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Text Box: I'm putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between Me and the Earth. (Gen. 9:13, The Message)



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Posted  on  Oct 19, 2008 at 8:52 p.m. EST



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“McCain Meets Messiah's Message Upholding Unborn Over Obama!

By Ramesh C.Reddy
Pittsburgh Standard

October 19, 2008

Right now this series will show you why presidential candidate Sen. John Sydney McCain meets Messiah's message compared to Sen. Barack Hussein Obama when it comes to upholding the rights of the unborn and fighting on issues that matter to you.  

God is the Author of Life and no one has the right to take the life of the unborn and McCain understands that as will be shown after God's Word shows how important it is to protect the life of the unborn.

"The Lord hates hands that shed innocent blood." (Proverbs 6:16-17, NIV)

The life of a child inside the women’s womb is so precious to the Lord that it was addressed in the Torah by Moses.

"If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.” (Exodus 21:22-25, NIV)

These verses also imply about the importance of the unborn baby’s life. The unborn baby’s life is so valued too that a life is to be given for a life that is taken.

Followers of Christ and those who love and care for the rights of the unborn even if they are not a follower of Christ, should give their vote to those who will try to make a difference for the unborn in government.

McCain is the only candidate of a major party that shows that he wants to protect the life of the unborn because they have rights too while Obama is intent on taking those rights away if he becomes president and has been branded as the 'the most pro-abortion presidential candidate in American history.'

According to the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation quarterly newspaper, (http://www.paprolife.org), Obama promised Planned Parenthood (PP), the nation's largest abortion provider, "The first thing I'd do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act" (PPLF, p.4), while McCain promised the members of the National Right to Life Convention 2008, "I AM PRO-LIFE, because I know what it is like, to live without human rights, where human life is accorded no inherent value. And I know I have a personal obligation to advocate human rights wherever they are denied..., and in our own country, when we fail to respect the inherent dignity of all human life, born or unborn. That is a personal testament, which you need not take on faith. You need only to examine my public record, to know that I won't change my position" (PPLF, p. 3).  

Of all the things a president should be focused on, Obama will be focused on the death of the unborn while McCain is focused on the human rights of others including the unborn.

Obama said his first and main priority is to sign the 'Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA)' which he co-sponsored as a Senator that ensures insurmountable deaths for the unborn and yet he wants you and I to believe he is for the reducing of abortions in America. If anything FOCA'S intent will be the opposite.

National Right to Life's Political Director  Karen Cross indicates the stakes are particularly high in this election and states, "If Senator Barack Obama becomes President of the United States, hundreds of thousands more unborn children will likely die each year" (PPLF, p.4).

Is that what Obama wants to call reducing abortions?

The Main Stream Media (MSM), will not reveal how radical Obama's views are when it comes to abortion but I intend to show you with the help of PPLF.

According to Denise M. Burke, Vice President and Legal  Director of Americans United For Life, FOCA would have a devastating practical impact in that it would wipe out:

'Waiting periods for abortion'
'Parental consent and notification laws'
'Health and safety regulations for abortion facilities'
'Bans on the practice of partial-birth abortion'
'Limits on taxpayer funding of abortion'
'Ending requirements that licensed doctors perform abortions'
'Bans on abortion after viability (the point when a child can live outside the mother's womb)'
'Ending limits on the use of public hospitals for abortions.'
'Legal protection for individual health care providers who decline to take part in abortions.'
'Legal protection for religious-affiliated hospitals, such as Catholic hospitals that refuse to allow abortions at their facilities.'
'Ending years of progress made in protecting women and their children' (PPLF, p.4)

This is what an Obama presidency will give for the unborn because he has promised Planned Parenthood, 'FOCA' which they will be extremely proud of when signed.

Planned Parenthood, has stated, "FOCA will supersede anti-choice (sic) laws that restrict the right to choose (abortion), including laws that prohibit the public funding of abortions for poor women or counseling and referrals for abortion. Additionally, FOCA will protect (against) onerous (sic) restrictions on a women's right to choose (abortion), such as mandated delays and medically unnecessary regulations" (PPLF, p. 4).

Obama's desire to see abortion continue and continue are reflected in his record which is so sad.

