“Wonderfully Immanuel’s
Scripture Delivers Omnipotent Message!(W.I.S.D.O.M)”
By Ramesh
C.Reddy Pittsburgh Standard
Editors Note: The devotional has a background song which can be heard if you use Internet
“Jesus left there and went to his
hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began
to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. "Where
did this man get these things?" they asked. "What's this wisdom that has
been given him, that he even does miracles!” (Mark 6:1-2, NIV)
I asked
myself what the actions of Jesus were?
Jesus left the house of Jairus.
Jesus went to his hometown
accompanied by his disciples.
Jesus began to teach in the
synagogue when the Sabbath came.
Jesus amazed those who heard
I asked myself how those that
heard him responded?
Many who heard him were amazed.
“Where did this man get these
things?” they asked.
“What’s this wisdom that has
been given him, that he even does miracles!”
I asked
myself why Jesus began to teach in the synagogue when the Sabbath came?
Jesus wanted them to hear the
message of God and apply it in their lives. Not only that, but Jesus
wanted to make an impact for those around him in a positive way. Jesus
accomplished that because those that heard him were so amazed that they
had two questions in mind:
“Where did this
man get these things?” they asked.
“What’s this
wisdom that has been given him that he even does miracles!”
I asked
myself the significance of those questions?
Those that heard him knew He had
wisdom that they had not seen before and also the power to do miracles.
That made them want to know more about where Jesus got these things.
What stuck out to me was wisdom.
I saw important implications for
my own life here. Jesus was given wisdom from the Father even as He
lived His life perfectly in humanity and yet had the qualities of
divinity. So, in His teachings in the synagogue, people saw that wisdom
being manifested.
Since, those that accept Jesus
into their heart have the Holy Spirit living in them, it was exciting
for me to know that God can manifest His wisdom through the Spirit in
our lives as we seek Him diligently. That is exciting to know!
We make a lot of bad decisions
in the flesh because we have not sought the wisdom of the Holy One as we
ought to. When we receive His wisdom and ask for it, He will speak to
He can speak to us through
different means. For some, it is the wisdom of peace that He instills in
their lives as they seek Him for important decisions in their lives. As
the peace comes they can know beyond a shadow of doubt that it is from
the Lord as He confirms it to others sometimes too.
For others, He can speak through
circumstances that keep amazingly lining up. For still others, it is
directly through His Word giving answers to the questions they are
seeking through prayer. There are others that hear directly from the
nudging of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
For me wisdom to make a decision
or to hold on to a decision or belief has been through answers given as
I have sought after the Lord. The answers have come through
circumstances lining up where the Hand of the Lord is seen upon them in
amazing ways that cannot always be explained; it has been through direct
Word of God coming at the right time, place, and situation; it has been
through the nudging of the Holy Spirit to act upon something but not
having peace if I refrain from it. Finally, it has been through powerful
dreams that have always come when I questioned if something was really
God’s will. It is amazing how our Lord can speak to us through dreams
too. Then again, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. What
Jesus did in those days, I believe Jesus can still do now as we seek
It is so exciting that we have
our Lord who we can turn to for decisions in our lives and when they
involve other people, He will confirm His decision to them too. The
people who heard Jesus were amazed because the wisdom that came from Jesus
was not confusing, for God is not the Author of confusion but the Author
of Abundant Life giving a message for our lives!
It is so amazing that God uses
His Word to speak to us in the circumstances we face. It becomes that
much more exciting when you have a schedule you adhere to in the Bible
and the answers to the questions you currently face are addressed in a
particular passage/s of the day as it is being studied. Praise the Lord!
I am reminded true wisdom comes
from following the Word so we are not confused with man’s wisdom. So, I
decided to focus on some of the wisdom verses in the Bible for the Lord
knows I need His wisdom!
“To God belong wisdom and
power; counsel and understanding are his.” (Job 12:13, NIV)
“Teach us to number our
days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12, NIV)
“The fear of the LORD is
the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good
understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.” (Psalm 111:10, NIV)
“For the LORD gives
wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding…. For wisdom
will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.”
