Openly Understands Bringing Total Salvation. (D.O.U.B.T.S)”
By Ramesh
C.Reddy Pittsburgh Standard
Editors Note: The devotional has a background song which can be heard if you use Internet
when Herod heard this, he said, "John, the man I beheaded, has been
raised from the dead! For Herod himself had given orders to have John
arrested, and he had him bound and put in prison.” (Mark 6:16-17, NIV)
I asked
myself what happened to John, the Baptist?
He was arrested by Herod.
He was bound and put in
He was beheaded.
From these two verses, no reason
is given for John’s beheading or why he is in prison. Those will be
answered in the later verses.
I asked
myself what was John known for?
Before being sent to prison,
John, the Baptist had done a lot of things and was excited for Jesus’
coming. During those days, people had expected a Deliverer to come and
free them from the oppression of Rome and from the puppets of the Roman
government whom King Herod was one of them. They were expecting a Messiah to
bring earthly deliverance from their oppressors. John, the Baptist had
prepared the way but not for deliverance from Rome as people had
so John came, baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of
repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judean countryside and
all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they
were baptized by him in the Jordan River. John wore clothing made of
camel's hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts
and wild honey. And this was his message: "After me will come one more
powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop
down and untie. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with
the Holy Spirit. At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and
was baptized by John in the Jordan.” (Mark 1:4-9, NIV)
Mark 1:1:
"What does the G.O.S.P.E.L mean to you?" (Jan
15, 08, 1:15 p.m.)
Mark 1:1-4: "How
seriously do you T.E.S.T.I.F.Y about prophesy?" (Jan
12, 08, 11:18 p.m.)
Mark 1:5-8:
"Who do you P.O.I.N.T to?" (Jan 16, 08,
8:48 a.m.)
Mark 1:9:
How will you take a S.T.A.N.D? (Jan 17, 08,
11:21 a.m.)
Mark 1:9-11:
"How is your loving P.R.A.I.S.E?" (Jan 18, 08,
8:53 a.m.)
John, the
Baptist had done all this and now he sees himself bound and in prison.
What could have been going through his mind?
To find that out, I decided to
look at the Gospel of Luke to shed more light into this situation. I
wanted to know how John, the Baptist was feeling especially on the
inside. I got my answer from Luke 7:20-23.
the men came to Jesus, they said, 'John the Baptist sent us to you to
ask, 'Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone
else?'" (Luke 7:20, NIV)
I asked myself what happens near Jesus?
Men came to Jesus.
2. They tell Jesus that they
were sent by John the Baptist to ask a question.
3. They ask Jesus, ‘Are you the
one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?'
I asked
myself what is significant about the men’s question?
The question that the men asked
Jesus is very significant. It reveals to me something about John the
Baptist. Jesus began His ministry after John the Baptist was put in
prison (rf. Matthew 4:12-17, Mark 1:14-15). John was bound and in prison
when he had asked some men to go and ask Jesus that question.
What's the
big deal?
It becomes a big deal when we
know how long John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord. He is the
one who also baptized Jesus in the Jordan River (rf: Mark 1:9). Now it
seems like John is not sure about Jesus.
We need to
ask ourselves why?
Being in prison may have raised
doubts in John's mind. He easily could have been in despair. Also, he
may have wanted to assure himself even though he is in prison that what
he stood for all along was right! (rf: Luke 3:1-20, v.19 & 20 reveal why
he was put in prison)
How can a
prophet who believed in Jesus, prepared the way for Jesus, and baptized
Jesus all of a sudden be filled with doubts?
Sometimes circumstances we are
in can make us have doubts. John the Baptist is a human just like us.
What does
Jesus do?
"So he
replied to the messengers, 'Go back and report to John what you have
seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have
leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news
is preached to the poor. Blessed is the man who does not fall away on
account of me." (Luke 7:22-23)
Jesus wants the men to go
back to John.
2. Jesus wants them to report to
John what they have seen. (rf Lk 7:21)
3. Jesus wants them to report
what they have heard.
I asked
myself what is the content of the report Jesus wanted John the Baptist
to hear?
Jesus tells them to tell John
the Baptist 7 things:
Blind receive sight!
