Everywhere Almighty Redeemer Delivers!(H.E.A.R.D)”
By Ramesh
C.Reddy Pittsburgh Standard
Editors Note: The devotional has a background song which can be heard if you use Internet
“They went
out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons
and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.
Herod heard about this, for Jesus' name had become well known.” (Mark
6:12-14, NIV)
I asked
myself what King Herod heard?
King Herod heard that the disciples went out
and preached that people should repent.
King Herod heard that the disciples drove out
many demons.
King Herod heard that the disciples anointed
many sick people with oil and healed them.
King Herod heard about Jesus being responsible
for what the disciples were doing and Jesus’ name became well known.
I asked myself why was it significant that King Herod heard about this?
I found it very significant that
King Herod heard about Jesus and His miracles because though King Herod
was bad, Good News traveled to him too. In other words, Herod was
getting the message of what Jesus was doing and hearing all about Jesus
and those that belong to Jesus whose work was showing the miraculous
powers of Jesus to the citizens of Galilee. Jesus had become a household
name in the palace of King Herod too.
I asked
myself why Jesus’ name became well known?
Jesus had done many miracles
that the news would have traveled everywhere even to Herod’s palace.
Jesus also taught with authority the teachings from God and showed a lot
of wisdom. Because of Jesus’ encounter with people and the difference
Jesus made, Jesus became a celebrity of the time. If Jesus walked, there
were people who talked. If Jesus talked, there were people who walked.
It is because people heard good things about Jesus and wanted to follow
Everything the disciples were
doing too, pointed to Jesus and not to their selves. Jesus became the
Bright Morning Star to be seen by everyone who wanted to encounter
I saw important implications for
my own life. People heard about Jesus because Jesus was making a
difference and His message was counter-cultural to what they were used
When they expected Jesus to do
one thing, He usually did something else to their amazement but it was
always better than what they expected or thought.
When people looked to the
disciples for preaching and healing, the people were still being pointed
to the Source. Whatever was happening people were hearing about Jesus
even those considered to be bad, bad! Herod was one of them as will
become evident later.
As a follower of Christ, as I
live my life, people will hear about me. When they hear about me, they
can either be pointed to Christ or away from Christ. You see many times
what people hear about us will determine their actions. If they hear
good things about me, they could be curious to know why I am like that
and what makes me like that. Some would be curious enough to come and
find out. There are others who would want to even check out the things I
am part of because they think maybe his actions will let me see what
makes him what he is. Eventually, they will come to hear about Christ.
I have had that opportunity by
the grace of God There were those who would say to my friends near me,
“I would give anything to hear Ramesh swear, curse, or use profanity
once in his life or I would give anything to see Ramesh drink alcohol or
beer once in his life.”
You see by the grace of the
Lord, I have never sworn, cursed, or used profanity and it was shocking
to them nor had I ever had alcohol or beer! They could not believe that
I could be living in the 21st century and never have done
that. You know what, they did not hear what they expected but they did
hear about Jesus. This gave me an opportunity to share Jesus with them
through different means.
Jesus wants me to live
counter-culturally to the world and I know His Holy Spirit working in me
will help me as I seek Him diligently and am willing to walk in the
Spirit so I do not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh wants
things that are contrary to the Word of God!
When there is something
different about our lives people hear about it!
The flip side of it is that if
people hear negative things about me, it will spread too. But it will
spread like a wildfire and hurt my witness. They will think if that’s
what a Christian is supposed to be, if that’s what a Christian is then I
do not want to have any part of Christianity or Jesus. Sadly, there were
days in my life when my actions were not in line with the Holy Spirit
but selfish and self-oriented.
I heard a sentence that was like
a dagger to my heart and hurtful because I felt I let Jesus down. I
heard someone say to me, “And you are supposed to be a Christian, how
could you act that way?”
I came to realize no matter how
many good things I have done in the Name of the Lord, people hearing one bad thing can
put a dent in all the good things that have been done. So, it is that
much more important that I always walk in the Spirit. I know it will not
be easy but Jesus will help me.
