Editors Note: HOTPRESSIONS is a section that rebuts Pitt News
columnists. The description can be found under
Our Coverage
When I read Giles Howard's Pitt News column titled, 'Palin best
female VP candidate from Alaska', I was actually very impressed that the
Pitt News actually printed a column from a supporter of Gov. Sarah Palin
but I was very cautious because I said to myself this is the Pitt News
we are talking about. This is the paper that has been hailed as the
leftist-liberal paper on campus and has letters to the editor published
in its own newspaper.
I quote from the Pitt News' letter to the editor written this summer
by Jordan Carr which states, "Something I've wanted to tell you
guys for a while is how everything and every opinion in the paper is
completely liberal. That doesn't represent all Pitt students' opinions.
I happen to be extremely conservative along with many of my friends here
at Pitt, and it's a rare day that I can read something in your paper
that I can even remotely agree with. An educated person can display both
sides of an issue. It is a close-minded fool that can only see things
one way and feels that they need to tell people how to think instead of
presenting the news on an even keel. I would greatly appreciate the
conservative side of things better expressed in your paper. "
Pitt News, you did not disappoint and held to your standards
especially when it comes to mocking the God of the Christian faith.
When have we recently seen the Pitt News ever publish any articles
mocking any other religion than Christianity or those who espouse to
Christian beliefs?
We will not but the Pitt News should be careful and prudent not to
attack the Christian faith either.
Mr. Howard, I will definitely keep you in prayer because God does
love you and has a plan for your life regardless of your view of God.
I was hoping to give KUDOS to the Pitt News and complement them on
their selection of this column but all I got was more distaste for the
Pitt News after I read it. I still read it just as those who do not
agree with Pittsburgh Standard continue to read it to get the other
So, for fair and balanced news, continue to read the Pitt News if you
want LEFT NEWS and the Pittsburgh Standard if you want RIGHT NEWS during
this election year.
As an Evangelical Christian, I am ecstatic to support John McCain &
Governor Sarah Palin and very disappointed in this column.
I am especially happy to have http://www.PittBriefly.com and
as alternatives to the Pitt News.
Our PS editorial board has approved an editorial 12-1 in favor of
Gov. Palin which is not deception, sarcastic, and mocking those of the
Christian faith unlike Giles Howard's. It is called 'Palin's Pick
Promotes Party Praise!'
"We are extremely excited that Republican presidential nominee Sen.
John McCain has Alaska's Gov. Sarah Palin on his ticket as his
vice-presidential nominee. She has definitely energized the Evangelical
Conservative Christian base of the Republican party.
Before her pick was announced, religious conservatives were fearing that
McCain would pick his long time friend and Vietnam veteran Tom Ridge, a
former Pennsylvania Governor and Director of Homeland Security or his
good friend and supporter Joe Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut
who both are Pro-Choice.
This would have devastated the Evangelical Conservative Christians who
in good conscience would not have been able to support McCain
wholeheartedly if the hot button issues of abortion and gay marriage
were issues they were most passionate about to fight for if McCain had
gone for a vice-presidential nominee who is Pro-Choice and Pro-Gay
The energy level of the base of the Republican Party to go out and
volunteer for McCain and support him would have been highly depleted. It
could have also kept many Evangelicals at home becoming disenfranchised
with both parties and politics remembering how McCain not only picked
Pro-Choice candidates to his platform but also shunned the endorsement
of Evangelical pastor and passionate supporter of Israel, the Rev. John Hagee.
McCain’s maverick style did what no one expected except a very few close
advisors. McCain bypassed Ridge, Lieberman, and others the media
expected to be on his short list and chose a woman but not any woman.
He chose a woman who is Evangelical in her beliefs when it comes to the
Bible rallying the Evangelical base of voters who were either dormant or
disenfranchised with McCain. Their disenfranchisement had shown during
the primaries when a segment of voters still voted for former
Evangelical pastor and Gov. Mike Huckabee rather than support McCain
even though they knew Huckabee could not get the nomination.
Now after his surprising pick of Palin, a loving wife and mother of five
children who managed to also be the Mayor of Wasilla in Alaska and its
current governor with an approval rating of 80%, McCain’s donations had
increased 3-fold on the day of his pick. When McCain could not attract
crowds of more than 2,000, Palin brought in so many others to McCain-Palin
rallies that sometimes there was no room that people had to be turned
Palin is not only Pro-Life by words but by actions reflected in her own
life when she found out that she and her husband were going to have a
baby with Down Syndrome! She chose life to bring the baby into this
Being an Evangelical Christian, she could have remembered the words
of the Psalmist in 139:13-18 which says, “For you
created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I
praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are
wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when
I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths
of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for
me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious
to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to
count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am
still with you.”