Obama voted against the Induced Infant Liability Act, an Illinois state bill addressing the medical treatment to be given to infants who miraculously survive late-term abortions. (PPLF, p. 3)

Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act which even many of the most liberal and staunch Pro-Choice senators voted for.

The reason Obama voted against these Acts was his reasoning as a lawyer that if he did vote to preserve the infants life outside the womb then he will basically be voting for a bill that would eventually overturn Roe. v. Wade. His comments regarding this issue are archived on the internet.

Obama voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Act which outlaws late term abortions.

According to PPLF, when the U.S. Supreme Court upheld this law in Gonzales v. Carhart in 2007, Obama described this case by saying, "I am extremely concerned that [Gonzales v. Carhart] will embolden state legislatures to enact further measures to restrict a woman's right to choose, and that the conservative Supreme Court justices will look for other opportunities to erode Roe v. Wade" (PPLF, p.3)

It is not surprising that Obama did not want the Induced Infant Liability Act and Born Alive Infant Protection Act to pass.

Obama will force the taxpayers to fund abortion. His campaign has stated that he "does not support" the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion through the Medicaid program, etc.

Obama does not care for parents to be notified if a child wants to have an abortion and voted to block a bill that would have required doctors who perform abortions to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state.

Yet, he wants you and me to believe that he wants to reduce abortions as president.

If anything according to David O'Steen, executive director of National Right to Life, "Based on his [Obama's] record he appears to be the most pro-abortion candidate to ever seek the Presidency. It's hard to be more pro-abortion than Hillary Clinton. but he seems to have managed to do that" (PPLF, p.4)

In the Bible verse above we read, ‘and the court allows’ which gives power to the courts.

Whoever wins this election, probably will get to appoint Supreme Court Justices to fill vacancies that occur. The candidate we vote for will determine what kind of Supreme Court Justices we will have who will play a major role in the abortion legal fight. There are those who believe that abortion should not be legislated but we see in Exodus, the seriousness of injury to the unborn too!

Please join me in voting for McCain-Palin 08 who are Pro-Life and have consistently showed that by their actions.

I believe helping to save the lives of innocent unborn is one of the best things we can do in this election more than trying to save our economy. God can take care of the economy for us as we continue to fight for the unborn and moral issues even if the situation right now looks bleak.

Only McCain  can help make that a reality because Obama is so Pro-Choice we may as well call him Dr. Death.

Abortion is not just a biblical issue but according to http://www.probe.org/site/c.fdKEIMNsEoG/b.4217827/, there are medical, legal, and philosophical arguments against abortion too.

Abortions may not directly affect you and me unless we know of someone who has had an abortion but it is not about us and should not be about us.

Let us be a voice for the innocent blood of babies that cry out because they are being slaughtered without being brought into this world. Only one presidential candidate will uphold this biblical value of valuing the precious life of an unborn and it is John McCain.

But, how can we base our entire vote on one issue you may be thinking?

This is a major issue that affects the life of the unborn. Hypothetically imagine the issue becomes persecution of followers of Christ.

Hypothetically, if one candidate was willing to persecute Christians, even if you agreed with that candidate on all the other issues he wanted to implement, are you going to give him your vote?

We have Obama who does not seem to mind if the unborn are persecuted to death the way he has voted. The unborn cannot fight for themselves and need you to fight for them.

If you are for the life of the unborn, please make your vote count this Nov 04, 2008 for McCain-Palin who do not want to see the unborn slaughtered even if you have issues with other non-moral issues.  I believe when we are for moral issues that are biblical, all the other things will fall in place.

This however does not mean the other issues do not mean much but there are issues that should be at the forefront that are asking for our vote. The candidates’ stance on abortion is a major issue for me and hope it is for you too.

Abortion deals with the unborn.  According to Psalm 139 which I call the 'Birthday Psalm', the Lord is He who forms our body and it is not up to any politician or doctor to kill the body that has been formed.

The Lord has given us His Word as our instruction manual to live our lives. We need to breathe in the Word of God and let it become a daily part of our lives as breathing is. As we follow the Word of God, we will live eternally with Jesus Christ!

The caring for the unborn is so crucial because God is the one that created them inside a mother's womb with lifeblood.

 “And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man. "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.” (Genesis 9:5-6, NIV)

 In this verse, the Lord tells Noah, ‘I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man.’