Sadly, it is easier for people
to hear or remember the bad things they experience from others because
that is Satan’s specialization. Satan loves to accuse and condemn and
will bring our negative faults into the open to make people see and say,
“You do not want any part of Jesus, look he/she is supposed to be
following Jesus but their life is so hypocritical” or Satan could make
us say to ourselves, “I am supposed to be a Christian, but look at me, I
am so hypocritical, and do not deserve to be called a Christian, I am
worthless, etc”
You know rather than dwelling in
the mistakes I have made, Jesus gave me a wonderful promise to deliver
me from condemnation.
“Therefore, there is now
no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through
Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of
sin and death.” (Romans 8:1, NIV)
You know I came to realize if
people have a negative opinion about me because of my actions, I cannot
change the fact of what already happened. What I can do is repent and continue to live a positive life for
Jesus and let the Holy Spirit work in me and through me. You can do that
The Lord will make amazing
things happen no matter where we have been or what we have done when we
humbly turn to Him and ask Him to become the Lord of our lives again and
guide us!
I ask you
now dear friend, what have people heard about Jesus through you?
Dear friend, when your name is
mentioned, is your name mentioned in a positive light or in negative
darkness. If you are living on earth, your name will be mentioned.
People will hear about you and there is no doubt about that. The
question is will they hear good things about you that point them to
Christ or hear bad things about you that keep them away from Christ
because of you. The way we live our lives does make an impact for the
Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Darkness. Our aim should always be the
Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
You and I have been placed in
strategic locations to point people to Jesus when they see us and see
Christ in us. This is only possible when we live our lives walking in
the Spirit. It will not be easy but is attainable friend. I know it is
because the Lord has been working in my life and have seen it happen.
As you live your life, know that
people hear about you. As long as people hear biblical things about you
which show them you are following the Way, the Truth, and the Life and
your life reflects the Jesus Christ, Light of the World, they will be
pointed in that direction too. The important thing is they will hear
about Jesus. You have provided them an opportunity to know about Jesus
and have done your part because the good things they hear about you.
said, I am the Light of the World! If you follow me, you won’t be
stumbling through the darkness but living light will flood your path.
(John 8:12, TLB)
Thousands of years ago, darkness came into this world through the sin
of one man, Adam. When Adam & Eve decided to eat the fruit in the garden
and then heard the presence of God in the garden, they now decided to
hide in shame. Before the act of eating the fruit, whenever they heard
God in the garden, the did not hide but were in fellowship and in a
relationship with God.
Not anymore, when the presence of God was heard, Adam and Eve hid
because of their nakedness and shame. Darkness had polluted their minds.
The living light that once flooded their path, they could not face that
Light anymore.
Of course, God in His goodness and love for humanity did not
completely abandon Adam & Eve even though they had to face consequences
of their actions including the debt that everyone now will pay, the debt
of death. But God in His love did not want humanity to suffer spiritual
death for eternity so God took action.
God would foreshadow what would be done in the future to pay the penalty
for our sins by sacrificing an animal to cover the nakedness of Adam &
Eve. It is the first sacrifice we see God make to cover their shame of
nakedness due to their sin.
Now this same God who walked in the garden to have a relationship
with Adam & Eve, now came back into this world during the time of King
Herod. Friend, Jesus came into this world as God-incarnate to have a
relationship with people and set them free. Now, King Herod heard about
this. The sacrifice this time would not be an animal but the Lamb of
God, Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus' life was sacrificed on the altar of
the cross, because He who had no sin died in our place to cover us in
His precious cleansing blood. Now, when we turn to Him, our own lives
will be transformed because we will be forgiven of all our sin and
darkness will be covered with the Light of Christ. Jesus dying was not
the end but Jesus came back to life to save and gives us now power to go
proclaim the Great Commission.