2. Lame walk!
3. Those with leprosy are cured!
4. Deaf hear!
5. Dead are raised!
6. The Good News is preached to
the poor!
7. Blessed is the man who does
not fall away on account of me!
I asked
myself the significance of Jesus’ actions?
It is very interesting to know
that Jesus did not ignore John the Baptist when he had doubts but took
the effort to answer his doubts. He sent the messengers with evidence to
reassure John the Baptist that what he stood for before going to prison
was right! We learn the love of Jesus for others. If people have doubts
concerning Him, He does not just abandon them even if they have served
Him for a long time and then enter the times of 'despair and doubt'.
We have seen John the Baptist
live for Jesus and all He did for Jesus. We also learn that he was put
in prison for standing up for what is right. Now he is in despair and
doubt. We also see Jesus coming along and sending a message of hope to
John the Baptist. Especially v.23 'Blessed is the
man who does not fall away on account of me.'
I saw major implications for my
own life. I have prayed and prayed for a situation. When the answer
seemed to be there, it was so exciting. I was so sure about something
but when it was not going as I expected, all kinds of doubt started to
creep in.
I needed answers and wanted them quickly. I did not need
messengers to answer my doubts. I took them directly to the Lord Jesus
and wondered about them. I was having doubts about the situation and
Jesus knew about it because I kept bringing it to His attention.
Jesus has taken care of me all
these years and has brought me through trials and tribulations. Jesus
still takes care of me. You would think I would not have any doubts
about anything but it has not happened that way.
Doubt started taking control
until Jesus intervened with His promises. One of my favorite verses is
“Do not be afraid, just believe.”
I kept telling myself to wait on
the Lord and not to be afraid but just believe the Lord in the
situation. Jesus does comfort me.
The situation did not turn out as I wanted it to. My beloved dad who
was married to my mom for 37 went to be with the Lord Jesus on Dec 18,
2007. But through it all, the Lord Jesus helped us to be grounded
in the Word. Those days and times in the hospital's ICU were times I
grew in the Lord claiming His promises, spending time with Him, and time
with the family including my dad. My dad had gone into cardiac arrest on
October 08, 2007 and things looked really bleak and doubts did creep in.
But Jesus did not abandon us or our family.
Just as John, the Baptists situation did not change regarding his
life but his doubts were answered, though my dad went to be with the
Lord, our doubts were answered. Thank you so much Jesus!
Just as Jesus met John the Baptist in his doubts and comforted him by
sending him 7 messages, I saw
Jesus reaching out to me and my family in multiple ways too. It has been through His
Word, through circumstances, and dreams. I felt like there were messages
for me too! It was also through Oakland International Fellowship,
especially through Pastor Hugo, Ryan Li who is now a doctor, and
Elizabeth Bucknell.
Seeing Jesus in my dream has
been the best message I have ever had topped by Jesus’ words,
“Do not be afraid just believe” after
waking up.
Jesus could have just ignored me
in my doubts but Jesus has not. As a follower of Christ, when I do have
doubts, He reaches out to me in different ways and lets His presence and
purpose for my life be known. In His timing, I know I will also have the
peace no matter what the outcome of situations will be, for He will
instill His peace.
Doubts about anything can be the
hardest to deal with but thanks be to God for Jesus Christ in my life
who will get me through each day. He wants me to trust in Him and not
try to understanding everything that happens along the way but to lean
on Him. Jesus knows what He is doing more than I can ever know! The two verses
below comfort me a lot too:
“I want
you to trust in me in your times of trouble so that I can rescue you and
you can give me the glory.” (Psalm 50:15, TLB)
"Since the
Lord is directing our steps; why try to understand everything that
happens along the way.” (Proverbs 20:24, NIV)
It is talking to the Lord
everyday that brings my family through. As Jesus takes care of me,
whatever you are going through, Jesus will not abandon you too
especially in your doubts. All we have to do is look how Jesus handled
the situation with John the Baptist and Doubting Thomas.
friends, I ask you now how do you handle doubts in your life?
Dear friend, we live in a world
where doubts can creep into our lives because of situations that happen
and situations that do not happen. Especially when we are sure about a
situation for ourselves but then it does not happen; it can be a
doubtful day. Whatever doubts you are going through, you are loved and
precious in the Lord’s sight.
