"Delta Zeta Deliciously Delivers Lusciously with Lamda
Chi Alpha"
Ramesh C. Reddy
Pittsburgh Standard

Losing can make you better
Ask the sisters who have
as a letter
Last years' 1 pt loss could have made them fetter
Instead they worked harder
So they could go farther
To win Greek Sing 2007
Being part of the competition of eleven
As Lambda Chi Alpha gave them a hand
Together they came to band
In the 'Haunted Mansion' land
Now, victoriously they stand
Receiving their Greek Sing fame
Delta Zeta is their name
Winning has been their aim
To their rescue Lambda Chi Alpha came
To play the 'Haunted Mansion' game
You never need to be tame
If you believe yesterday, today,
and tomorrow, JESUS is the same
By clicking on the photo watch the video frame by frame!
Ordering Information:
You can order a high quality DVD of the winning performance of Greek
Sing 2007 by clicking the EXPRESS YOUR VIEW link and typing in how many
copies you would want, etc Each copy is $4.99 with 50% of the money
going back to the Greek Sing 2007 Charity.
Copy of the above picture can also be bought in sizes ranging from 3 x 5
to 25 x 19. For pricing information, please EXPRESS YOUR VIEW.
Regardless of how much you purchase, 50% of it will go back to charity.
Copies will be delivered to the William Pitt Union, Greek Life office
where payment will be collected. Payment can be made by check, cash, or
money order payable to Pittsburgh Standard. You will receive a receipt
for your purchase.
The other 50% will be used to raise money to continue to fund the
Pittsburgh Standard. I thank the Lord that He continues to provide the
funding through different means! Anyone's help so the paper can continue
to stream video and audio online will be appreciated.
Express Your