 I thought about what is considered ‘life of his fellow man’?

 A life of his fellow being is what came to mind. A being is someone in existence. To be in existence there has to be a conception first.

God will demand an accounting for harming that ‘someone in existence whose life has begun at conception by God's initiation (Genesis 9:5-6 & Psalm 139)’.

Premise 1 is ‘Someone in existence.’

Premise 2 is ‘Life begins at conception.’

Since life begins at conception and someone in existence is considered to be life then the unborn who are allowed to grow inside the mother’s womb without any harm coming to them will be a living being inside and outside the mother’s womb.

 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalm 139:13-16, NIV)

To kill a living being inside a mother’s womb or outside a mother’s womb is considered ‘shedding the blood’ of a living being.

Have you ever seen an abortion performed or a botched abortion?

Have you ever seen how much blood of the unborn is shed everyday?

When Cain murdered Abel, God demanded an answer from Cain but God had not given the law yet but expected Cain to know ‘the taking of a life’ is wrong.

“Then the LORD said to Cain, ‘Where is your brother Abel?’ ‘I don't know,’ he replied. ‘Am I my brother's keeper?’ ‘The LORD said, ‘What have you done? Listen! Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand.’ (Genesis 4:9-11)

How many doctors have stained their hands with the innocent blood of the unborn! Their blood cries out but it is too late for them. But it is not too late for those who are about to be aborted if we can intervene.

Abort means to terminate, call off, put an end, cancel, abandon, call a halt, and stop midstream.

This is what doctors are doing to the life of the unborn like they were trash being pulled from a mother’s womb and thrown out.

Rather than thinking there is nothing we can do, the Lord has given us a voice for the unborn. Many times that voice has to be used in legislation but for legislation to work and come up, we need to put the right people in office for that legislation to come up.

Right now among McCain and Obama, McCain is the only candidate that has spoken consistently about promoting ‘a culture of life’ and being there for the cries of the unborn by his Pro-Life voting record. McCain has already voted for legislation that recognizes the life of the unborn but more needs to be done.

When Obama states that McCain voted 95% of the time with Bush, he does not tell you that some of these votes involved protecting the life of the unborn.

According to PPLF, "In 2002, President George W. Bush signed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, ensuring that every infant born alive, including those who had survived abortion, would be considered persons under federal law. This law was designed to bring to an end the heinous practice of letting infants die in hospitals following an abortion procedure. The legislation was an antidote to the culture of death mindset that has infiltrated some medical facilities" (PPLF, p.7)

President Bush whether you love him or hate him stated, "Today, through sonograms and other technology, we can see clearly that unborn children are members of the human family, as well. The Born Alive Infants Protection Act is a step toward the day when every child is welcomed and protected in law. It is a step toward the day when the promises of the Declaration of Independence will apply to everyone, not just those with the voice and power to defend their rights" (PPLF, p.7)

McCain voted for the Born Alive Infants Protection Act which Obama voted against four times so please don't believe him when he says he wants to reduce abortions. One time he was the only member of the Illinois Senate to speak out against a state bill called the 'Infant Liability Induced Act'

Let his commitment be questioned when  it is not based on the credibility of his record.

According to PPLF, "In 2004, President Bush signed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which provided that under federal law, any person who causes death or injury to an unborn child should be charged with a separate offense, in addition to any charges related to the mother. The bill was also known as Laci and Conner's Law" (PPLF, p.7)

President Bush has stated, "His little soul never saw light, but he was loved, and he is remembered. And his name is forever joined with that of his mom in this statute, which is also known as Laci  and Conner's Law. All who knew Laci Peterson have mourned two deaths, and the law cannot look away and pretend there is just one."

Once again McCain voted for the Unborn Victims of Violence Act while Obama would have voted against this law too since he  voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

The sad thing is Obama does not want to even admit when life begins but dodged the issue at the Saddleback's Civil Forum on the Presidency moderated by Pastor Rick Warren of the mega-church Saddleback.

When Rev. Warren asked the question, "Now, let’s deal with abortion; 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. As a pastor, I have to deal with this all of the time, all of the pain and all of the conflicts. I know this is a very complex issue. Forty million abortions, at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?"

Obama's response was, "Well, you know, I think that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade."