You may have never come to know Jesus but are reading this message
right now. Friend, it is not a coincidence that you are reading this
message. Yes, friend you may not have all the answers but still a lot of
doubts. The Good News is that Jesus is reaching out to you as you are.
If the spirit of the Lord was not working in your heart, you would not
be reading this message. You are reading this message because the Lord
is reaching out to you through this message.
Yesterday, I went to the event, 'An Evening with Tim Keller', pastor
of Redeemer Presbyterian Church who was speaking on doubts. While he was
speaking, it came to my mind that I need to share a message that I had
written about 'How do you handle D.O.U.B.T.S in your life?' but I
hesitated thinking I need to go chronologically in the series without
jumping ahead.
This morning I was amazed when I looked at the series that the next
message I was to write about had to do with D.O.U.B.T.S. I don't think
it is a coincidence friend but God reaching out to each one of you who
have doubts.
The same Jesus who spoke to John's disciples and sent them back to
tell John, the Baptist of everything Jesus has already done is the same
Jesus that loves you too in your doubt. Friend, you may not have all the
answers but if we wait for the day until all our questions are answered,
that day may never come. We need to take a leap of faith and believe in
Jesus and what He has already done.
The greatest thing Jesus has done for you and me is what is listed
below beyond the 7 things
Jesus wanted John, the Baptist to hear:
1. Blind receive sight!
2. Lame walk!
3. Those with leprosy are cured!
4. Deaf hear!
5. Dead are raised!
6. The Good News is preached to
the poor!
7. Blessed is the man who does
not fall away on account of me!
Jesus went to the cross and shed His precious cleansing blood for you
and me. Jesus did that to set you and me free from the 'bondage and slavery to sin', which is missing the mark of Holiness that the Father
has set. Even if we have been holy 99.9% of the time, and bad 0.1% of
the time, we are not holy and pure. It is like 99.9% of the water being
polluted by 0.1% of cyanide. From your perspective, the water may seem
pure against that 0.1% of cyanide but not according to God's standards.
You see friend, God in His holiness cannot and will not allow sin to
enter into His presence which meant that all of us would not have been
able to enter before the presence of the Lord when we died because of
our sin. But God loved you and me so much, that God entered humanity as
God-incarnate in Jesus to bring you back to Him when Jesus went to the
cross to pay the penalty for your sin. While we were sinners, Jesus died
for us. Jesus who had no sin was the only One that could pay the penalty
of our sin so Jesus took your place and faced the consequences of your
I don't know about you but knowing Jesus died for my sin an
excruciating death on the cross as nails were pounded into his feet and
hands, the crown of thorns pressed against his head, and a spear thrust
into his heart, how can I not come to Jesus and receive His
forgiveness and free gift of grace.
Why turn away from the One who came for me even when I have doubts.
In His timing Jesus will answer all my doubts and will answer yours too.
As you confess your sin, and repent of them asking Jesus to come into
your life and make Him the Lord and Savior of your life, He will do that
and you will be a new creation in Christ Jesus where all the old things
are gone and the new has come. This is exciting to know!
Jesus loves you so much so won't you come to Him right now just as
you are?
Come as you are and receive forgiveness for all your sins and let Him
deal with your doubts in His timing for He will. Jesus reaches out to
you and to all who received Him, He gave them right to become children
of God, children not born of natural descent but born-again by the
Spirit of the Lord.
When you come to Jesus, He will never to leave you nor forsake you. This is exciting to know friend! The
doubts and the pain of a situation may still be there but His comfort can be there too.
Jesus sent word to comfort John the Baptist in his doubt. Jesus will get
you too through. Whether it has to do with your career situation, academic
situation, relational situation, health situation or any major situation
in your life, you are not alone.
friend, you are not alone! Jesus wants to
be there for you and wants you to hold on to His promises. John the
Baptist had expectations from Jesus but his situation gave him doubts
but Jesus assured him through his doubts about why He came!
No matter what the despair and
doubt, remember that Jesus will not abandon you. He will reach out to
you just as he reached out to John the Baptist. Oh Yes, He will. When
you feel down and in despair, remember all that the Lord Jesus has done
already in your life and in the lives of others.
