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March 2002 |
NEWS Pitt cheerleaders and dance team rock the Fitzerald Fieldhouse Panthers celebrate Big East West Championship at the Fieldhouse Controversy arises for SGB, Delta Tau Delta, and Rainbow Alliance Students participated in different activities near the cafeterias Bread for the world promotes hunger awareness Habitat for humanity fundraises with creativity IMPRESSIONS Editorial: SGB's board appointment raises questions The sinfulness of homosexuality is up for debate! Principles of oppression hurt society Israel: Whose land is it anyway? "Mi casa es su casa": My home is your home One man's sorrow should not be another's joy. Play the NCAA Tournament contest to win money ENTERTAINMENT Review of Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand Hip-hopper KRS-One once again comes to Pitt SPORTS Pitt finishes at the Fieldhouse with firepower Knight and Howland receive Big East honors EXPRESSIONS Jubilee Afrikana rocks the Hilton Hotel in Downtown Only the right antidote can protect your life There is evidence to support Christ's resurrection Mannafest conference helps rock the Holiday Inn in Ohio Some of God's Children choir rocks the William Pitt Union SPECIAL FEATURE Gospel revealed through semantics and word play In remembrance of 'Good Friday', the top 25 student responses to 'Loving the world God...' God's love is alphabetically revealed in random languages Students reflect on the cross through poetry
There is evidence to support Christ’s resurrectionJeff Jasko Pittsburgh
Considering that the New
Testament (NT) is the source of many Christians’ belief in the life and
supposed resurrection of Jesus, it seems logical to start our search there.
However, an immediate question is, “Why should we believe what the NT
says?” In order to answer that,
we must examine its historical reliability. When examining the
reliability of any ancient document, an important test to consider is the
bibliographic test, which determines the quantity of manuscripts and also the
time span between the original documents and our earliest copies.
The more copies, the better able we are to work back to the original.
The closer the time span between the copies and the original, the less
likely it is that serious textual error has crept in.
Although space does not permit me to include the evidences in this
article, any reputable historian would attest to the fact that the NT has
stronger bibliographic support than any classical literature – including
Homer, Tacitus, Pliny, and Aristotle according to ‘Is the New Testament
Reliable?’ by Paul Barnett (Intervarsity Press). If in fact the NT is historically reliable, then it logically follows that Jesus is an historical figure since it clearly speaks of him as such. In fact, the Encyclopedia Britannica commits over 20,000 words to Jesus, and says with respect to his historicity that it was not until the end of the 18th century that it was disputed for the very first time - and that on inadequate grounds. However,
even if the NT is reliable and Jesus is historical, are these reasons to believe
in his resurrection? After all, if
Jesus did not rise from the dead, then millions of people have put their faith
in him in vain. However, if Jesus
in fact rose in support of his claims to deity then he is indeed worthy of our
praise. Christianity literally
lives or dies at Christ’s resurrection. The
remainder of this article will be largely adapted from the first several
chapters of Resurrection, a book by Hank Hanegraaff, the president of the
Christian Research Institute. In it
he uses the acronym F-E-A-T to discuss some of the evidences supporting the
historicity of the resurrection: Fatal
torment, Empty tomb, Appearances, and Transformation. Fatal
The crucifixion of Jesus is one of the most well established facts of
ancient history. There is a virtual
consensus among liberal and conservative New Testament scholars that Christ died
on the cross, that he was buried in the tomb of Joseph of Aritmathea, and that
his death drove his disciples to despair. The
best medical minds of ancient and modern times have demonstrated through
scientific evidences that Jesus’ trauma was fatal.
After being arrested by the temple guard, Christ was brought before
Caiaphas the High Priest, and there he was mocked, beaten, and spat upon.
The next morning Jesus was led into the Praetorian and subjected to a
Roman flogging, during which he was struck 39 times with a whip containing razor
sharp bones and lead balls. The
soldiers pressed a crown of sharp thorns into his scalp and thrust a heavy
wooden beam upon his critically wounded body.
At Golgotha (which means “the place of the skull”), Jesus experienced
ultimate physical torture in the form of the cross.
The Roman system of crucifixion had been finely tuned to produce maximum
pain, and the word excruciating (literally “out of the cross”) had to
be invented to fully describe it. The
Roman soldiers drove thick seven-inch iron spikes through Christ’s wrists and
feet, and Jesus began to die of asphyxiation and significant blood loss.