(Proverbs 2:6,10 NIV)
“The fear of the LORD is
the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is
understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10, NIV)
“How much better to get
wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!” (Proverbs
16:16, NIV)
“There is no wisdom, no
insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.” (Proverbs 21:30,
“By wisdom a house is
built, and through understanding it is established;” (Proverbs 24:3, NIV)
“The Spirit of the LORD
will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit
of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the
LORD” (Isaiah 11:2, NIV)
“For I will give you
words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or
contradict.” (Luke 21:15, NIV)
“My message and my
preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a
demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest
on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.” (1 Corinthians 2:4-5, NIV)
“I keep asking that the
God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the
Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”
(Ephesians 1:17, NIV)
“If any of you lacks
wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding
fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5, NIV)
“But the wisdom that
comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate,
submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” (James
3:17, NIV)
I ask you
now dear friend, where do you seek wisdom?
Dear friend, people try to seek wisdom in different places and some even
go into fortune-telling, horoscopes, etc but true wisdom is only found
in the Lord. Wisdom was given to
the people by Jesus as He taught them in the synagogue. This same Jesus
can give you wisdom too! Yes, He can friend. No matter what you have
done, where you have been, or what you are faced with, Jesus is the
Answer! He wants you to seek wisdom from Him. Man’s wisdom only confuses
but God’s wisdom will give peace of mind and heart. Yes, friend it will!
Remember our Lord promises to
give us wisdom for any situation when we ask of Him. When the decision
we want to make involves other people too, I believe our Lord will give
them wisdom too to confirm the situation if it is His will and wisdom we
have been adhering too! Praise the Lord!
The best One to seek wisdom
about any situation is Jesus Christ to whom you can talk to any time of
the day or night. As you talk to Him, wait upon Him for the decision,
for whatever decision is of the Lord, you will have peace for our Lord
is not an Author of confusion.
Sometimes people could get hurt in the
process but it is so important friend to seek after God’s wisdom than
man’s wisdom. If you are seeking the Lord’s wisdom and He shows you
something that you feel may hurt someone else, go with God still in
prayer for He can make crooked situations straight in His loving
kindness. The important thing is you will have peace if it is from the
Lord and the Lord will work in the other person/s lives too!
As we seek wisdom it is also
very pertinent that the answers we get from the Lord through prayer or
nudging of the Holy Spirit is tested with Scripture because our Lord
will not contradict His Word. His Word will give us the wisdom we seek!
Even when it involves the church, we need to test the answers with the
Word of God. I believe the Word of God stands the test of time and when
we seek His Word, if it is of God, we will have peace! Amen!
Miracles can happen in our lives
because of the wisdom Lord has showered upon us as we seek His will for
every facet of our lives. For what good is living a life on man/women's
wisdom when the Lord is ready to give us His wisdom generously to all
who ask of Him.
Friend, how can we seek this wisdom if it were not for what Jesus
Christ did for you and me on the cross. All of Jesus' teachings were
pointing us to the Salvation we can receive in Him. Yes, friend, there
is no other Name in Heaven whereby we must be saved except the Name of
Jesus Christ. Jesus wants to save you in His perfect wisdom. You may not
know all the answers but come to Jesus as you are in your sin and ask
Him to cleanse you of all your sin with His precious cleansing blood.
Friend, whether we are rich or poor, have everything together or our
lives seem to be crumbling, etc, Christ died on the cross to give us
life so we can live in His wisdom. We need to confess and repent of our
sin and receive the forgiveness for the remission of sin that Jesus
offers when He died for you and me shedding His blood. Only in Christ
can we find true wisdom for man's wisdom will fail but the wisdom that
comes from the Lord is Eternal and will bear much fruit.
May you seek the wisdom of the
Lord always over man or women's wisdom for in His wisdom alone can you
have Eternal Peace! Amen!
May the background song, "More
Power to Ya" uplift you as you read this devotional the Lord put upon my
heart to share with you all. For it has helped me tremendously as I wait
upon the Lord.
“Wonderfully Immanuel’s Scripture Delivers Omnipotent Message!” (W.I.S.D.O.M)/”Where
do you seek wisdom?”