Our life can be like
the life of a heart-transplant patient. There was a patient who was
dying and would have died if it were not for a donor who gave their
heart to that patient. Now the patient has a heart transplant. Just
because the patient has a heart transplant does not mean, that patient
can go on living like they used to. No way! There are a lot of changes
that have to occur. First of all, the patient would need to take lots of
medication everyday to keep the heart running. If the patient misses his
medication and it becomes frequent, the heart could be rejected in the
flesh and the person could die.
In the same way, we are all
patients that have been dying and we needed a heart transplant badly.
The Good News is that a Donor became available to give us a
heart-transplant because He died for our sin to give us His cleansing
blood to pump new life into our heart. When we accepted what Jesus did
for us, He took our heart of stone and gave us a heart of love. He
filled the darkness of our dying heart with His light giving us a
spiritual heart transplant. Now, we have new life in Christ. However,
there are changes that have to be made in our lives. We cannot live our
lives like we used to because if we did, we endanger the spiritual heart
transplant. Instead, we need to take the medication given to us by the
Author of Life everyday. Just taking the medication is not enough but we
have to let it digest in our heart and let it work in us. If we miss the
medication frequently which comes in different forms, we endanger our
spiritual heart transplant. There are three forms of medication we need
to take, two of them daily: Prayer and God’s Word. The third one is not
forsaking the fellowship of believers but growing together.
As we let prayer and God’s Word
permeate our lives daily we will be in Bible Academy. Being involved in
church will become part of us because we are obedient to Scripture.
The more we pray and take in
God’s Word and let it work in our hearts, we will be on the side of
Jesus and His Ways, Truth, and Life will permeate our own lives for the
glory and honor of the Lord. Then people will hear about Jesus and His
work in our lives. This is exciting to know friend! I know it is for me!
“Do not let this Book of
the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that
you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be
prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and
courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD
your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:8-9, NIV)
“All Scripture is
God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly
equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV)
The Word of the Lord will give
us a cheerful heart as we hold on to Him!
cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the
bones.” (Proverbs 17:22, NIV)
I want to share with you a poem
I wrote in the past about the power of God's Word. It is called Bible
Academy. My mom helped me with some of the words.
By Ramesh C. Reddy
Bible is poetry class for me.
Where King David's
potent Psalms soothe my heart
like gentle waves cool a hot,
dry beach.
Bible is history class for
Where love built bridges on
stormy seas,
Where faith split oceans to
make land
Where prayer brought flying
white doves.
Bible is music class for me.
Where Christ's Sermon on the
captivates my 19 year old
like a nightingale's
beautiful song.
Bible is Arithmetic class for
Where 2 fish and 5 loaves of
multiply big as a huge
to feed many thousands of
Bible is medical class for
Where I learn about dreaded
whose nature is too stubborn
like a mule,
vanishing into thin air by
Christ's gentle touch.
Bible is gym class for me.
Where my spirit bounces like
a basketball,
rises to the round hoop
and comes through to win for
Jesus Christ.
Bible is law class for me.
Where I learn the Ten
engraved on white marble
by the hand of God.
Bible Academy is a beautiful
which doesn't exist on
earthly soil
but only in the minds of
mankind (women)
Its foundation is FAITH,
Its four walls are LOVE,
Its flashing roof is HOPE.
May you come to hear the Word of the Lord and may
others hear everywhere Almighty Redeemer delivers!
“Hear Everywhere Almighty
Redeemer Delivers”(H.E.A.R.D)/”What have
people heard about Jesus through you?”
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much for being my Lord and Personal
Savior. Thank you for dying for my sin and coming back to life to save
me. I am so sorry for my sin and ask you to please forgive me and help
me. Thank you Jesus and also Jesus, thank you so much for the impact you
made that even King Herod and his palace heard about you and those
serving you. Help us please Oh Lord to serve you and when people hear
about us, help them to hear about you because our lifestyle reflects
your Light in us. Thank you for the spiritual heart-transplant you have
given us to give us new life. Help us to take the medications you
provide. Thank you Lord as we take in the medication you give us, you
will work in our life through your Holy Spirit so we can keep ourselves
from the things the flesh wants us to do. We need you always. Help us
Jesus and thank you for teaching us through your Word. Thank you for
delivering us from Satan’s condemnation. When we fall and mess up
because we do not pray, when we do not digest your Word for application,
and be in the fellowship of believers, forgive us and bring us back to
your path. Thank you Jesus, you will. Thank you that you have heard our
prayers and answered us! In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!