McCain's response was, "At the moment of conception. (APPLAUSE). I have a 25-year pro-life record in the Congress, in the Senate. And as president of the United States, I will be a Pro-Life president. And this presidency will have Pro-Life policies. That’s my commitment. That’s my commitment to you."

When it comes to the life of the unborn, having McCain in the White House could bring us a little closer to having Roe v. Wade overturned. The next president is more than likely to appoint at least two Supreme Court Justices. If we have McCain in office, it is possible that Roe v. Wade can be overturned in the future or all the Pro-Life progress we have made can continue. This is why too so many people are anti-McCain and anti-Palin rather than for Obama.

According to the PPLF, "The Pro-Life  progress we've enjoyed over the last decade proves one thing: having a Pro-Life President and a Pro-Life Congress can make a tremendous difference in public policies regarding life issues" (PPLF, p.7)

 McCain has sided with Bush on many issues but before judging McCain for siding with Bush, look at the policies McCain voted with Bush to save the life of the unborn.

As followers of Christ, rather than voting for Obama, let us vote to value the life of the unborn by voting for McCain.

As we have seen from the quotes in PPLF, a Pro-Life president does make a huge difference and has already made a huge difference.

We are in danger of losing the Congress to a Pro-Choice majority and if the presidency is given to a Pro-Choice president like Obama, his first promise will be to enact into law FOCA which will increase the destruction of the unborn and not reduce abortions.

Even if we do not agree with McCain on many issues, let us agree that the life of the unborn is worth saving. Our vote can be for the life of the unborn even if it is not for McCain by voting for McCain. I like to think that I am voting for the innocent life of the unborn to have a future. For that to happen, the presidential candidate that comes closer to making that a reality is McCain.

“Have nothing to do with a false charge and do not put an innocent or honest person to death, for I will not acquit the guilty.” (Exodus 23:7, NIV)

Yes, the economy is bad and we want to vote our pocketbooks but let our strength be in the Lord and vote to protect the unborn.

"If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength! Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, "But we knew nothing about this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?  Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?" (Proverbs 24:10-12, NLT)

Let us not put another innocent life to death by voting for Obama. We need to pray and do our part in this election seeking the Lord and going out in prayer. For me I feel that there are some clear cut things. Saving the life of the innocent unborn is the most important thing because first of all they have been formed by God and what God made we have no right to destroy if it goes against God’s Word.

“Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.” (Leviticus 18:21, NIV)

“If the people of the community close their eyes when that man gives one of his children to Molech and they fail to put him to death, I will set my face against that man and his family and will cut off from their people both him and all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molech.” (Leviticus 20:4-5, NIV)

The Lord wanted the ‘people of the community’ not to close their eyes when their children were given to the Ammonite deity Molech for child sacrifice. The Lord wants the people of the community to stand up to anyone who are responsible for the sacrifice of children.

As followers of Christ we are a community of believers and we need to stand up for the rights of the unborn.

Whether people like to acknowledge it or not, abortion is the sacrifice of the unborn to the deity of convenience majority of the time. As followers of Christ, we should open our eyes for the life of the unborn by voting McCain-Palin into office and waiting on the Lord.

By voting for Obama or not voting at all, Obama may come into office and it could hurt the unborn who already have become a casualty of 40 million. In those days sacrifice to Molech continued until the right king came along.

"He [King Josiah] desecrated Topheth, which was in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, so no one could use it to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire to Molech.” (2 Kings 23:10, NIV)

 "If anyone takes the life of a human being, he must be put to death.” (Leviticus 24:17, NIV)

In the Ten Commandments, the first four commandments deal with our vertical relationship with the Lord but the next six commandments deal with our horizontal relationship with mankind. Of those six commandments, the first commandment to start out with ‘Thou shall not’ has to do with murder.

I believe when the opportunity arises, McCain will protect the life of the unborn if he is in office. All the laws that have been passed to protect the unborn could be repealed if Obama gets into office because he will probably have a free pass with the Congress.

I do not vote for McCain for my sake but for the sake of the unborn as I trust in the Lord. I love a poem called ‘God and the Baby’ written by a Pitt student.

Please join me in voting for McCain-Palin 2008 this November 04, 2008

The next issue to be addressed will be GAY MARRIAGE.


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Nov 01, 1941 - Dec 17, 2007

PSelectcision 2008:

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