Jesus, the people who heard about you were amazed to hear your teachings
because you spoke with so much wisdom. Lord, we need your wisdom to be
imparted in our lives. There are decisions we make or are seeking that
we need your wisdom to give us peace for every situation. Lord, no
matter what we feel so strongly about if it is not according to your
wisdom, we thank you that you will not let it come to pass. When we make
mistakes thinking something is of your wisdom and is not, please let our
pain be short and sweet and direct us on the right path. For when we
desire to love you with our whole heart and put you above all else, it
is your will for our life that matters. I want that Lord and those who
love you want it. If it involves other people in our life, we thank you
that you will confirm your will to them too with peace. Help us to seek
you always and not give up! Thank you so much Jesus! Thank you for
hearing us and answering our prayers. Your Word is so relevant even in
the 21st century as I study it. Thank you Jesus! Be with
those right now who have important decisions to make whether it is in
their career, academics, relationships, family life, etc. Let them find
your peace for the decisions they need an answer for whatever way the
decision goes, your wisdom and peace are what counts and will get us
through. Thank you for teaching me so much through the situations I have
been in and reminding me, “Do not be afraid, just believe.” I do believe
for your wisdom to be imparted in all of our lives, for you say if we
lack wisdom and ask you of it believing we will receive! I believe
Jesus! I believe! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!
You can give your life to Jesus and gather around Him right now if
you have not already done so by praying the prayer below and meaning it
in your heart.
Dear Jesus, I love you. Thank
you for loving me so much and thank you for choosing the cross to die
for me. You became the Son of Man and lived here on earth. Then you
humbled yourself and became obedient to death-even death on the cross.
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. You died on the cross so
that I can be covered in your blood and cleansed by your blood as I
acknowledge that I need you and cannot enter Heaven without you being my
pathway. You became my PASSOVER LAMB! So, Jesus I confess all my sins to
you and all the ways I have tried to get into Heaven when you already
provided the means and the Way. I repent of my sin. Thank you for all
that you have done for me especially forgiving me of my sin so judgment
can PASSOVER. The cross is the place, a wonderful place where accused
and condemned find mercy and grace. Thank you Jesus, it is at the cross
where the wrongs we have done and the wrongs done to us were nailed at
the cross. Thank you Jesus, at the cross you died for our sins and at
the cross you gave your life for us. I thank you for that and thank you
for coming back to life to save us. Thank you Jesus for being there for
me! Thank you for loving me. I love you Jesus! Please take me as I am
and make my life into something that you will be proud of. I surrender
my life to you and need your help to live for you. I am forever grateful
for the cross and what you have done for me and I can never repay you. I
want to live for you and need your help. Thank you that your blood is
for me. Help me Jesus please to live in the power of your Holy Spirit. I
thank you Jesus for saving us! Thank you for hearing my prayer and
answering me. Whatever your will give me the willingness and strength to
bear it. Come into my heart and please make my heart your home. Live in
me Jesus and I will live for you and serve you all the days of my life
as you help me knowing you are my Lord and Personal Savior. You are my
God! Thank you Jesus! I acknowledge you as my Lord and Personal Savior!
In Your Name I Pray precious Jesus! Amen!
Friend, if you have prayed this
prayer and meant it in your heart, you are a new creation in Christ and
all old things are passed away and everything has become new! You may
feel something or may not but don’t base it on feelings but base your
new life in Christ on the promises of our Savior who will never leave
you nor forsake you! Amen!
Spend time in His word and let the Lord
speak to you! Start out in the Gospel of John! You can also check out
the Gospel of Mark which are the devotionals I have been going through.
Learn from Jesus through study and prayer. Also find yourself a church
fellowship and a college fellowship you can be part of where you can be
part of a community of believers to supplement your own walk with the
Lord. Let it be a Bible-believing and Bible-breathing church! Believe in
Bible Live Eternally!
Feel free to email me at
reddy4hisglory2004@yahoo.com if you want to meet to study the Bible,
pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My
number is 412-720-4579
"This is my
work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work
within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)
Love in Christ,
picture to read my dad's memoriam:

' I AM ' Series
What kind of L.I.G.H.T do you follow? (Dec 13,
07, 10:09 a.m.)