After his death, a Roman legionnaire thrust his spear through the fifth
interspace between the ribs, upward through the pericardium, and into Jesus’
heart. Immediately, there rushed
forth blood and water, demonstrating conclusively that Christ had suffered fatal
torment. Empty tomb: The late liberal scholar John A.T. Robinson of Cambridge
conceded that the burial of Jesus “is one of the earliest and best-attested
facts about Jesus.” This
statement is based on several sound arguments.
First, as mentioned earlier, both liberal and conservative NT scholars
agree that Jesus’ body was buried in the private tomb of Joseph of Arithmathea.
Christian scholar William Lane Craig underscores this fact by explaining
that: (1) Joseph of Arithmathea, as a member of the Jewish court that condemned
Jesus, is unlikely to be a Christian invention; Christ’s early disciples would
not have attributed such a respectable act to a member of this group if it was
not factual; (2) no competing burial story exists; (3) the account of Jesus’
entombment is substantiated by Mark’s gospel and is, therefore, far too early
to have been the subject of legendary corruption.
Furthermore, in ty, women had low social
status and their testimonies had very limited legal validity.
Therefore, if the empty tomb story were simply legendary, women would not
have been featured as the initial discoverers of this dubious event.
The fact that they were, presents strong evidence that the four gospel
writers faithfully recorded what actually happened. Finally, the earliest Jewish
response to the resurrection presupposes the empty tomb.
Instead of denying that the tomb was empty, the enemies of Christ accused
his disciples of stealing the body. Appearances:
In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul exudes confidence in the
post-resurrection appearances of Christ: “For
what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for
our sins according to the Scriptures [the Old Testament], that he was raised on
the third day . . . that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve
[apostles]. After that, he appeared to
more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of who are still
living, though some have fallen asleep. Then
he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all to me also.”
(1 Corinthians 15:3-8) According to
a great majority of scholars, Paul is reiterating an early creed that can be
dated to within three to eight years of the crucifixion itself.
The historian Gary Habermas states that this creed is not only early, but
it is also free from legendary contamination, unambiguous and specific, and
ultimately rooted in eyewitness accounts. In addition, Peter, Paul, and
the rest of the apostles claimed that Christ appeared to hundreds of people who
were alive and available for cross-examination. “In conclusion,either the
resurrection is a gargantuan fraud or the greatest feat in human history” The appearances could not
have been mere hallucinations because they were too numerous and occurred over a
long period of time to people who had no expectation of them; these conditions
are the exact opposite of those characteristic of hallucinations. Transformation:
Only a few days after Jesus’ death, the apostles began eagerly
proclaiming their faith in him. In
fact, eleven out of the twelve apostles went to their deaths proclaiming him to
be the risen Messiah. Since they were eyewitnesses
and thereby able to investigate whether or not he actually rose from the dead,
they would not have willingly gone to their deaths for the sake of a lie.
Moreover, Paul was
transformed from a ceaseless persecutor of Christians to the chief apostle to
the Gentiles. Within weeks of the
resurrection, entire communities of at least ten thousand Jews were willing to
give up the very sociological and theological traditions that had given them
their national identity.
In conclusion, either the
resurrection is a gargantuan fraud or the greatest feat in human history.
As the apostle Paul explains,
“If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith
. . . for we testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead.
But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised.
For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you
are still in your sins.” (1 Corinthians 15:14-17).
However, if Jesus did rise
from the dead, then his many claims about himself are verified, including: his
equality with God (Mark 14:61-64; John 8:58,17:5; Revelation 1:17); his power to
raise and judge the dead (John 5:21,25,29); his ability to forgive sins (Mark
2:5-11); and his claim that no one comes to God the Father except through him
(John 14:6). It is not enough to know the
historicity of the resurrection, but it is also necessary to understand its
importance: on the cross Christ
bore the sin and suffering of all humanity and through his resurrection he
triumphed over evil (Colossians 2:14). Jesus
makes it very clear that anyone who accepts him as Lord will have eternal life
(John 3:16-17). I urge anyone who has not yet accepted Christ as Savior and Lord to investigate the evidences supporting Christianity. It is not a blind leap of faith but rather a faith firmly grounded in history and science. Everyone has to make a choice; may your search guide you to the correct one. |