John the Baptist's men
interceded on his behalf what he was going through. You may not even
know how many are interceding on your behalf before the Prince of Peace.
You are not alone. You can talk directly to the Lord what you are going
through. Yes, you can! Just pour out to Him! Don’t feel like, you talked
to Him once about the situation and that should be enough. Everyday,
continue to talk to Him and there will come a day when you will
experience His peace shattering the doubt.
Jesus goes a step further and
praises John the Baptist for all that he has done in serving Jesus. (rf
Luke 7:24-28)
“After John's messengers
left, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: "What did you go out
into the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If not, what did you
go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear
expensive clothes and indulge in luxury are in palaces. But what did you
go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This
is the one about whom it is written: “'I will send my messenger ahead of
you, who will prepare your way before you.' I tell you, among those born
of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in
the kingdom of God is greater than he." (Luke 7:24-28, NIV)
Jesus reaches out to you too and
will not forget what you have done for Him and your service to Him. In
your circumstances that are filling you with doubt and despair, come to
the Lord and stand upon His Word and promises.
May you find the peace and joy
in the Lord and blessed are those who do not fall away on account of
We will all face trials and
tribulations but the important thing is what do we do with those trials
and tribulations! God loves you my friend and it may be hard to face
what you are going through. The Lord suffers with you and knows your
pain. Lean on Him!
More than anything even if the
situation we are hoping for does not come the way we want it, Jesus will
be our Prince of Peace through the situation and give us the strength to
bear through it and give us His joy. You are never out of His love and
never out of His reach. He loves you as you are and reaches out to you
friend. Jesus gives you the Fruit of the Spirit to give you a wonderful
taste even through the doubt.
I want to share with you a poem
called ‘Bible Academy III: Fruit of the Spirit’, the Lord helped me to
write years ago.
Bible Academy III: Fruit of
the Spirit
By Ramesh C. Reddy
plumpy peach
than pistachio dough,
like Christ's love.
JOY is a
green grape
and happier than onions.
Joyful to
know Christ.
PEACE is a
white and
fragrant than Havana.
Looks for
Prince of Peace.
is a plum,
as a fruity gum,
loving God
with patience.
is Honeydew,
than my sweet honey,
me Christ.
than luscious orange.
brings you to God.
is soft,
than teddy's cherries,
Jesus Christ.
SELF-CONTROL is strong,
than a pineapple
Christ's love.
eats papaya.
neutralizes Satan
using Word
of God.
May you be uplifted knowing
Deliverer openly understands bringing total Salvation! Amen!
Openly Understands, Bringing Total Salvation.”(D.O.U.B.T.S)/”How
do you handle doubts in your life?”
Oh Father God, we come before you now. Thank you so much Father God for
your Son Jesus Christ, for sending Him into this world to rescue sinners
like me. Oh Lord Jesus, thank you so much for being with me through the weeks of trials and tribulations. Even in my
doubts you never left me and kept to your promises and you will continue
too. Oh Lord I thank you for loving us so much. Your Word shows us that
trials and tribulations are a part of life but you will be with us. You
want us to remember all that you have done for us even when we are
filled with despair. You want us to trust in you and we do that Oh Lord.
Help us Lord in our doubts. I thank you Lord for reaching out to John the Baptist in his time of
despair and doubt. Thank you for reaching out to us too. We are so sorry
for all our sins and ask you to forgive us and rescue us. Light the fire
in our hearts again Oh Lord and fan the flame. Make us whole Oh Lord.
You know Oh Lord where we have been and we need you. Light the fire that
once burned so bright for you. I thank you Jesus. We give our selves to
you and rest in you Lord. We rest in your love and care. Give us an undivided heart that we may praise your Name.
I pray for the one who has so many doubts that
you Oh Lord would intervene in his/her life to take away those doubts in
your precious timing and that they would take a leap of faith to believe
in you and give their lives to you. Thank you so much Jesus. Thank you for hearing us
and answering us! In Your Name We Pray Jesus! Amen!
you would like to invite Jesus Christ into your heart and make Him a
daily part of your life, you can this very moment. You will never be
alone. You can claim God's promises for you in the Bible and see them
come true, before your eyes, in His wonderful timing. You don't have to
wait for a special time to come to the Lord. You can come right now as
you pray this prayer, meaning it in your heart and finding your new
identity in Christ Jesus.