"What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat?" (Dec 08,
07, 10:10 a.m.)
"Who is your S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D?"
(June 30,
Gospel of Mark Archives:
Mark 1:1:
"What does the G.O.S.P.E.L mean to you?" (Jan
15, 08, 1:15 p.m.)
Mark 1:1-4: "How
seriously do you T.E.S.T.I.F.Y about prophesy?" (Jan
12, 08, 11:18 p.m.)
Mark 1:5-8:
"Who do you P.O.I.N.T to?" (Jan 16, 08,
8:48 a.m.)
Mark 1:9:
How will you take a S.T.A.N.D? (Jan 17, 08,
11:21 a.m.)
Mark 1:9-11:
"How is your loving P.R.A.I.S.E?" (Jan 18, 08,
8:53 a.m.)
Mark 1:12-13: "How
do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N?" (Jan 19,
08, 12:27 p.m.)
Mark 1:14-15:
How do you handle T.I.M.E given to you? (Jan
21, 08, 1:31 p.m.)
Mark 1:16-18:
"What kind of P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N are you in?" (Jan
26, 08, 10:22 a.m.)
"Without having to P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.E, what should you do?"
(Jan 29, 08,
10:44 a.m.)
"How do you rate in the B.U.S.I.N.E.S.S of Jesus?" (Jan
30, 08, 11:29 a.m.)
"Whose T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S do you follow?" (Jan
31, 08, 11:52 a.m.)
"What C.A.P.T.I.V.I.T.Y are you facing today?" (Feb
01, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 4:3-20:
"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L?" (Feb
02, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 1:29-31:
"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (Feb 05,
08, 11:44 a.m.)
Mark 1:32-34:
"Where do you need an A.N.S.W.E.R?" (Feb 06,
08, 11:16 a.m.)
Mark 1:35-39:
"Where do you give your S.O.L.I.T.A.R.Y time to the Lord?" (Feb
07, 08, 11:41 a.m.)
Mark 1:40-42:
"Where do you need to be C.L.E.A.N?" (Feb 09,
08, 11:00 a.m.)
Mark 1:43-45:
"What do your actions C.A.U.S.E?" (Feb 11, 08,
9:23 a.m.)
Mark 2:1-2:
"What do you do with your P.O.P.U.L.A.R.I.T.Y?" (Feb
12, 08, 9:52 a.m.)
Mark 2:2-5:
"What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D are you?" (Feb
13, 08, 11:49 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"Where does P.A.R.A.L.Y.S.I.S take hold of you?" (Feb
15, 08, 7:42 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"What are you thinking in your M.I.N.D?" (Feb
16, 08, 11:08 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"What do you represent by your A.C.T.I.O.N.S?" (Feb
18, 08, 8:23 a.m.)
Mark 2:13-15:
"Where are you looking for A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E?" (Feb
19, 08, 11:22 a.m.)
"Who do you I.N.V.I.T.E to Jesus?" (Feb 20,
08, 9:57 a.m.)
"When do you F.A.S.T?" (Feb 21, 08,
9:32 a.m.)
Mark 2:21-22:
"How do you see your L.I.F.E?" (Feb 22, 08,
9:56 a.m.)
Mark 2:23-28:
"What kind of L.E.A.D.E.R will you be? (Feb
23, 08, 10:46 a.m.)
Mark 2:23-28:
"What does the S.A.B.B.A.T.H mean to you?" (Feb
25, 08, 10:46 a.m.)
Mark 3:1-6:"Whose
N.E.E.D.S do you meet?" (Feb 26, 08,
9:54 a.m.)
Mark 3:7-8:
"What is your I.M.P.A.C.T?" (Feb 27, 08,
8:17 a.m.)
Mark 3:9-11:
"What S.P.A.C.E do you give yourself?" (Feb
28, 08, 9:38 a.m.)
Mark 3:11-12:
"How do you fight E.V.I.L?" (Feb 29, 08,
9:11 a.m.)