you would like to invite Jesus Christ into your heart and make Him a
daily part of your life, you can this very moment. You will never be
alone. You can claim God's promises for you in the Bible and see them
come true, before your eyes, in His wonderful timing. You don't have to
wait for a special time to come to the Lord. You can come right now as
you pray this prayer, meaning it in your heart and finding your new
identity in Christ Jesus.
Dear Jesus, I am a sinner Lord. I am so sorry for
my sins. I confess my sins to you. I confess the wrong things I have
done and the times I messed up my own life. I need you Lord right now and in the
years to come. I have gone my own way and have not found what only you
can give me. You alone have the words of Eternal Life. You alone love me
unconditionally for who I am. I thank you Jesus. Thank you for going to
the cross for me, for dying for my sins, shedding your precious blood
for me, so I can me made whole. I am covered by your blood Lord! I come
as I am and accept you Jesus into
my heart. Please come into my heart Jesus. Please make my heart your
home. Please live in me Jesus. Thanks Jesus for coming into my heart and
living in me. Thank you for forgiving me
of all my sins. Thank you for giving me a new identity in you. I
acknowledge you as my Lord and Personal Savior as I believe in my heart
that you died and came back to life to save me now and forever. I give
myself to you and ask you to be in control of my life. Thank you Jesus
through the days, we can do things together. Thanks for being my
Lord and Personal Savior. Thank you Jesus you have heard my prayer and
answered me. Thanks Jesus for changing me and helping me through life's
storms and winds. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!
Friend, if you have prayed this
prayer and meant it in your heart, you are a new creation in Christ and
all old things are passed away and everything has become new! You may
feel something or may not but don’t base it on feelings but base your
new life in Christ on the promises of our Savior who will never leave
you nor forsake you! Amen!
Spend time in His word and let the Lord
speak to you! Start out in the Gospel of John! You can also check out
the Gospel of Mark which are the devotionals I have been going through.
Learn from Jesus through study and prayer. Also find yourself a church
fellowship and a college fellowship you can be part of where you can be
part of a community of believers to supplement your own walk with the
Lord. Let it be a Bible-believing and Bible-breathing church! Believe in
Bible Live Eternally!
Feel free to email me at
reddy4hisglory2004@yahoo.com if you want to meet to study the Bible,
pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My
number is 412-720-4579
"This is my
work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work
within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)
Love in Christ,
picture to read my dad's memoriam:

' I AM ' Series
What kind of L.I.G.H.T do you follow? (Dec 13,
07, 10:09 a.m.)
"What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat?" (Dec 08,
07, 10:10 a.m.)
"Who is your S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D?"
(June 30,
Gospel of Mark Archives:
Mark 1:1:
"What does the G.O.S.P.E.L mean to you?" (Jan
15, 08, 1:15 p.m.)
Mark 1:1-4: "How
seriously do you T.E.S.T.I.F.Y about prophesy?" (Jan
12, 08, 11:18 p.m.)
Mark 1:5-8:
"Who do you P.O.I.N.T to?" (Jan 16, 08,
8:48 a.m.)
Mark 1:9:
How will you take a S.T.A.N.D? (Jan 17, 08,
11:21 a.m.)
Mark 1:9-11:
"How is your loving P.R.A.I.S.E?" (Jan 18, 08,
8:53 a.m.)
Mark 1:12-13: "How
do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N?" (Jan 19,
08, 12:27 p.m.)
Mark 1:14-15:
How do you handle T.I.M.E given to you? (Jan
21, 08, 1:31 p.m.)
Mark 1:16-18:
"What kind of P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N are you in?" (Jan
26, 08, 10:22 a.m.)
"Without having to P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.E, what should you do?"
(Jan 29, 08,
10:44 a.m.)