Dear Jesus, I am a sinner Lord. I am so sorry for
my sins. I confess my sins to you. I confess the wrong things I have
done and the times I messed up my own life. I need you Lord right now and in the
years to come. I have gone my own way and have not found what only you
can give me. You alone have the words of Eternal Life. You alone love me
unconditionally for who I am. I thank you Jesus. Thank you for going to
the cross for me, for dying for my sins, shedding your precious blood
for me, so I can me made whole. I am covered by your blood Lord! I come
as I am and accept you Jesus into
my heart. Please come into my heart Jesus. Please make my heart your
home. Please live in me Jesus. Thanks Jesus for coming into my heart and
living in me. Thank you for forgiving me
of all my sins. Thank you for giving me a new identity in you. I
acknowledge you as my Lord and Personal Savior as I believe in my heart
that you died and came back to life to save me now and forever. I give
myself to you and ask you to be in control of my life. Thank you Jesus
through the days, we can do things together. Thanks for being my
Lord and Personal Savior. Thank you Jesus you have heard my prayer and
answered me. Thanks Jesus for changing me and helping me through life's
storms and winds. In Your Name I Pray Jesus! Amen!
Friend, if you have prayed this
prayer and meant it in your heart, you are a new creation in Christ and
all old things are passed away and everything has become new! You may
feel something or may not but don’t base it on feelings but base your
new life in Christ on the promises of our Savior who will never leave
you nor forsake you! Amen!
Spend time in His word and let the Lord
speak to you! Start out in the Gospel of John! You can also check out
the Gospel of Mark which are the devotionals I have been going through.
Learn from Jesus through study and prayer. Also find yourself a church
fellowship and a college fellowship you can be part of where you can be
part of a community of believers to supplement your own walk with the
Lord. Let it be a Bible-believing and Bible-breathing church! Believe in
Bible Live Eternally!
Feel free to email me at
reddy4hisglory2004@yahoo.com if you want to meet to study the Bible,
pray with, talk about Spiritual issues or whatever is on your mind! My
number is 412-720-4579
"This is my
work and I can do it only because Christ's mighty energy is at work
within me." (Colossians 1:29, TLB)
Love in Christ,
picture to read my dad's memoriam:

' I AM ' Series
What kind of L.I.G.H.T do you follow? (Dec 13,
07, 10:09 a.m.)
"What kind of B.R.E.A.D do you eat?" (Dec 08,
07, 10:10 a.m.)
"Who is your S.H.E.P.H.E.R.D?"
(June 30,
Gospel of Mark Archives:
Mark 1:1:
"What does the G.O.S.P.E.L mean to you?" (Jan
15, 08, 1:15 p.m.)
Mark 1:1-4: "How
seriously do you T.E.S.T.I.F.Y about prophesy?" (Jan
12, 08, 11:18 p.m.)
Mark 1:5-8:
"Who do you P.O.I.N.T to?" (Jan 16, 08,
8:48 a.m.)
Mark 1:9:
How will you take a S.T.A.N.D? (Jan 17, 08,
11:21 a.m.)
Mark 1:9-11:
"How is your loving P.R.A.I.S.E?" (Jan 18, 08,
8:53 a.m.)
Mark 1:12-13: "How
do you handle T.E.M.P.T.A.T.I.O.N?" (Jan 19,
08, 12:27 p.m.)
Mark 1:14-15:
How do you handle T.I.M.E given to you? (Jan
21, 08, 1:31 p.m.)
Mark 1:16-18:
"What kind of P.R.O.F.E.S.S.I.O.N are you in?" (Jan
26, 08, 10:22 a.m.)
"Without having to P.R.O.C.R.A.S.T.I.N.A.T.E, what should you do?"
(Jan 29, 08,
10:44 a.m.)
"How do you rate in the B.U.S.I.N.E.S.S of Jesus?" (Jan
30, 08, 11:29 a.m.)
"Whose T.E.A.C.H.I.N.G.S do you follow?" (Jan
31, 08, 11:52 a.m.)
