The Cheerleaders did not lose their cool
Instead used their moves as their tool
To try to give them a cheer
Because losing the game was a possible fear
Now the Dance Team came near
And tried to cheer up the fans
With their cool dance
Through the hot noon
Even though a loss was about to come soon!
Both squads tried doing their part
Trying to light up a cheer in every Panther heart!
can only do so much on their part
there is One who wants to forever light your heart
If you
will only give Him a start
Christ is His Name
For you
and me from Heaven He came
To give
you Eternal Life
And help
you overcome Satan’s strife
Now with
Jesus, you can testify to unconditional love
comes from Heaven above!
You will
see what unconditional love has done
When you
allow Jesus to your life run!
May the
Lord give you His Peace
As you
call upon Him on your knees!