Palin has lived out her Pro-Life beliefs in her own life by having the
baby with Down Syndrome. This is not to say that all Pro-Choice women
will abort babies if they find out that their baby has Down Syndrome but
it does say that Palin has lived her Pro-Life beliefs for the sanctity
of life for the unborn.
It also shows us that McCain is serious about being a Pro-Life
president when he said, ‘I will be your Pro-Life president’ at the
Saddleback Forum moderated by Evangelical pastor Rev. Rick Warren of the mega-church
Saddleback in California.
McCain once again true to his word came out with flying colors on the
pick of Palin who strongly speaks out for the Pro-Life cause as governor
of Alaska and as a mom. The issue came to the forefront of the
Republican convention when it was found out that her daughter became
We are glad that Evangelical Conservative Christians did not abandon
Palin or the McCain ticket after finding out that her daughter became
pregnant out of wedlock. Evangelical Christians would be familiar with
the saying of Jesus, ‘He who has no sin cast the
first stone.’
We are glad that the mainstream media’s (MSM) smear and tear campaign
against Palin and her family has backfired and generated more interest
in the McCain-Palin ticket. When Palin and her family were going through
the smear and tear from liberal media posts, she may have remembered the
words in the Bible that say, "What the enemy meant
for evil, God can turn it out for good"
This has happened since the attacks on her by propelling talks of sexism
against the MSM making more women come to her defense including
Democratic strategist Kirsten Powers who does not agree with her
policies supporting the sanctity of life and sanctity of marriage but
values her as a woman who can not only have a career in politics but be
a loving wife and mom to her husband and children.
Palin’s amazing speech at the Republican Convention was received and
watched by more than 37 million households which is unprecedented for a
vice-presidential nominees speech.
Palin’s demeanor and attractiveness have attributed people to call her
’Ronald Reagan in a dress’ which is an exceptional compliment to her as
a governor, mother of 5, and vice-presidential nominee because she does
inspire with her speeches drawing crowds to rallies that McCain could
never do on his own like Reagan had done.
Since the McCain-Palin announcement and the Republican convention where
Palin electrified the crowds giving McCain a tough act to follow, the
McCain-Palin ticket has gained such a momentum taking leads in the
national polls for the first time in a long time.
Those who believe that the Evangelical Conservative Christian base will
abandon the McCain-Palin ticket because there are those that believe a
woman’s place is in the home are mistaken because God can use women
leaders to make an impact in this world just as God has used men leaders
to make an impact throughout Scripture.
God chose Deborah as a judge of Israel. We hope God would be pleased
to choose McCain-Palin into the White House and we can be His
instruments to make that happen.
We hope the citizens of the United States would be proud to choose Palin
as the first and next vice-president of the United States regardless of
their political affiliation, their political views, or unaffiliated
voters who can find a champion in McCain-Palin.
We encourage you to hear Palin speak at a rally in Washington, PA before
her electrifying speech at the Republican convention by clicking on her

Palin strongly believes that McCain is the right person for the job at
the right time and both of them will put ‘Country First’ over bickering
politics and Washington mishaps.
It is exciting to have a ticket to rally upon and we ask you to join us
in supporting the McCain-Palin ticket into the White House.
Photo by Ramesh C. Reddy
We have never hid the fact that we support McCain for the presidency of
the United States who has shown his fight on many issues including the
Pro-Life cause by choosing Palin.
Sen. Barack Obama who responded to the question of ‘When does a baby get
human rights?’ with the response ‘Well, uh, you know, I think
that whether you’re looking at it from a theological perspective or, uh,
a scientific perspective, uh, answering that question with specificity,
uh, you know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade.”, did not even
answer when life begins but dodged the question.
As an Evangelical Christian, Palin would definitely disagree with his
statement knowing that Psalm 139 is clear when life begins and when a
baby does have rights.
We are tremendously excited that Palin's position on abortion puts
not only the Evangelical bloc of voters in play but our brothers and
sisters in Christ in the Catholic voting bloc who are also energized.
We also believe Palin has more experience in making executive decisions by
being governor of Alaska than Sen. Barack Obama has had in his entire
career including his days in the senate as the Democratic presidential
We ask you to vote for McCain-Palin ticket this November and promote
their candidacy with us."