"What C.A.P.T.I.V.I.T.Y are you facing today?" (Feb
01, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 4:3-20:
"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L?" (Feb
02, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 1:29-31:
"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (Feb 05,
08, 11:44 a.m.)
Mark 1:32-34:
"Where do you need an A.N.S.W.E.R?" (Feb 06,
08, 11:16 a.m.)
Mark 1:35-39:
"Where do you give your S.O.L.I.T.A.R.Y time to the Lord?" (Feb
07, 08, 11:41 a.m.)
Mark 1:40-42:
"Where do you need to be C.L.E.A.N?" (Feb 09,
08, 11:00 a.m.)
Mark 1:43-45:
"What do your actions C.A.U.S.E?" (Feb 11, 08,
9:23 a.m.)
Mark 2:1-2:
"What do you do with your P.O.P.U.L.A.R.I.T.Y?" (Feb
12, 08, 9:52 a.m.)
Mark 2:2-5:
"What kind of F.R.I.E.N.D are you?" (Feb
13, 08, 11:49 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"Where does P.A.R.A.L.Y.S.I.S take hold of you?" (Feb
15, 08, 7:42 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"What are you thinking in your M.I.N.D?" (Feb
16, 08, 11:08 a.m.)
Mark 2:5-12:
"What do you represent by your A.C.T.I.O.N.S?" (Feb
18, 08, 8:23 a.m.)
Mark 2:13-15:
"Where are you looking for A.C.C.E.P.T.A.N.C.E?" (Feb
19, 08, 11:22 a.m.)
"Who do you I.N.V.I.T.E to Jesus?" (Feb 20,
08, 9:57 a.m.)
"When do you F.A.S.T?" (Feb 21, 08,
9:32 a.m.)
Mark 2:21-22:
"How do you see your L.I.F.E?" (Feb 22, 08,
9:56 a.m.)
Mark 2:23-28:
"What kind of L.E.A.D.E.R will you be? (Feb
23, 08, 10:46 a.m.)
Mark 2:23-28:
"What does the S.A.B.B.A.T.H mean to you?" (Feb
25, 08, 10:46 a.m.)
Mark 3:1-6:"Whose
N.E.E.D.S do you meet?" (Feb 26, 08,
9:54 a.m.)
Mark 3:7-8:
"What is your I.M.P.A.C.T?" (Feb 27, 08,
8:17 a.m.)
Mark 3:9-11:
"What S.P.A.C.E do you give yourself?" (Feb
28, 08, 9:38 a.m.)
Mark 3:11-12:
"How do you fight E.V.I.L?" (Feb 29, 08,
9:11 a.m.)
Mark 3:13-16:
"What emphasis do you put on your R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.S.H.I.P with Jesus?"
(March 01, 08, 9:29
Mark 3:17-19:
"Where do you have your A.P.P.O.I.N.T.M.E.N.T in?" (March
03, 08, 9:49 a.m.)
Mark 3:20:
"Where do you G.A.T.H.E.R?" (March 04, 08,
12:07 p.m.)
Mark 3:21:
"How are your actions seen by your F.A.M.I.L.Y?" (March
05, 08, 10:24 a.m.)
Mark 3:22-27:
"How do you handle S.L.A.N.D.E.R?" (March 06,
08, 7:57 a.m.)
Mark 3:28-30:
"What is your V.I.E.W of Jesus?" (March 07, 08,
8:18 a.m.)
Mark 3:31-34:
"What do you do with God's Will?" (March 08,
08, 8:45 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"What do P.A.R.A.B.L.E.S mean to you?" (March
10, 08, 7:15 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"What if Jesus talked F.O.O.T.B.A.L.L?" (Feb
02, 08, 10:35 a.m.)
Mark 4:1-20:
"Where are you in your W.A.L.K with the Lord?" (March
11, 08, 9:32 a.m.)
"Where are you in your W.A.L.K with the Lord?" (March
11, 08, 11:05 a.m.)
Mark 4:21-23:
"What kind of L.A.M.P will you be?" (March 12,
08, 9:40 a.m.)
"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08,
10:11 a.m.)
"What do you C.O.N.C.E.A.L?" (March 14, 08,
8:52 a.m.)