"How do you rate in the B.U.S.I.N.E.S.S of Jesus?" (Jan
30, 08, 11:29 a.m.)
"Whose T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S do you follow?" (Jan
31, 08, 11:52 a.m.)
"What C.A.P.T.I.V.I.T.Y are you facing today?" (Feb
01, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 4:3-20:
"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L?" (Feb
02, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 1:29-31:
"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (Feb 05,
08, 11:44 a.m.)
Mark 1:32-34:
"Where do you need an A.N.S.W.E.R?" (Feb 06,
08, 11:16 a.m.)
Mark 1:35-39:
"Where do you give your S.O.L.I.T.A.R.Y time to the Lord?" (Feb
07, 08, 11:41 a.m.)
Mark 1:40-42:
"Where do you need to be C.L.E.A.N?" (Feb 09,
08, 11:00 a.m.)
Mark 1:43-45:
"What do your actions C.A.U.S.E?" (Feb 11, 08,
9:23 a.m.)
Mark 2:1-2:
"What do you do with your P.O.P.U.L.A.R.I.T.Y?" (Feb
12, 08, 9:52 a.m.)
Mark 2:2-5:
"What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D are you?" (Feb
13, 08, 11:49 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"Where does P.A.R.A.L.Y.S.I.S take hold of you?" (Feb
15, 08, 7:42 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"What are you thinking in your M.I.N.D?" (Feb
16, 08, 11:08 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"What do you represent by your A.C.T.I.O.N.S?" (Feb
18, 08, 8:23 a.m.)
Mark 2:13-15:
"Where are you looking for A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E?" (Feb
19, 08, 11:22 a.m.)
"Who do you I.N.V.I.T.E to Jesus?" (Feb 20,
08, 9:57 a.m.)
"When do you F.A.S.T?" (Feb 21, 08,
9:32 a.m.)
Mark 2:21-22:
"How do you see your L.I.F.E?" (Feb 22, 08,
9:56 a.m.)
Mark 2:23-28:
"What kind of L.E.A.D.E.R will you be? (Feb
23, 08, 10:46 a.m.)
Mark 2:23-28:
"What does the S.A.B.B.A.T.H mean to you?" (Feb
25, 08, 10:46 a.m.)
Mark 3:1-6:"Whose
N.E.E.D.S do you meet?" (Feb 26, 08,
9:54 a.m.)
Mark 3:7-8:
"What is your I.M.P.A.C.T?" (Feb 27, 08,
8:17 a.m.)
Mark 3:9-11:
"What S.P.A.C.E do you give yourself?" (Feb
28, 08, 9:38 a.m.)
Mark 3:11-12:
"How do you fight E.V.I.L?" (Feb 29, 08,
9:11 a.m.)
Mark 3:13-16:
"What emphasis do you put on your R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P with Jesus?"
(March 01, 08, 9:29
Mark 3:17-19:
"Where do you have your A.P.P.O.I.N.T.M.E.N.T in?" (March
03, 08, 9:49 a.m.)
Mark 3:20:
"Where do you G.A.T.H.E.R?" (March 04, 08,
12:07 p.m.)
Mark 3:21:
"How are your actions seen by your F.A.M.I.L.Y?" (March
05, 08, 10:24 a.m.)
Mark 3:22-27:
"How do you handle S.L.A.N.D.E.R?" (March 06,
08, 7:57 a.m.)
Mark 3:28-30:
"What is your V.I.E.W of Jesus?" (March 07, 08,
8:18 a.m.)
Mark 3:31-34:
"What do you do with God's Will?" (March 08,
08, 8:45 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"What do P.A.R.A.B.L.E.S mean to you?" (March
10, 08, 7:15 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L?" (Feb
02, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"Where are you in your W.A.L.K with the Lord?" (March
11, 08, 9:32 a.m.)
"Where are you in your W.A.L.K with the Lord?" (March
11, 08, 11:05 a.m.)
Mark 4:21-23:
"What kind of L.A.M.P will you be?" (March 12,
08, 9:40 a.m.)
