Do you swing back and forth between guilty passivity before God and exhausting activity for God? You're not alone. This pattern is familiar to many Christians who struggle with discipleship every day. In The Discipline of Surrender pastor Douglas Webster will help you grapple with and move beyond this frustrating--and false--dilemma. Here he shows how Christian discipleship brings together the vitality of discipline and the peace of a continuing surrender to the initiative of God. Drawing your attention to rich images used throughout the Bible, Webster shows how they illuminate the heart and soul of life in Christ. Images of altar and lamb, thorn and trumpet, farmer's yoke and shepherd's staff powerfully convey the pattern of your life as God's disciple. Images such as towel and basin, manna and donkey humbly serve as God's object lessons--capturing your prayerful imagination and propelling you toward a life of courage, humility and flat-out dependence on God. Profound and practical, The Discipline of Surrender opens a new window on your experience of Christian discipleship. Here is a deeper, richer and biblically sound resource for your spiritual nourishment.