperm and ignore editorials opposing them! EXPRESSIONSArchives of Daily Devotionals Delivers Dosage! Christian groups seek to provide haven for incoming students! Boston Red Sox ace Curt Schilling knows all about spiritual strikeouts! Vote for the perfect candidate 24-7!
The Pitt News editorial, 'Troop
casualties undercounted by 17,000' makes it sound like...... SPORTS Pitt 2004 Cheerleading and Dance Team surrounded Schenley Quad with their Squad! Pitt Cheerleaders and Dance team try to cheer up Panther fans!
Panther fans weather the floods at 6:30 a.m.
Pitt's Track and Field could go the distance! Pittsburgh Steelers come back with rookie and backup players!
Deja Vu for the Steelers
Top 14 answers to "Love is....."
My Kiss of a Lifetime hopes to be special!
Top 14 responses to 'A Loving friend
In celebration of Valentine's Day, the
top 50-26 responses to 'Love is....'
In celebration of Valentine's Day, the
top 25-1 responses to 'Love is....'
Top 5 responses given by students to, "What is
the most important lesson your mom taught you?"
Kappa Kappa Gamma sister Jessica shows her
Pitt spirit with her friends!
Newest sisters of Delta Zeta sorority enjoy a
meal at Schenley Cafe after their initiation!
Student Government Board member Liz Blasi enjoys a
meal at Schenley Cafe with her Chi Omega sisters!
PGSIS Class of 2005 Favorite Cereal Survey
Spiritual Review of "Swarmed"
Ramesh C. Reddy "Swarmed" (2005)
Main Cast: Plot Synopsis: The movie “Swarmed” is a science fiction yellow jacket killing bee movie. An experiment being done to make pesticides more powerful using genetics goes awry creating a nightmare for all those who come in contact with the yellow jacket bees. The bees gets hunted by researcher Kent (played by Michael Shanks), Entomologist Cristina Brown (played by Carol Alt), Bug Buster Q (played by Richard Chevolleau), and his sidekick Rafe (played by Jonathan Malen). Content Review: The movie is rated PG-13 for disturbing images. It addresses issues such as death, dangers of experimentation into the unknown, dangers of disobedience, and taking responsibility for others safety. This is a movie that illustrates different biblical principles and the dangers of not abiding by them. Spiritual Insights: As I watched the movie, it reminded me of a Biblical passage where one persons’ sin causes consequences for the rest of the people. We see that same concepts in the movie where a disobedient action occurs. I want to share the passages with you. "It's only the fruit from the tree at the center of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God says we must not eat it or even touch it, or we will die." “You won't die!" the serpent hissed. "God knows that your eyes will be opened when you eat it. You will become just like God, knowing everything, both good and evil." The woman was convinced. The fruit looked so fresh and delicious, and it would make her so wise! So she ate some of the fruit. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her. Then he ate it, too. At that moment, their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they strung fig leaves together around their hips to cover themselves.” (Genesis 3:3-7, NLT) “But Israel was unfaithful concerning the things set apart for the LORD. A man named Achan had stolen some of these things, so the LORD was very angry with the Israelites. The men of Ai chased the Israelites from the city gate as far as the quarries, and they killed about thirty-six who were retreating down the slope. The Israelites were paralyzed with fear at this turn of events, and their courage melted away. Then Joshua said to Achan, "My son, give glory to the LORD, the God of Israel, by telling the truth. Make your confession and tell me what you have done. Don't hide it from me." Achan replied, "I have sinned against the LORD, the God of Israel. For I saw a beautiful robe imported from Babylon, two hundred silver coins, and a bar of gold weighing more than a pound. I wanted them so much that I took them. They are hidden in the ground beneath my tent, with the silver buried deeper than the rest." (Joshua 7:1,5, 19-21, NLT) There were those in the movie who decided not to take action because taking action meant it would hurt their pocketbook. This reminded me of verses dealing with money and responsibility. "They will throw away their money, tossing it out like worthless trash. It won't buy their deliverance in that day of the LORD's anger. It will neither satisfy nor feed them, for their love of money made them stumble into sin.” (Ezekiel 7:19, NLT) “For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.” (1 Timothy 6:10, NLT) “Godly people find life; evil people find death.” (Proverbs 11:19, NLT) “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.” (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25, NLT) “Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to death; don't stand back and let them die.” (Proverbs 24:11, NLT) Questions to Ponder: Where do you think the Bible verses apply in the movie? When has your disobedient actions affected someone else negatively? What did you do? What should you have done? When have your obedient actions help someone else? How did that make you feel? When have you helped someone in trouble and what was the outcome? Why does money have such a hold on some people and what could be the result? |
MAY 2006
Spiritual Review of
Spiritual Review of
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Spiritual Review of
Spiritual Review of
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Spiritual Review of
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Review of
Spiritual Review of Spiritual Review of Ocean's 12
Spiritual Review of
Blade: Trinity |