"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08,
10:11 a.m.)
"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08,
8:52 a.m.)
John 12:12-15:
"How can you B.L.E.S.S the Lord?" (March 17,
08, 1:25 a.m.)
Philippians 2:8:
"What does the C.R.O.S.S mean to you?" (March
20, 08, 1:16 p.m.)
"How do you handle D.O.U.B.T.S?" (March
25, 08, 12:36 p.m.)
Mark 4:24-25:
"What do you do with what you H.E.A.R?" (March
31, 08, 8:39 a.m.)
Mark 4:26-29:
"What do you do with the W.O.R.D of God?" (April
05, 08, 10:18 a.m.)
Mark 4:30-34:
"What do you do with the S.E.E.D?" (April 07, 08,
11:48 a.m.)
Mark 4:35-41:
"What are the S.T.O.R.M.S in your life?" (April 08, 08,
11:52 a.m.)
Mark 5:1-13:
"Where is your T.O.R.M.E.N.T coming from?" (April 09, 08,
11:50 a.m.)
Mark 5:14-17:
"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (April 11, 08,
11:46 a.m.)
Mark 5:14-17:
"What do people R.E.P.O.R.T about you?" (April 12, 08,
11:00 a.m.)
Mark 5:18-19:
"What makes you A.F.R.A.I.D of Jesus?" (April 14, 08,
10:40 a.m.)
Mark 5:18-19:
"Will you T.E.L.L others about Jesus?" (April 15, 08,
11:32 a.m.)
Mark 5:20:
"What do you do with your T.E.S.T.I.M.O.N.Y?" (April
16, 08,
12:03 p.m.)
Proverbs 17:4:
"What does G.O.S.S.I.P do to you?" (April 17, 08,
6:52 p.m.)
Exodus 12:5,7,11,13-14:
"How do you know judgment will P.A.S.S.O.V.E.R you?" (April
24, 08,
9:26 a.m.)
Mark 5:21:
"Why will you G.A.T.H.E.R before Jesus?" (April
28, 08,
9:36 a.m.)
Mark 5:22-24:
"What place do you give P.R.A.Y.E.R in your life?" (April
29, 08,
7:51 a.m.)
Mark 5:24b-29:
Now? Christ’s Leading Everyday Always Nurtures! (U.N.C.L.E.A.N)"
(May 05, 08,
10:24 a.m.)
Mark 5:30-34:
Redeemer Everyday Excitingly Delivers Omnipotent Message!(F.R.E.E.D.O.M)”
05, 08,
10:24 a.m.)
Mark 5:35-37:
“Timing Is Messiah’s Involvement Nurturing Graciously!
(May 07, 08, 10:07 a.m.)
Mark 5:35-42:
"What place do you give G.O.D.S W.I.L.L in your life?"
(May 08, 08, 9:33 a.m.)
Mark 6:1-2:"Where
do you seek W.I.S.D.O.M for your life?"
(May 09, 08, 10:31 a.m.)
Mark 6:2-3:"What do you do with your C.A.L.L.I.N.G in life?"
(May 10, 08, 9:43 a.m.)
Mark 6:2-3:
"Who/Where is your
I.D.E.N.T.I.T.Y found in?"
(May 12, 08, 8:45 a.m.)
Mark 6:4:
"When do you feel
A.C.C.E.P.T.E.D in your life"
(May 13, 08, 8:21 a.m.)
Mark 6:4-6:
"How is your F.A.I.T.H in
the Lord?"
(May 14, 08, 8:01 a.m.)
Mark 6:6-7:"What
do you T.E.A.C.H by your life?"
(May 15, 08, 10:34 a.m.)
Mark 6:6-7:"Who
are you S.E.N.T by?"
(May 16, 08, 6:49 a.m.)
Mark 6:7-11:"Where
are you S.T.A.Y.I.N.G in your life?"
(May 17, 08, 8:38 a.m.)
Mark 6:12-13:
"How is your spiritual
H.E.A.L.T.H in your life?"
(May 20, 08, 7:41 a.m.)