John 12:12-15:
"How can you B.L.E.S.S the Lord?" (March 17,
08, 1:25 a.m.)
Philippians 2:8:
"What does the C.R.O.S.S mean to you?" (March
20, 08, 1:16 p.m.)
"How do you handle D.O.U.B.T.S?" (March
25, 08, 12:36 p.m.)
Mark 4:24-25:
"What do you do with what you H.E.A.R?" (March
31, 08, 8:39 a.m.)
Mark 4:26-29:
"What do you do with the W.O.R.D of God?" (April
05, 08, 10:18 a.m.)
Mark 4:30-34:
"What do you do with the S.E.E.D?" (April 07, 08,
11:48 a.m.)
Mark 4:35-41:
"What are the S.T.O.R.M.S in your life?" (April 08, 08,
11:52 a.m.)
Mark 5:1-13:
"Where is your T.O.R.M.E.N.T coming from?" (April 09, 08,
11:50 a.m.)
Mark 5:14-17:
"Where do you need H.E.A.L.I.N.G?" (April 11, 08,
11:46 a.m.)
Mark 5:14-17:
"What do people R.E.P.O.R.T about you?" (April 12, 08,
11:00 a.m.)
Mark 5:18-19:
"What makes you A.F.R.A.I.D of Jesus?" (April 14, 08,
10:40 a.m.)
Mark 5:18-19:
"Will you T.E.L.L others about Jesus?" (April 15, 08,
11:32 a.m.)
Mark 5:20:
"What do you do with your T.E.S.T.I.M.O.N.Y?" (April
16, 08,
12:03 p.m.)
Proverbs 17:4:
"What does G.O.S.S.I.P do to you?" (April 17, 08,
6:52 p.m.)
Exodus 12:5,7,11,13-14:
"How do you know judgment will P.A.S.S.O.V.E.R you?" (April
24, 08,
9:26 a.m.)
Mark 5:21:
"Why will you G.A.T.H.E.R before Jesus?" (April
28, 08,
9:36 a.m.)
Mark 5:22-24:
"What place do you give P.R.A.Y.E.R in your life?" (April
29, 08,
7:51 a.m.)
Mark 5:24b-29:
Now? Christ’s Leading Everyday Always Nurtures! (U.N.C.L.E.A.N)"
(May 05, 08,
10:24 a.m.)
Mark 5:30-34:
Redeemer Everyday Excitingly Delivers Omnipotent Message!(F.R.E.E.D.O.M)”
05, 08,
10:24 a.m.)
Mark 5:35-37:
“Timing Is Messiah’s Involvement Nurturing Graciously!
(May 07, 08, 10:07 a.m.)
Mark 5:35-42:
"What place do you give G.O.D.S W.I.L.L in your life?"
(May 08, 08, 9:33 a.m.)
Mark 6:1-2:"Where
do you seek W.I.S.D.O.M for your life?"
(May 09, 08, 10:31 a.m.)
Mark 6:2-3:"What do you do with your C.A.L.L.I.N.G in life?"
(May 10, 08, 9:43 a.m.)
Mark 6:2-3:
"Who/Where is your
I.D.E.N.T.I.T.Y found in?"
(May 12, 08, 8:45 a.m.)
Mark 6:4:
"When do you feel
A.C.C.E.P.T.E.D in your life"
(May 13, 08, 8:21 a.m.)
Mark 6:4-6:
"How is your F.A.I.T.H in
the Lord?"
(May 14, 08, 8:01 a.m.)
Mark 6:6-7:"What
do you T.E.A.C.H by your life?"
(May 15, 08, 10:34 a.m.)
Mark 6:6-7:"Who
are you S.E.N.T by?"
(May 16, 08, 6:49 a.m.)
Mark 6:7-11:"Where
are you S.T.A.Y.I.N.G in your life?"
(May 17, 08, 8:38 a.m.)
Mark 6:12-13:
"How is your spiritual
H.E.A.L.T.H in your life?"
(May 20, 08, 7:41 a.m.)
Mark 6:12-14:
"What have people H.E.A.R.D
about Jesus through you?"
(May 21, 08, 8:36 a.m.)
Mark 6:14-16:
"What do you T.H.I.N.K about
(May 22, 08, 10:02 a.m.)