Mark 3:13-16:
"What emphasis do you put on your R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P with Jesus?"
(March 01, 08, 9:29
Mark 3:17-19:
"Where do you have your A.P.P.O.I.N.T.M.E.N.T in?" (March
03, 08, 9:49 a.m.)
Mark 3:20:
"Where do you G.A.T.H.E.R?" (March 04, 08,
12:07 p.m.)
Mark 3:21:
"How are your actions seen by your F.A.M.I.L.Y?" (March
05, 08, 10:24 a.m.)
Mark 3:22-27:
"How do you handle S.L.A.N.D.E.R?" (March 06,
08, 7:57 a.m.)
Mark 3:28-30:
"What is your V.I.E.W of Jesus?" (March 07, 08,
8:18 a.m.)
Mark 3:31-34:
"What do you do with God's Will?" (March 08,
08, 8:45 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"What do P.A.R.A.B.L.E.S mean to you?" (March
10, 08, 7:15 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L?" (Feb
02, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"Where are you in your W.A.L.K with the Lord?" (March
11, 08, 9:32 a.m.)
"Where are you in your W.A.L.K with the Lord?" (March
11, 08, 11:05 a.m.)
Mark 4:21-23:
"What kind of L.A.M.P will you be?" (March 12,
08, 9:40 a.m.)
"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08,
10:11 a.m.)
"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08,
8:52 a.m.)
John 12:12-15:
"How can you B.L.E.S.S the Lord?" (March 17,
08, 1:25 a.m.)
Philippians 2:8:
"What does the C.R.O.S.S mean to you?" (March
20, 08, 1:16 p.m.)
"How do you handle D.O.U.B.T.S?" (March
25, 08, 12:36 p.m.)
Mark 4:24-25:
"What do you do with what you H.E.A.R?" (March
31, 08, 8:39 a.m.)
Mark 4:26-29:
"What do you do with the W.O.R.D of God?" (April
05, 08, 10:18 a.m.)
Mark 4:30-34:
"What do you do with the S.E.E.D?" (April 07, 08,
11:48 a.m.)
Mark 4:35-41:
"What are the S.T.O.R.M.S in your life?" (April 08, 08,
11:52 a.m.)
Mark 5:1-13:
"Where is your T.O.R.M.E.N.T coming from?" (April 09, 08,
11:50 a.m.)
Mark 5:14-17:
"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (April 11, 08,
11:46 a.m.)
Mark 5:14-17:
"What do people R.E.P.O.R.T about you?" (April 12, 08,
11:00 a.m.)
Mark 5:18-19:
"What makes you A.F.R.A.I.D of Jesus?" (April 14, 08,
10:40 a.m.)
Mark 5:18-19:
"Will you T.E.L.L others about Jesus?" (April 15, 08,
11:32 a.m.)
Mark 5:20:
"What do you do with your T.E.S.T.I.M.O.N.Y?" (April
16, 08,
12:03 p.m.)
Proverbs 17:4:
"What does G.O.S.S.I.P do to you?" (April 17, 08,
6:52 p.m.)
Exodus 12:5,7,11,13-14:
"How do you know judgment will P.A.S.S.O.V.E.R you?" (April
24, 08,
9:26 a.m.)
Mark 5:21:
"Why will you G.A.T.H.E.R before Jesus?" (April
28, 08,
9:36 a.m.)
Mark 5:22-24:
"What place do you give P.R.A.Y.E.R in your life?" (April
29, 08,
7:51 a.m.)
Mark 5:24b-29:
Now? Christ’s Leading Everyday Always Nurtures! (U.N.C.L.E.A.N)"
(May 05, 08,
10:24 a.m.)
Mark 5:30-34:
Redeemer Everyday Excitingly Delivers Omnipotent Message!(F.R.E.E.D.O.M)”
05, 08,
10:24 a.m.)
Mark 5:35-37:
“Timing Is Messiah’s Involvement Nurturing Graciously!
(May 07, 08, 10:07 a.m.)
Mark 5:35-42:
"What place do you give G.O.D.S W.I.L.L in your life?"
(May 08, 08, 9:33 a.m.)